1200字范文 > 本土 local英语短句 例句大全

本土 local英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-07 08:32:26


本土 local英语短句 例句大全



1.On Development of Local Retail Business in Xinjiang——Take Large Scale Supermarkets in Urumqi as the example;对新疆本土零售业发展的思考——以乌鲁木齐市大型超市为例

2.Analysis of feasibility of strengtheninglocal music education in the primary and middle schools;中小学强化本土音乐教育的可行性分析

3.By symbols principles, this paper discusses the application of design symbols inlocal packaging design and points out that in the process of packaging design it shouldn t be just "to sign for a symbol".运用符号学原理,探讨设计符号在本土包装设计中的运用,提出在包装设计的过程中不能"为了符号而符号",对于设计符号的运用,必须是在理解本土文化的基础上用现代的观念去改造和提炼,使设计符号在本土包装设计中起到文化传承的作用。


1.Shinto is the natural indigenous religion of Japan.日本之神道教是日本本土的自然教。

2.From “native resource”to“native rule of law” A learned analysis about SU Li s theory of native resource;从“本土资源”到“本土法治”——苏力本土资源理论之学术解构

3.resident United Kingdom belonger居港联合王国本土人

4.chain home beamed本土飞机探测雷达网

5.a native or inhabitant of England.英国的本土春人或居。

6.Learn from native companies in China向中国本土企业学习

7.a territorial military unit.一个本土的军事单位。

8.a native or inhabitant of Greece.希腊的本土人或者居民。

9.a native or inhabitant of France.法国的本土人或者居民。

10.a native or inhabitant of Finland.芬兰的本土人或者居民。

11.a man who is a native or inhabitant of England.英格兰的本土人或居。

12.A native or inhabitant of Normandy.诺曼底的本土人或居民

13.it says these animals,只有本土生长的动物,

14.the British Territorial army.英国本土防卫义勇军

15.But that was in the old land.可那是在故乡本土的。

16.International Organization of Indigenous Resource Development本土资源开发国际组织

17.the quality of being alien or not native.外来的而非本土的特性。

18.How many states are there on the mainland of the United States?美国本土有多少州?



1.Further, Lao She composes the Singaporean fables in a way of fairy tale, subverting the myth of Westerners cultivation of Singapore on the ground ofnative Chinese.老舍的小说创造很多时候成为逆写殖民帝国的精彩范例,它可以让殖民者/被殖民者处于中心的同一平台上对话、冲突,从而反击错误再现或刻板印象的暧昧与含混;也以童话的方式撰写了新加坡的预言/寓言,立足本土华人的立场颠覆了诸多西方人开辟新加坡的神话。

2.In the 21st century,"Min"culture is not only an indispensablenative regional cultural resource,but a carrier of Chinese civilization that brings together overseas Chinese and compatriots in Taiwan.在21世纪,闽文化是不可或缺的本土区域文化资源,也是凝聚海外华人、台湾民众的中华文明载体。


4)Native land本土

5)the native本土

1.Between the alien andthe native——The cultural critic from the view of Anthropology;在异域与本土之间——人类学视野中的文化批评

6)indigenization and indigenousness本土化与本土


