1200字范文 > 《字汇》 Zihui英语短句 例句大全

《字汇》 Zihui英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-13 13:34:36


《字汇》 Zihui英语短句 例句大全



1.It was revised and enlarged on the base of Zhengzitong which was the supplement ofZihui.它是在《字汇》的增益本《正字通》的基础上经过删繁益简而成。


1.Influence of the Forms of Explaining Word Characters in Vocabulary on Modern Dictionary;《字汇》释字体例对现代字典的影响

2.The correction of Zi Hui by Zheng Zi Tong and the related problems;《正字通》对《字汇》的匡正及存在的问题

3.A lexicon, vocabulary, or dictionary.字典辞典、词汇或字典

4.Digital convergence (storage, replication, distribution)数字汇聚(储存、复制、分布)

5.averages of daily market rates每日市场汇率平均数字

6.He has a large vocabulary in English.他有渊博的英语字汇。

7.One who signs a time draft or bill of exchange.承兑人在定期汇票或汇票上签字的人

8.The government "s figures have a steady Influence on the exchange rate .政府的数字对外汇汇率有稳定影响。

9.His French and English vocabularies are not as large as his German.他的法语及英语字汇不如他的徵兆字汇多。

10.Chinese Ancient Character Culture from the Perspective of the Apperception of Chinese Character "糸";从“糸”字汇的类化看中国古代汉字文化

11.Discriminate the faults from the collected Chinese Characters、interpretation between Zi hui bu and Hah yu da zi dian;从《字汇补》看《汉语大字典》收字、释义存在的问题

12.Culture is one of the most common words in English.文化是最普遍的英文字汇之一,也是最难定义的字汇之一。

13.2 Some abbreviations are made from the first letters of several words. We usually pronounce these with the stress on the last letter.缩写字的形成,有些是英文字汇的首字组成,一般响音在尾字.

14."A numeric sensor reports a numeric value for the measured property."一个数字感应器为测量的属性汇报一个数字值。

15.Demonstrate the usage of vocabulary in the4000 and7000 word list through reading passages.依据4000/000字汇表编写而成,透过阅读教授生字。

piling statistics for a report on traffic accidents为交通事故报告汇集统计数字.

17.Please " accept " this draft by sign on the back.请您在汇票背面签字“承兑”。

18.You are kindly requested to" accept" this draft by signing on the back.请你们在汇票背面签字“承兑”。



3)homophony syllabary同音字汇

1.And it also lists thehomophony syllabary of Lipu Dialect which include over 3700.荔浦话属于西南官话的桂柳片,文章描写荔浦话的声韵调,并列出荔浦话的同音字汇,同音字汇收字3700多个。

2.The paper describes the phonology and its features of Shangcheng(Nansi) dialect in southern Henan province,and lists itshomophony syllabary.本文记录了商城(南司)话的声韵调系统,并列出了同音字汇。


1.This paper describes the phonologic system and its features of Guanyinge Tuhua, Guanyang,Guangxi province,and lists thesyllabary.本文描写了广西灌阳观音阁土话的音系,内容主要包括灌阳观音阁土话的声韵调、语音特点、同音字汇三个部分。

2.Including its phonological system,phonetic features,and lists its homophonysyllabary.广西黎塘镇平话有声母26个,韵母56个,声调8个,本文对其进行了描写,从共时历时的角度归纳了黎塘镇平话的语音特点,列出了同音字汇。

5)Zi hui bu字汇补

1.Discriminate the faults from the collected Chinese Characters、interpretation betweenZi hui bu and Hah yu da zi dian;从《字汇补》看《汉语大字典》收字、释义存在的问题


1.The paper is a recording of the phonetic system of the Ping Dialect of BaiHe in Heng County, which includes its phonetic features andhomophone.文章介绍百合平话的声韵调系统和音韵特点,并列出同音字汇。

2.It is an introductory to the rhyme,the pronunciation andhomophone in Ziyang Town.本文介绍陕西省南部紫阳县城关方言的声韵调、语音特点和同音字汇。

3.This paper studies the phonology of the Pinghua dialect of Hunan Province\"s Tongdao County and lists thehomophones.本文介绍湖南通道平话的音系,并列出同音字汇。


《字汇》字书。14卷。中国明代梅膺祚编。膺祚字诞生,宣城(今属安徽)人。此书依据楷体,将《说文解字》部首简化为 214部。按子、丑等地支分为12集。部首和各部中字,又按笔画多少顺序排列。共收 33179字。除古书中常用字外,还收有许多俗字;收僻字不多。注音先列反切,后注直音。解释字义通俗易懂。其编排体例,即偏旁分部检字法,一直为后世《正字通》、《康熙字典》等所遵循,成为中国字典、词典主要编排方式之一。此书为明代至清初最为通行之字典,《康熙字典》出,遂隐没不显,《四库全书总目》且不为著录。
