1200字范文 > 价款 cost英语短句 例句大全

价款 cost英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-01 10:47:32


价款 cost英语短句 例句大全



1.The text expounds the important contents and ways of the investigation to the additional projectcost, which includes, modification of the design, on-site visa, technical measure, material reqlace ment and exceed project of the contract.从设计变更、现场签证、技术措施、材料代用、合同外追加部分几个方面详细阐述了工程变更价款审查的重点内容和方法。


1.We"re paying for the television by monthly installments.我们按月分期付款以偿还电视机价款。

2.I have already paid for the book.我已付清此书价款。

3.acceptance of returned goods, or reduction in price or remuneration退货、减少价款或者报酬

4.Bank Certificate of Buyers Ability of Payment支付买船价款银行证明

5.The construction project price shall be paid in priority out of proceeds from the liquidation or auction of the project.建设工程的价款就该工程折价或者拍卖的价款优先受偿。

6.Analysis of the quality evaluation of mining rights price assessment report浅析矿业权价款评估报告的质量评价

parative Study on Items Concerning Price in Domestic and International Typical Text of Civil Engineering Contract for Construction国内外常用施工合同价款条款比较研究

8.money of the day equivalent按付款当日价格计算的等值款额

9.The cashier checked out and bagged my order.收款员计价收款并给我包装了商品

10.No. We just pay the price of something directly without bargaining.不。我们不讲价直接付款。

11.To charge with a debit用记入借方的款项索价

12.ACV = actual cash value付现款的实际的价值

13.at money-of-the-day price按付款当日价格计算

14."indexed, index-linked, index-tied loan"与物价指数挂钩的贷款

15.agreed value clause提单货价赔偿限额条款

16.Evaluating the Quality of Accounts Receivable评价应收账款的质量

17.bargain or wrangle (over a price, terms of an agreement, etc.).讨价还价或争论(就价格、协议条款等)。

18.Loan Pricing System Improvement: A Theoretical Analysis;从贷款定价理论看我国贷款定价体系的完善



1.Modern engineering features large scale, large amount of investment, high technical contents, long construction time period, frequently changing equipment and material prices, and so on.现代工程规模大,投资大,技术含量高,建设周期长,设备材料价格变化快,不确定因素多,诸多因素影响工程结算价款,工程投资控制困难。

3)cost items价款条款

4)price settlement价款结算

1.Worksprice settlement is a very important economic management activity, which leads to direct impact on benefit of the project.工程价款的结算是一项非常重要的经济管理活动,对工程效益产生了最直接的影响,本文从组织措施、正确认识工程价款结算、如何运用合同及相关法律知识并结合实例论述了如何应对工程施工中工程变更,及实施相应的工程索赔,签证等程序,及时合理地办理好工程价款结算。

2.Discussing the judicature explanation aboutprice settlement of invalid contract made by supreme court, the paper points out its shortage and brings forword a settlement method according to fact which should take into account the faulty principle.对最高人民法院司法解释中无效合同工程价款结算方式进行探讨,指出其不足,提出按实结算,并充分考虑过错原则确定工程价款的结算方式。

5)loan value贷款价值

6)alternation payment变更价款


