1200字范文 > 楼板 Floor英语短句 例句大全

楼板 Floor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-04 01:11:28


楼板 Floor英语短句 例句大全



1.Control of crack in super-length structural floor in medium high-rise;小高层超长结构楼板的裂缝控制

2.The technique points of non-cohesive pre-stress floor construction;无粘结预应力楼板施工的技术要点

3.On the reasons and control of cast-in-place steel concrete floor crack;谈现浇钢筋混凝土楼板的裂缝原因及控制


1.superimposed floor slab with prestressed concrete thin plate预应力薄板叠合楼板

2.flat slab drop construction托板支承无梁楼板结构

3.The floor buckled up under the weight of too many people.由于人太多楼板坍塌了。

4.monolithic slab and foundation wall整体式楼板与基础壁

5.armored concrete floor有护面的混凝土楼板

6.tile lintel floor空心砖加筋密肋楼板

7.integrated distribution floor system布置技术设施网的楼板

8.It would result in the floor being rather springy.这会导致楼板过柔。

9.The weight of the contents is transmitted by means of the floors to the beams.楼面荷载通过楼板传递给梁。

10.To Analyse on "CLOSED" Steel Plate for the Slab Construction Portfolio“闭口型”钢承板组合楼板施工分析

11.On the Supervision of Cast-in-Place Slab Engineering浅谈对住宅楼现浇混凝土楼板施工的监理

12.The second-floor framing was not appreciably affected and only a few of the first-floor joists were fractured.第二层楼板构架所受影响较小,只有第一层楼板少数托梁裂断。

13.Technology and Economy Research on Application of Composite Deck Slab in Steel Structure Buliding;钢结构建筑楼承板组合楼板体系应用的技术和经济研究

14.lifts, floor charts, stair treads, landings电梯, 楼面图, 楼梯踏板, 楼梯平台

15.FRPT =flooring radiant panel test楼面材料辐射板试验


17.stone walls,buildings, floors,statues石墙、石楼、石板地面、石雕

18.On the floor, on the fourth floor,@ answered Jose.“四楼地板上,”约瑟夫答道。



1.Shaking table test on theslab isolating and energy dissipating(SIED) structure;楼板隔震消能结构的振动台试验研究

2.Floorslab design method based on the vibration comfort degree;基于振动舒适度的建筑物楼板设计方法

3.Model validation and application of membrane action inslabs of steel buildings subjected to fire;火灾下钢结构建筑楼板的薄膜效应模型验证及实用方法

3)floor slab楼板

1.Analysis on cracks on the wall andfloor slab in fund-raising building of Shanxi Police School;某集资楼墙体楼板裂缝分析

2.About thefloor slab dehiscence treatment methods in the high-rise and frame-shear wall-structural house building;浅谈高层框剪结构住宅楼板开裂的处理方法

3.Finite element analysis on the shear bearing behavior of staggered-trussfloor slab system;交错桁架楼板体系抗剪性能的有限元分析


1.Cause analysis and control measurementfloorslab of cracks in cast-in-situ reinforced concrete;现浇混凝土楼板产生裂缝的原因分析及控制措施

2.The causes offloorslab cracking of dwelling house and preventive measures;住宅楼楼板裂缝成因及预防措施

3.The problem of kitchen and toiletfloorslab seepage has become more and more ordinary headache to residents and developers,This paper begins with the seepage reason, and proposes the relevant prevention and curing step.厨房、卫生间楼板的渗漏问题已越来越成为住户、开发商等共同头疼的事。


1.Calculation methods of early-age restrained strains of commercial housefloors;商品住宅楼板早期约束应变的计算方法

putation models for early-age ultimate tensile strains of commercial housefloors;商品住宅楼板早期极限拉应变的计算模型

3.GFRP-Concrete Hybrid Cross-Sections for Floors of BuildingsGFRP混凝土混合横截面楼板


1.This paper expounds the conceptions and standards of the health residence, describes the distinguishes between the health residence and the low-density residence and between the health residence and theplate-building in aspects of the conception and function.就越来越多的消费者在购房时更加关注健康问题,而对健康住宅认识上存在的误区等问题,阐述了健康住宅的概念与标准,阐明了健康住宅与低密度住宅、健康住宅与板楼在概念及功能上的区别。


