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书院 academy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-27 22:52:52


书院 academy英语短句 例句大全



1.Environmental Management of Academy;试论古代书院的环境经营

2.From Academy to School-the Process of Education Modernization;书院改学堂——教育现代化的一个过程

3.The interaction between development of Anhuiacademy and regional culture in the Ming Dynasty;论明代安徽书院的发展和区域文化的互动


1.Reconditioning the Academy and Developing the Neo-Confucianism--ZHU Xi and the Bailudong Academy;修复书院 振兴理学——朱熹与白鹿洞书院

2.(b) Caritas Francis Hsu College.(2)明爱徐诚斌书院。

3.Zaouia Aboul Ghaouth阿博乌尔·加奥乌思书院

4.constituent college [Chinese University of Hong Kong]成员书院〔香港中文大学〕

5.The fourth constituent college, Shaw College, was set up in 1986.第四所成员书院是逸夫书院,于一九八六年创立。

6.Discussion on Citation Norms Taking Chen Li s Citation Methods as a Good Example;从《引书法示端溪书院诸生》谈引文规范

7.Verification of the Two Acrdemies -- Stone Temple and Hill Yang in Jiangxi During the Tong Dynasty;唐代江西石室、仰山二书堂(书院)考

8.head of a constituent college [Chinese University of Hong Kong]成员书院院长〔香港中文大学〕

9.Influence from the Temple Education of Buddhism to Academy Teaching in the Song Dynasty佛教寺院教育对宋代书院教学的影响

10.Sociological Explanation of the Management of Community Land of the Academies in Latter Qing Dynasty--Taking Fuyang Academy as an example《书院说》:晚清书院学田经营的一个历史剖面——地方书院生态的社会学解读

11.Academies in Song and Yuan Dynasty and Local Culture: Academy, Academic and Folk Religions in Jizhou Region宋元书院与地方文化——吉州地区书院、学术与民间宗教

12.Re-recognition the Origin of College--Concurrently Discussing A Method of College Classification;书院起源问题的再认识——兼论书院分类的一种方法

13.Madam Yung Fung Shee Maternal and Child Health Centre元朗容凤书母婴健康院

14.certificate of exemption [residential care home for the elderly]豁免证明书〔安老院〕

15.letter of conservatorship法院发出的监护人证书

16.He handed up the indictment to the supreme court.他把起诉书送最高法院。

17.Library and Information Science School of WuhanUniversity武汉大学图书情报学院

18.The Relationship Between Medical University Library and Its Affiliated Hospital Library;医学院校图书馆与附属医院图书馆的关系


academy of classical learning书院

1.Development of Quanzhouacademy of classical learning and village school and deepening of Zhuxi′s jurisprudence philosophy;泉州书院、社学的发展与朱熹理学思想的深化

2.A textual research of the cause of prosperity of the ancientacademy of classical learning in China;中国古代书院兴盛原因考

3.Due to the concept of nature worship shared by Confucianism,Buddhism,Taoism and fengshui,and the common demand of geographical environment,fengshui exercises a deep influence upon the site selection and layout ofacademy of classical learning,Buddhist temple and Taoist temple that embody their respective cultures.儒释道与风水之间崇尚自然的理念和共同的地理环境需求使儒释道三家的精神文化载体书院寺观在建筑选址和布局上打下了深深的风水烙印。


1.Academies and Universities Echo beyond Time and Space;书院与大学的超时空共振——湖南高等教育史研究之一

2.We find that academies and the system of imperial examinations existed, blossomed and declined together by seeking their development in this essay.探索了科举制与书院发展的历程,认为科举与书院共生、共存、共兴、共衰。

3.While most academies devoted to Sinology in the early 19th century advocate the classic studies and deny their inclination to the imperial examination,their students have achieved greatly in the actual imperial examinations,the successful rate quite high.19世纪前期专门研习汉学的书院以诂经精舍和学海堂为代表,虽然这些书院的创立、教学活动都宣称不以培养科举人才为主要目标,甚至将科举之学排斥在教学内容之外,然而这些书院不仅不反对生徒应举,而且生徒的科举及第率都相当高,这说明汉学书院仍然无法脱离科举制度的影响。

4)Ancient Academy书院

1.A Study of the Rite and its Functions ofAncient Academy;书院的祭祀及其教育功能初探


1.Re-recognition the Origin ofCollege——Concurrently Discussing A Method ofCollege Classification;书院起源问题的再认识——兼论书院分类的一种方法

2.The Historical and Cultural Function of the Library System of theCollege in Qing Dynasty;清代书院藏书制度的历史文化作用——兼论对图书馆管理的启示

6)printing academy of temple寺院印书院


