1200字范文 > 用材 Material英语短句 例句大全

用材 Material英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-02 21:16:21


用材 Material英语短句 例句大全



1.This text introduces main technical requirements for the material of CNG(Compressed Natural Gas) tube trailer gas cylinders, various kinds of performance, such as chemical composition, mechanical properties, Corrosion, etc.本文对天然气长管拖车气瓶用材料的主要技术要求,材料的化学成分、力学性能、腐蚀性能等各项指标及检验验收情况进行了介绍。

2.From outer air-conditioner,outer-suspended window,rainfall cracks,wall sculpture,basso-relievo as well as color and material,it analyzes some problems which should be noticed during residential vertical design.介绍了住宅建筑立面的发展历程及其主要形式,从外挂空调机、外飘窗、雨篷、墙面雕塑、浮雕及色彩、用材等方面分析了住宅立面设计中应注意的问题,并着重从住宅立面用色程序、建筑立面用料、外立面的颜色与夜景照明几方面对建筑立面的色彩与用材进行了阐述,以供设计人员参考。


1.There are two main kinds of timber trees-softwoods and hardwoods.用材树种有两大类--软木材与硬木材。

2.Teaching materials as the multi-functional resources for teachers autonomous development;教材、学材、用材、研材——教师专业发展的宝贵资源

3.Uwed as materiale gor furnace and exhaust gas cleaning systems of automobiles.炉用材料,汽车排气净化装置用材料。

4.bob sleigh(运木材用)二橇拖材车

5.bar tubing shapes and pipe benders金属筒材、型材和管材用折弯机

6.make A of B; make A out of B用B(材料)作成A

7."Teaching Textbooks" or "Using Textbook":A Perspective of Improving Teaching Materials Function;“教教材”还是“用教材教”——兼论教材使用功能的完善

8.A flat piece of wood or similarly rigid material adapted for a special use.板材木材或其它材料制成的板,备作特殊的用途

9.To advocate comprehensive utilization and saving on the use of timber and encourage the development and utilization of timber substitutes提倡木材综合利用和节约使用木材,鼓励开发、利用木材代用品;

10.3) To advocate comprehensive utilization and saving on the use of timber and encourage the development and utilization of timber substitutes;(三)提倡木材综合利用和节约使用木材,鼓励开发、利用木材代用品;

11."A rolling mill is used to form the material into various forms such as round rod, square or rectangular bar. "人们使用轧机把材料加工成各种形状,如圆棒材、方棒材和矩形棒材。

12.This material outwears all others.这种材料比其它所有材料都耐用。

13.We build houses with wood, iron, and steel.我们用木材,铁和钢材来建造房屋。

14.A filtering substance, such as filter paper.过滤材料有过滤作用的材料,如滤纸

15.Material used for soundproofing.消音材料用于隔音的材料

16.The mattress and cushioning material used should be made of approved material.床垫和缓冲材料应采用经认可的材料。

17.to make more rational use of raw and other materials更加合理的使用原材料和其它材料

18.Material: Is made by the medical noon-toxic high polymer material.材料:由医用无毒高分子材料制成.


material selection and application选材用材

3)bamboo for timber材用

4)material selection材料选用

1.This paper gives a general introduction ofmaterial selection and dimension calculation of hanger rods in Shanghai Boiler Works Ltd.对上海锅炉厂有限公司锅炉吊杆的材料选用和尺寸计算作了简单介绍;针对原吊杆尺寸计算中材料许用应力的选取已不适应当前材料许用应力的确定准则—安全系数已被修改的状况,通过调整吊杆计算标准中的许用应力以及螺纹端计算截面积来减小吊杆的尺寸规格。

2.Thematerial selection and the mounting method of the nozzle for SF 6 circuit breaker arc-quenching chamber are discussed,which could be referenced to design,material selection and improvement of mounting quality of the nozzle.对SF6断路器中灭弧室喷口的装配方法及材料选用进行了分析和探讨,为SF6断路器中灭弧室喷口的结构设计、材料选用及装配质量的提高提供了参考。

5)wood utilization木材利用

1.It is known that forestation andwood utilization are considered an effective tool to mitigate climate change.阐述气候变化的起因及对人类生产和生活的重要影响,以及森林,特别是木材利用在应对气候变化中的重要作用。

6)medical materials医用材料

1.Current situation of waterproof ﹠moisture permeablefabric and its application inmedical materials;防水透湿织物的研究现状及其在医用材料领域的应用

2.Because of high bio-activity, good property of physical, hemostasia, high water absorbability and antibacterial Performance,antibacterial alginate/gelatin blend fiber,made by nature biodegradable material,has been used asmedical materials.可生物降解材料在医用材料领域得到越来越广泛的应用。

3.With the development and creation of medical technology, use of new medical equipments and application of new techniques,medical materials have been widely used in diagnostic and therapeutical fields in hospitals.随着医疗技术水平的发展和创新以及新设备的投入、新技术的应用,医用材料已广泛运用于医院的诊断和治疗领域,而医用材料的特点和管理现状使得医用材料的管理成为现代医院管理中亟需研究解决的课题,确保医用材料的质量,规范医用材料的管理势在必行。


