1200字范文 > 分洪 flood diversion英语短句 例句大全

分洪 flood diversion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-15 03:12:41


分洪 flood diversion英语短句 例句大全

分洪,flood diversion

1)flood diversion分洪

1.n this paper,based on the,flood characteristics and the current status of tile flood control worksin the middle and lower reaches of the Hahjiang River,a bivariate probability model is developed for calculatingtheflood diversion operation frequency of the Dujiatai Project.针对汉江洪水特点和汉江中下游防洪工程系统现状,建立了计算杜家台分蓄洪区分洪运用频率的二元概率模型。


1.high-flow diversion"分洪道,见 floodway"

2.Research on Simulation of Diversion Flood Routing for Flood Storage in Dongting Lake Region;洞庭湖区蓄洪垸分洪洪水演进模拟研究

3.Flood protection evaluation and research to a project in Xiaoqinghe flood diversion area小清河分洪区某工程的防洪评价研究

4.Legal Foundation and Significance of Dujiatai s Flood Diversion of Hanjiang River;汉江“05.10”洪水杜家台分洪的法律基础及其意义

5.A flood storage and detention area means a depression or a lake from outside embankments including flood--diversion mouths for temporarily storing floodwater蓄滞洪区是指包括分洪口在内的河堤背水面以外临时贮存洪水的低洼地区及湖泊等。

6.Part of flood water is preserved as water resource while the burden of flood prevention of the lower reaches of a river is relieved.在减轻下游堤防防洪压力的同时 ,将部分洪水作为水资源保存。

7.Article 29 A flood control area means an area where floodwater is likely to inundate, which is classified as a flooded area, a flood storage and detention area or a flood control protected area.第二十九条 防洪区是指洪水泛滥可能淹及的地区,分为洪泛区、蓄滞洪区和防洪保护区。

8.Analysis of effect of application of Honghu flood diversion area on lowering water level of the Yangtze River洪湖分蓄洪区启用对降低长江水位效果分析

9.Study on the Flood Disaster and Control Measures in the Dongting Lake Region;洞庭湖区洪涝灾害及防洪减灾对策分析

10.Analysis on measures of flood insurance for flood prevention and control of Yellow River;黄河洪水灾害防治中的洪水保险措施分析

11.Studies on laws of flood capacity to cause disasters and flood loss in the drainage area of Hongru River;洪汝河流域成灾水量与洪灾损失规律分析

12.Study on Impact of Human Activities for Flood Forecast and Flood Protection Operation人类活动对洪水预报影响分析及防洪调度研究

13.Study on Risk Analysis and Calculation Method of Flood Regulation for Flood Control Projects防洪工程洪水调度风险分析及计算方法研究

14.Analysis on storm-flood characteristics and cause of flood disaster in Gan River Basin淦河流域暴雨洪水特性及洪灾成因分析

15.Economic benefits of flood control project system in west of Shahe River and Luohe River沙河、漯河以西防洪工程体系防洪经济效益分析

16.Numerical simulation of flood evolution in flood diversion and detention area with well-shaped canals含井字形河渠的分蓄洪区洪水演进数值模拟

17.The flood control effect of reservoir is well notable, because it can store the flood, cuts down the flood peak flow rate and staggers the flood peak of down stream.利用水库调蓄洪水,消减洪峰流量,并与下游区间洪水错峰,防洪作用十分显著。

18.On fuzzy sort and fuzzy probabilities analysis of flood rise;洪水流量的模糊分类及模糊概率分析


the connection of flooded areas洪泛区分洪

1.Especially,the connection of flooded areas and the breaching are taken into consideration.该模型考虑下游洪泛区分洪和崩堤两种特殊情况 ,能自然适合水流计算的边界条件 ,处理内边界条件简单 ,无须建立稀疏矩阵求解 ,存储量小 ,预报结果合

3)flood diversion and storage areas分蓄洪区

1.In 1950 s, we have founded 14flood diversion and storage areas in the middle reach of the Yangtze River,in which,Jingjiang,Honghu,and Dujiatai are the three most importantflood diversion and storage areas.分蓄洪区是平原防洪的一种重要措施。

4)diversion of floodwater in Jingjiang Area荆江分洪

5)discharge flood according danger视险分洪

6)flood classification洪水分类

1.Research for theflood classification index system in the Yangtze river;长江洪水分类指标体系研究

2.Analyzing the deficit of methods inflood classification,the fuzzy clustering model based on entropy weights forflood classification is put forward.在分析传统洪水分类方法不足的基础上,将基于熵权的模糊聚类模型应用于洪水分类问题中。

3.For a reservoir which uses precipitation forecast to carry out floodwater utilization,flood classification plays an important role in proposing the real operation rule under the condition of floodwater utilization.洪水分类实际上是洪水强度大小辨别的优化问题。


