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规训 discipline英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-20 19:02:40


规训 discipline英语短句 例句大全



1.Regulation training from the school looks into the context of students living conditions——on thediscipline of the student survives the circumstances review;学校情境下学生生存境遇研究述评——基于规训理论的视角

2.Teachers profession development in institutes cooperation perspective:analysis of empowerment anddiscipline;院校协作脉络下的教师专业发展:赋权与规训的争拗

3.Discipline and Resistance in School Life;学校生活中的规训与抗拒


1.Discipline:The Art and Strategy of Power in Modern Society;规训:现代社会的权力技术与策略——解读福柯的《规训与惩罚》

2.The Power of Disciplines and Panopticism--On Michel Foucault s Discipline and Punishment;规训的权力与全景敞视主义——论福柯的《规训与惩罚》

3.Having had no formal training,未曾接受过任何正规训练的阿玛尼,

4.Strategic Planning & Training Division策略性规划及培训署

5.undisciplined and unruly.无训练的和不守规矩的。

6.Rules of Smging Training and Conditions Concerned;关于歌唱训练规律和基本状态的训练

7.A sergeant soon knocks new recruits into shape.中士很快就把新兵训练得规规矩矩.

8.The basic Relation of Training Principle and Regulation of Competitive Sports;竞技体育的训练原则与训练规律的基本关系

9.Effect of foresighted consideration training in emergency standard-training nurse急诊规范化护士培训预见性思维培训效果观察

10.The PLA has enforced new military training regulations and strength-ened regularized training.人民解放军施行新一代军事训练法规,加强正规化训练。

11.Sports event and training laws-essence and unity运动项目规律和训练活动规律的实质与统一

12.The boss burned him up for violating the rules again老板训斥他又违犯了规章。

13.Latin American Training Centre on Agricultural Programme Planning拉丁美洲农业方案规划训练中心

14.(military) a prescribed drill in handling a rifle.军事上规定的操作步枪的训练。

15.Article Eleven SEPA formulates the overall plans of the training.第十一条环保总局统筹规划培训工作。

16.regular drill to establish good habits有规则的训练以养成好习惯.

17.International Conference on Gender Training and Development Planning妇女训练和发展规划国际会议

pile, revise training material and working standard.编写,修订,培训质量标准,作业规范等.


training specification培训规程

3)Laws and regulations training法规培训

4)standardized training规范培训

5)training algorithm训练规则

1.This paper proposes a novel highorder associative memory system based on the Discrete Taylor Series(DTSAMS),which includes the interpolation algorithm andtraining algorithm.基于离散泰勒级数提出一种对任意阶多维函数可实现无差逼近的新型联想记忆系统,详细讨论了该系统的插值算法、训练规则及寻址机制。

6)planning of training规划培训


