1200字范文 > 董事 director英语短句 例句大全

董事 director英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-09 04:19:16


董事 director英语短句 例句大全



1.On Director s Joint liability for Creditor in Public Company;论上市公司董事对公司债权人的连带责任

2.Researching of the mechanism ofdirector s impunity;公司董事法律责任的免责机制问题研究

3.Regulations on conflicting interests transactions betweendirector and corporation;董事与公司间的利益相反交易规制


1.dean (of the Board of Directors)(董事会)组长、资深董事

2.A board of directors, as of a corporation.董事会如公司的董事会

3.The board nominated her as the new director.董事会指定她为新董事.

4.running for the school board.竞选联合校董会董事。

5.chairman of board of directors理事会理事长董事会董事长

6.The Board of directors has a chairman and may have one vice-chairman if necessary.董事会设董事长一人,可以视需要设副董事长。

7.The Board of directors has one chairman and may have one or two vice-chairmen.董事会设董事长一人,可以设副董事长一至二人。

8.Director who attend board meetings, but do not enjoy the full power of a director参加董事会会议但不完全享受董事权力的董事。

9.The Chairman may convene an interim meeting in accordance with a proposal made by one-third of the total number of directors.译:董事长可根据董事会三分之一董事的提议,召集临时董事会议。

10.a token woman on the board of directors.董事会上象征性的女董事;董事会上充场面的女董事。

11.In the case of authorization to the chairman of the board of directors to exercise part of the board of directors power of office when the board of directors is not in session董事会授权董事长在董事会闭会期间行使董事会部分职权的

12.The chairman and deputy chairmen shall be elected by more than half of all the directors.董事长和副董事长由董事会以全体董事的过半数选举产生。

13.The vice president was elevated to president of the company.该公司的副董事长被擢升为董事长。

14.school governorph.1. 【英】校董事,校董事会成员

15.The directors railroaded their chairman into a decision.董事们迫使董事长仓促作出决定。

16.He remained on the board of two companies as nonexecutive director.他仍是两个公司董事会的非执行董事。

17.The vice-president was elevated to president of the company.副董事长升为这个公司的董事长了。

18.Minority of board member opposed the chairman.董事会成员中的少数人反对董事长。



1.Legislative Analysis of Directors and Senior Managers Direct Responsibility for Shareholders;董事、高级管理人员对股东直接责任的立法分析

2.Ownership of Directors, Corporate Governance and Performance: Theory and Experience;董事的持股权、公司治理与绩效:理论与经验

3)board director董事

1.According to "The Direction of the Articles of Listed Company" issued by The China Securities Regulatory Commission in 1997,a legal person is not eligible to be aboard director,which has given rise to a lot of troubles and unnecessary disputes in practise.由于证监会1997年颁布的《上市公司章程指引》明确否认了法人的董事资格,实践中产生了许多不必要的纠纷和争议。

2.In the structure of modern corporate govemance,the ownership and the power of operating are widespread disjunctive,and theboard director s power inflates increasingly.在所有权与经营权普遍分离的现代公司治理结构中,公司董事的权力日益膨胀,与此相应,对董事义务与责任的研究开始引起学界的广泛关注。

4)director [school management committee]董事〔校董会〕

5)board of manager"s理事,董事



董事 董事——董事是股份有限公司中有权参与公司的重大问题决策的董事会成员。董事由股东大会选举或更换,任期由公司章程规定,但每届任期不得超过3年。董事任期届满,连选可以连任。董事在任期届满前,股东大会不得无故解除其职务。
