1200字范文 > 水工混凝土 hydraulic concrete英语短句 例句大全

水工混凝土 hydraulic concrete英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-14 20:50:03


水工混凝土 hydraulic concrete英语短句 例句大全

水工混凝土,hydraulic concrete

1)hydraulic concrete水工混凝土

1.Study on measures to enhance durability ofhydraulic concrete based on PDCA recycle principle;PDCA循环理念提高水工混凝土耐久性措施的研究

2.The material measures on improving the durability ofhydraulic concrete;提高水工混凝土耐久性的材料优化途径

3.Progress ofhydraulic concrete construction technique in China;中国水工混凝土施工技术的进展


1.The application of Silica fume concrete in hydraulic structure erosion treatment硅粉混凝土在水工混凝土剥蚀处理工程中的应用

2.Technical code for design of flyash concrete for hydraulic structures水工混凝土掺用粉煤灰技术规范

3.Technical specification for hydraulic concrete admixtures水工混凝土外加剂技术规程

4.The Application of Fly Ash to Hydraulic Engineering Concrete in Hunan粉煤灰在湖南省水工混凝土中的应用

5.Study on Method of Temperature and Moisture Controlling for Crack Preventing of Hydraulic Concrete;水工混凝土温控和湿控防裂方法研究

6.waterproofing of concrete surface混凝土表面防水工程

7.Construction Technique for RC Buffering Pond Cast in Water in Rainwater Drainage Project雨水排海工程水下混凝土消力池施工

8.Problems existing in concrete construction and solutions for water conservancy project of Guangxi水利水电工程混凝土施工存在的问题

9.The workmen mixed sand, gravel, and cement to make concrete.工人们把沙,石子和水泥混和成混凝土。

10.Application of SKK Water-based Fluoro Coatings in Fair Faced Concrete Walls清水混凝土SKK水性氟透明保护漆施工

11.Code for construction of hydraulic roller compacted concrete水工碾压混凝土施工规范

12.Study on Character and Construction Technology of Hydraulic Pump Concrete;水工泵送混凝土特性及施工技术研究

13.Temperature Cracks Control of Mass Concrete Construction;水工大体积混凝土温度裂缝施工控制

14.Sliding mode cement concrete pavement construction and technology control滑模水泥混凝土路面施工及工艺控制

15.On construction craft of fair-faced concrete and measures of quality guarantee清水混凝土施工工艺及质量保证措施

16.Testing specifications for concrete in water transport engineering水运工程混凝土试验规程

17.Testing methods of concrete for highway engineering公路工程水泥混凝土试验规程

18.Code for construction and acceptance of cement concrete pavement水泥混凝土路面施工及验收规范


hydraulic structure concrete水工混凝土

1.This paper analyses the dissolve erosion destroy of the white scar on the surface ofhydraulic structure concrete which is a kind of concrete dissolve damage occurred by the combining action of the calcium and CO2 in the cement,and the project quality and frost and thaw.分析了水工混凝土表面发生白瘢病的溶蚀破坏是含钙水泥中的钙质和CO2及工程质量和冻融的联合作用下发生的一种混凝土溶蚀破坏问题。

2.The authors of the paper have presented their new views on the correlation of compressive strength and other performance indexes ofhydraulic structure concrete based on a series of normal mix proportion tests, thus providing sound bases for study of diagnosing ageing of hydraulic concrete structure and for establishing an accurate diagnosis mathematic model.本文基于一系列正交配方试验,对水工混凝土的抗压强度和其他性能指标的相关性提出了新的看法,为水工混凝土建筑物老化诊断的研究,建立准确的诊断数字模型提供了依据。

3)Hydraulic engineering concrete水工混凝土

1.Discussion on the causation of the crack and the prevention measureof hydraulic engineering concrete retaining wall;水工混凝土挡土墙裂缝成因及防治措施的探讨

2.In this paper,some performances that included workability,compressive strength,elastic module,drying shrinkage and creep,were tested for hydraulic engineering concrete with and without fly ash or slag.采用对比的方法,实验研究了粉煤灰、矿粉对水工混凝土的工作性、抗压强度、弹性模量、干缩和受压徐变的影响。

3.This paper introduces a method of how to check and handle cracks in hydraulic engineering concrete in the Menxi Reservoir, Xingchang ,Zhejiang.介绍浙江省新昌门溪水库水工混凝土裂缝的检测及处理方法 。

4)underground water-work concrete地下水工混凝土

1.Study plan of durability of theunderground water-work concrete structure and healthy monitoring in the region of collapsed loess;湿陷性黄土地区某地下水工混凝土结构耐久性方案研究及健康监测

5)sluice concrete construction水闸混凝土施工

6)The concrete crack of water conservancy project水工混凝土裂缝


水工混凝土经常或周期性地受环境水作用的水工构筑物所用的混凝土。根据构筑物的大小,可分为大体积混凝土(如大坝混凝土)和一般混凝土。大体积混凝土又分为内部混凝土和外部混凝土。水工混凝土常用于水上、水下和水位变动区等部位。因其用途不同,技术要求也不同:常与环境水相接触时,一般要求具有较好的抗渗性;在寒冷地区、特别是在水位变动区应用时,要求具有较高的抗冻性;与侵蚀性的水相接触时,要求具有良好的耐蚀性;在大体积构筑物中应用时,为防止温度裂缝的出现,要求具有抵热性和低收缩性;在受高速水流冲刷的部位使用时,要求具有抗冲刷、耐磨及抗气蚀性等。水工混凝土是水利工程中,尤其是大型水利工程中最主要的建筑材料。中国近30年来建成的大、中型混凝土闸、坝达数百座,其中有的混凝土用量多达1000万米3以上,如长江的葛洲坝工程和台湾省的德基大坝 (坝高达180米)除此以外,河港、农田水利及地下防水工程中也都大量应用。长期的施工实践证明,在水工混凝土中掺入具有减水、缓凝及增加耐久性的外加剂,如木质素磺酸盐减水剂、糖蜜塑化剂、松香皂引气剂(在有抗冻性要求的地区或部位必须掺入),以及掺入适量的优质掺合料,如粉煤灰等,对改善混凝土拌合物的和易性及提高耐久性都具有明显效果。
