1200字范文 > 拘留 detention英语短句 例句大全

拘留 detention英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-11 02:48:20


拘留 detention英语短句 例句大全



1.According to the stipulations of current law, the procuratorial supervision, which is applied todetention and arrest by procuratorial organization, is based on restriction mechanism, and the concrete authority to supervise is dispersed in the related departments of the procuratorial organ.根据现行法律的规定,检察机关对拘留、逮捕适用的检察监督是以制约机制为基础的,具体监督权分散于检察机关的有关部门。

2.Criminal laws stipulate thatdetention de bene esse can apply to active criminal.刑事诉讼法规定对现行犯可以适用先行拘留。


1.The act of detaining.扣押,拘留拘留的行为

2.detention:The act of detaining."扣押,拘留:拘留的行为."

3.lay a person under restraint拘束 [羁押,拘留] 某人

4.The act of interning or confining, especially in wartime.拘留特指战争期间拘留或禁闭的行为

paring to the German rules of detention observing the situation of detention of Chidna;从德国拘留规定看我国刑事拘留现状

6.Studies on the Transform from Criminal Custody to Administrative Custody;关于刑事拘留转行政拘留问题的研究

7.Coercive summons, fines or detention must be approved by the president of the people"s court.拘传、罚款、拘留必须经院长批准。

8.custodial sentence; custodial sanction判处监禁,拘留制裁

9.hold sb. prisoner扣押某人,拘留某人

10.Lawyers and Detention Facility Management Section律师和拘留设施管理科

11.The police detained him for questioning.警方对他进行拘留审问.

12.arbitrary and unlawful imprisonment and detentio任意非法地监禁和拘留

13.Jack was taken in for a theft.杰克因偷窃而被拘留。

14.Detention at or during her majesty"s pleasure.随陛下之便的拘留。

15.a detention home青少年罪犯的拘留所

16.Working Group on Arbitrary Detention任意拘留问题工作组

17.persons imprisoned, detained or restricted被监禁、拘留和软禁的人

18.He was run in for being in possession of drugs.他因藏有毒品而被拘留。



3)One who is interned;an internee.拘留犯被拘留者;拘留犯

4)detention for investigation拘留审查

1.This article sorts out the basis of the system ofdetention for investigation in the laws on the entry and exit administration of aliens in our country,analyzes the legal basis of the system ofdetention for investigation,and inspects the definition of the functions of the current system ofdetention for investigation.文章梳理了我国外国人入境出境管理法上拘留审查制度的规范依据,分析了拘留审查制度的正当基础,并对现行拘留审查制度的功能定位进行了考察。

5)administrative detention行政拘留

1.Administrative Detention:Ignored By Rule of Law;行政拘留:被法治遗忘的角落

2.This paper explains the issues such as the fire department of public security as the subject ofadministrative detention,rules concerning it and others problems.行政拘留作为行政处罚中最严厉的处罚,在整治消防安全环境中被公安消防机构广泛适用,发挥了积极作用,笔者就公安消防机构适用行政拘留处罚的主体、依据、适用情形、常见的问题及其原因进行了阐述。

3.Legislation provides for Administrative Detention a system of warrantor and recognizance, other than a hearing system, which is different from other administrative penalties.与其它行政处罚不同,立法没有为行政拘留设置听证程序,而是设计了担保人和保证金制度。

6)false imprisonment错误拘留

1.Definition offalse imprisonment regulated by Law of Criminal Procedure is definitely different from that of criminal compensation.刑事诉讼法中规定的"错误拘留"和刑事赔偿中规定的"错误拘留"的含义是不同的。


