1200字范文 > 粪便DNA faecal DNA英语短句 例句大全

粪便DNA faecal DNA英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-24 02:13:41


粪便DNA faecal DNA英语短句 例句大全

粪便DNA,faecal DNA

1)faecal DNA粪便DNA

1.Black Muntjac Faecal DNA Extraction Techniques in PCR Reaction;黑麂粪便DNA提取及其PCR检测

2.Using our lab s improved protocol forfaecal DNA extraction,the entire 753 bp DNA coding sequence of the nuclear brain-derived neurotrophic factor(BDNF) gene was cloned for the first time from Asiatic Black Bear(Selenarctos thibetanus) faecal samples with primers based on the reported sequence of the Malayan Bear BDNF gene.沿用本室改进的粪便提取方法,参照马来熊BDNF基因序列设计引物,首次从亚洲黑熊粪便DNA中扩增和克隆到包含完整核BDNF基因的753 bp片段,以毛发作阳性对照并进行重复实验,获得稳定一致结果。


1.A preliminary study on the population genetic structure of snow leopard(Unica unica) in Qinghai Province utilizing fecal DNA基于粪便DNA的青海雪豹种群遗传结构初步研究

2.Examination and Comparison of Four Methods on DNA Extraction from the Faeces of Procapra praprzewalskii普氏原羚粪便DNA提取方法的改进与比较

3.The Study on Genetic Diversity of the Roe Deer (Capreolus Capreolus Bedfordi) in the Heilongjiang Province, China Base on Faecal DNA Extract Technique;基于粪便DNA提取技术的黑龙江省地区野生狍遗传多样性研究

4.Stool DNA Methylation Analysis of sFRP1 Gene Promoter in the Diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer;粪便DNA中sFRP1基因启动子甲基化在结直肠癌诊断中的作用

5.Screening Microsatellite Primers and their Application for Individual Identification in Faecal DNA from Procapra praprzewalskii粪便DNA中筛选普氏原羚微卫星引物并应用于个体识别

parison of DNA extraction methods from colorectal cancer patients fecal samples结直肠癌患者粪便细菌DNA提取方法的比较研究

parison of three protocols for extraction of total fecal DNA and identification of Salmonella with real time PCR粪便基因组DNA提取方法比较及在沙门菌定量PCR检测中的应用

8.slops collecting ship粪便(污水)收集船

9.night soil barge粪便(污水)运输船

10.Dr Gill and his team were able to come to this conclusion by extracting bacterial DNA from the faeces of two volunteers.吉尔博士和他的研究小组是通过提取两位志愿者粪便中的细菌DNA后得出这一结论的。

11.The Significance of Detecting Telomerase Activity and Nuclear DNA Quantitative Analysis in Exfoliated Cell in Stool for Diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer;粪便肠脱落细胞端粒酶活性表达及其核DNA含量分析在大肠癌诊断中的意义

12.Evaluation of non-hazardous treatment efficiency of night soil in "three-grille mode" septic tanks三格式化粪池粪便无害化处理的效果

13.nightsoil work administrating system粪便作业的管理系统

14.human excrement used as fertilizer.用作肥料的人的粪便。

15.the excrement of sea birds; used as fertilizer.用作肥料的海鸟粪便。

16.The matter so evacuated.粪便肠排泄出的物体

17.one-stage activated sludge process of nightsoil粪便一段活性污泥处理

18.The remainder is eliminated in the feces.残留物由粪便中排出。


feces DNA粪便DNA

3)stool DNA粪便DNA

1.Progress of Colorectal Cancer Screening by Stool DNA Detection粪便DNA检测筛查大肠癌的进展

2.Along with the development of molecular Biology and gene technology, detecting DNA alterations instool DNA, as a promising noninvasive screening method for CRC, is recommended.随着分子生物学研究进展,技术方法改进,对于CRC,检测粪便DNA中相关改变,作为一种新的无创检查手段,被推荐为最适合于CRC普查。

4)faecal DNA extract粪便DNA提取

5)fecal DNA testing粪便DNA突变检测

1.This paper systematically reviewed genes associated withfecal DNA testing, met.粪便DNA突变检测是新近发展的可用作大肠癌普查的技术,与常规结肠镜检测和大便隐血实验相比,具有特异性高、灵敏度高和易于被患者接受等优点。

6)fecal DNA analysis粪便DNA分析技术

1.Major technical background offecal DNA analysis technology,the application of the technology in species identification,individual identification,sex determination,population investigation,genetic diversity,such as behavioral ecology,and its contribution to wildlife research and disadvantages were reviewed.主要介绍粪便DNA分析技术的建立背景和该技术在物种鉴定,个体识别,性别判定,种群数量调查,遗传多样性,行为生态学等方面的应用以及该技术在野生动物研究中的作用及其局限性。



