1200字范文 > 证明商标 certification marks英语短句 例句大全

证明商标 certification marks英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-28 16:52:52


证明商标 certification marks英语短句 例句大全

证明商标,certification marks

1)certification marks证明商标


1.This Treaty shall not apply to collective marks, certification marks and guarantee marks.本条约不适用于集体商标、证明商标和保证商标。

2.to add the content of collective trademark and certification trademark (including geographical indications);增加集体商标和证明商标(包括地理标识)的内容;

3.WTO Regulations and Protection of the Certification Mark of Origin in China;WTO规则与中国原产地证明商标保护

4.Query:Geographical-Mark Be Protected as Collective-Mark and Identify-Mark;地理标志纳入集体商标和证明商标保护模式的质疑

5.Decree No.6 of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce of the People"s Republic of China, Promulgating Measures for Registration and Administration of Collective Marks and Certification Marks中华人民共和国国家工商行政管理总局令第6号,发布《集体商标、证明商标注册和管理办法》

6.It is understood that calm pomelo is the international registration marks the first success.据了解,平和?溪蜜柚是我国在国际注册证明商标成功的第一家。

7.Relying on the Certification Mark and Implement the Brand Strategy to Build A Strong Jingshan Tea Industry依托证明商标实施品牌战略 做优做精做强径山茶业

8.In case of failure to submit the said proof within the time limit or if the proof is void, the Trademark Office shall revoke the said registered trademark.逾期不提供使用证明或者证明无效的,商标局撤销其注册商标。

9.The certificate indicates that some of the rollers are rusted.商检证书上标明有些滚筒生锈了。

10.Our Inspection Bureau will issue a Veterinary Inspection Certificate to show that the shipment is in conformity with export standards.商检局将出具动物检疫证明书以证明货物符合出口标准

11.A further research on burden of proof and standard of proof in applying the presumption rules-A discus- sion with Professsor He Jiahong也论推定规则适用中的证明责任和证明标准——兼与何家弘教授商榷

12.Patents, Utility Models, Industrial Designs, Marks, Inventors" Certificates: Right of Priority.专利、实用新型、外观设计、商标、发明人证书:优先权.

13."or makes in any affidavit, declaration or writing any statement to the effect that a trade description or trade mark or mark is applicable to the goods."或作任何保证书、声明书或以书面陈述,意指某一商品说明或商标或标志乃适用于有关货品者。

14."For the purposes of this section, unless he proves that he acted without infringing the right of the proprietor of the trade mark conferred by section 27 of the Trade Marks Ordinance,"为执行本条之规定起见,除非能证明其行为并无侵犯商标条例第27条赋予商标专利权人之权益,

15.Who is a registered trademark portraits, portraits attached a notarized consent of the right to the trademark registration statement as a document.如注册商标是人物肖像,应附送经过公证的肖像权人同意作为商标注册的声明文件。

16.After examination and approval by the Trademark Office, a corresponding certificate shall be issued to the assignee, and the assignment shall be published.经商标局核准后,发给受让人相应证明,并予以公告。

17... certify that the quality management system of the above supplier has been assessed and found to be in accordance with the requirements of the quality standard detailed below.兹证明上述厂商的质量管理体系经审查符合以下质量标准要求

18.The Practice As the Exclusive Standard to Test the Truth of Judicial Proof;实践是检验司法证明真理性的唯一标准——与何家弘教授商榷


certification mark证明商标

1.With the unique natural environment in Yunnan,many varieties of the native produce are very famous with superior unique quality and up to the standards ofcertification marks.证明商标是近才发展起来的,它是一种特殊的商标,比一般商标具有更强的区别性。

3)certificate trademark证明商标

1.Certificate trademark, as being one of special trademark, .证明商标与集体商标的所有人均为某一集体组织 ,但二者在构成条件、功能、转让、使用管理以及对所有人的要求等方面都有所不同。

4)right of certification mark证明商标权

5)certification mark[专]证明商标

6)On the Certificate of Trademarks论证明商标


