1200字范文 > 传热系数 Heat Transfer Coefficient英语短句 例句大全

传热系数 Heat Transfer Coefficient英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-01 15:16:52


传热系数 Heat Transfer Coefficient英语短句 例句大全

传热系数,Heat Transfer Coefficient

1)Heat Transfer Coefficient传热系数

1.A new method to determine heat transfer coefficient in membrane distillation process;一种测定膜蒸馏过程传热系数的新方法

2.The comparison of heat transfer coefficient of imported and domestic polymerizer for the production of PVC by bulk polymerization;进口、国产本体法PVC聚合釜传热系数的比较

3.Determination of heat transfer coefficient of flow string during continuous gas lift;连续气举条件下举液管柱传热系数的确定


1.film coefficient of heat transfer薄膜传热系数表面散热系数

2.Theoretical Analysis and Validation on Heat Transfer of Covering Layer and Heat Transfer Coefficient;温室覆盖层传热及传热系数的理论解析与验证

3.Discussion on the Heat Transfer Coefficient in Thermal Calculation of CDQ Waste-heat Boiler对干熄焦余热锅炉热力计算中传热系数的探讨

4.Heat transfer coefficient of additional heating surface in CDQ waste-heat boiler干熄焦余热锅炉中附加受热面传热系数的研究

5.Study on the Average Heat Transfer Coefficient of the Railway Car Body in State of Steady Conduction客车车体稳定导热平均传热系数的研究

6.Second,it is influenced by the frost condition;二是结霜工况对传热系数的影响 ;

7.Analysis on Water Flow Velocity"s Influence on Heat-transfer Coefficient of Air Cooling Coil水流速对表冷器传热系数影响的分析

8.Effect of Pressure on Air Forced Convection Transmit Heat Coefficient压力对气体强制对流传热系数的影响

9.Separation of Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient for Cross Wavy Surface Recuperator Based on Genetic Algorithm基于遗传算法的交错波纹板换热器表面传热系数的分离

10.A Method of Evaluating the Insulation Performance of Refrigerated Cargo Holds and Determination of the Heat Transfer Coefficient of Insulated Layer冷藏舱隔热性能的评价方法及隔热层传热系数的确定

11.Influence of Variation of Heat Transfer Coefficient on Critical Ambient Temperature of Exothermic System传热系数随温度变化对化学放热系统临界环境温度的影响

12.Heat transfer coefficients in a packed bed h*** e been investigated by Leva and Beck.填充床的传热系数已由利瓦和贝克作过研究。

13.High frequency instabilities result in grossly increased convective heat transfer coefficients in the chamber walls.高频不稳定性使室壁对流传热系数大大增加。

14.Residential Building Window s Heat Transfer Coefficient Research and Analysis in the Strict and Cold Region;严寒地区居住建筑窗户传热系数研究与分析

15.Study on In-situ Measurement Method of Heat Transfer Coefficient of Building Envelop;建筑围护结构传热系数现场检测方法研究

16.Investigation of Identifying the Heat Transfer Coefficient of Wall Based on the ANN Method;基于神经网络法辨识建筑墙体传热系数的研究

17.Research on the Test Apparatus and Technology for Measuring the Thermal Transmittance of Greenhouse Covering Materials;覆盖材料传热系数测试技术和设备的研究

18.Improved Momentum BP Algorithm to Calculate Air Flow Unstable Heat Conducted Coefficient of Surrounding Rocks改进动量BP算法计算围岩风流不稳定传热系数


coefficient of heat transfer传热系数

1.The influence of window glasscoefficient of heat transfer on energy efficiency of buildings;窗玻璃传热系数对建筑节能设计的影响

2.In this paper, according to finite element analysis on the thermal characteristics, the influence factors of kinds of sealed insulating glass units oncoefficient of heat transfer are analyzed, all of these c.本文通过对中空玻璃的热工性能有限元分析,并计算了各种不同类型的中空玻璃综合传热系数U,为门窗和玻璃幕墙热工设计提供了参考依据。

3.To improve air-cooler s working performance,further study is given to the factors that affecting area of heat transfer,coefficient of heat transfer about air coolers and air side pressure drop during frost process.进一步研究了在结霜过程中空气冷却器的传热面积、传热系数以及空气侧压降与霜层生长的变化关系。

3)heat-transfer coefficient传热系数

1.Using a computer the Calcu lating of the Plug-in unit heat exchanger has been done,including heat-transfer area,heat-transfer coefficient,struacture dimensions etc.利用计算机对插入件换热器进行计算,包括传热面积、传热系数和结构尺寸的计算,并对运算过程中所涉及的大量图表、资料实行公式化处理。

2.Based on the theories of stable heat-transfer of siding,heat-transfer coefficient is discussed,as well as the eco.将其看成两向非均质围护结构计算其平均热阻,利用平壁稳定传热的基本理论计算其传热系数,最后对其保温层的经济厚度进行了讨论。

3.This paper brings up a correction of theheat-transfer coefficient of the heat exchanger and a function relationship between the heat transfer coefficient with solar radiation and that without it.提出了通过修正换热器传热系数以考虑太阳辐射作用的计算方法,设计出了热泵系统的实验装置并由实测数据进行了计算,得出了有与无太阳辐射时的传热系数之间的关系式。

4)heat transmission coefficient传热系数

1.As a result,heat transmission coefficient of inner wall of coking stove tube is obtained.通过改造综合传热性能实验台 ,对焦化炉炉管使用前后的传热系数进行测量 ,从而测定出炉管内壁结碳层的传热系

2.According to the real conditions certain methods were briefly pressentd about the calculating of theheat transmission coefficient and the pressure difference between the two sides of the pipes.本文结合实际简要介绍翅片管换热器传热系数及管内外侧压降的计算方法,以供参考。

3.Through expounding the calculation process of the external wall, roofing, floor and door and windowheat transmission coefficient, the article investigates the energy-savingc alculation.文章通过对外墙、屋面、地面和门窗传热系数的计算过程加以阐述,探讨节能计算。

5)overall heat transfer coefficient传热系数

1.Theoretical analysis using the method of energy equilibrium in covering layer and validation of theoverall heat transfer coefficient of greenhouse covering materials;基于覆盖层能量平衡法的园艺设施覆盖材料传热系数理论解析与验证

2.Research and development of the test apparatus for measuring theoverall heat transfer coefficient of greenhouse covering materials;温室覆盖材料传热系数测试台的研究开发

3.The calculation ofoverall heat transfer coefficient ofter can be simplify processed.热交换计算中总传热系数的求算常常可以简化处理,探讨何种情况下可以简化并掌握一个标准,在化工计算时很有意

6)coefficient of heat transmission传热系数


传热系数换热操作中热量通量 q(见传热过程)与传热推动力(温度差Δt)的比例系数,即: K=q/Δt它在数值上等于在单位温度差推动下于单位时间内经单位传热面所传递的热量,它与传热面积乘积的倒数为传热过程的总热阻。对于通过平壁的传热,K可表述为:式中 α1和 α2分别为壁面两侧的传热分系数;λ和δ分别为间壁的热导率和厚度;R1和R2分别为表征壁面两侧的垢层热阻的系数。当传热过程的温度差一定时,传热系数越大,则换热器的传热速率越高。虽然减小任何一项热阻都可提高传热系数,但当某项热阻远高于其他项时,传热系数将主要取决于此控制项的热阻。壁面热阻通常很小,可忽略不计。垢层可产生相当大的热阻,因之换热器的传热面需定期清洗。换热器设计时,控制项的热阻需准确地确定。在考虑强化传热过程时,首先设法减少控制项的热阻。传热系数的大小与冷热流体的性质、换热的操作条件(如流速、温度等)、传热面的结垢状况以及换热器的结构和尺寸等许多因素有关。对流传热十分复杂,垢层热阻又难以确定,因此传热系数的计算值与实际值往往相差较大。在设计换热器时,最好有实测值或生产中积累的经验数据作为参考。
