1200字范文 > 投融资体制改革 Reform of the Investment and Financing Circulation System英语短句 例句大全

投融资体制改革 Reform of the Investment and Financing Circulation System英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-30 09:00:01


投融资体制改革 Reform of the Investment and Financing Circulation System英语短句 例句大全

投融资体制改革,Reform of the Investment and Financing Circulation System

1)Reform of the Investment and Financing Circulation System投融资体制改革

1.Research on Non-governmental Investment under theReform of the Investment and Financing Circulation System;投融资体制改革下的民间投资研究


1.We should deepen the reform of the fiscal, taxation, banking, investment and financing systems.深化财政、税收、金融和投融资体制改革。

2.-- Reforms of the banking, fiscal, taxation, investment and financing systems were deepened.——金融、财税、投融资体制改革继续深化。

3.Improving the system, environment and approaches for financing and investment ?深化投融资体制改革,改善投融资环境,探索新的筹融资方式。

4.Elementary probing into radicating item division theory and deepening the reform of investing-financing of Liuzhou city项目区分理论与投融资体制改革初探

5.The system reform of investment and finance on the Chinese ecosystem environment construction;中国生态环境建设的投融资体制改革

6.Study on Innovation to the System of Investment in the Urban Infrastructure--A Case of Nanjing;南京市基础设施投融资体制改革探讨

7.On the Rural Investing and Financing System of China;中国农村投融资体制改革的现实思考

8.Reflection upon Several Issues of Railway Investment and Financing System Reform;铁路投融资体制改革若干问题的思考

9.Research on Investment and Financing System Reform Problem of the Town Construction小城镇建设投融资体制改革问题研究

10.Study on the System Reform of Investment and Financing of Highway in Tianjin天津市公路建设投融资体制改革研究

11.Discussion on Structural Reformfor invest ment and Financing and FPI Financing Mode in Highway Construction;浅议公路建设投融资体制改革与FPI融资方式

12.The Reform of Investment and Financial System: the Key to Rural Reform and Development;投融资体制改革:农村经济改革的切入点

13.We should steadily carry out reform of the financial system and continue reforms of the taxation, investment and financing systems.稳步实施金融体制改革。 继续推进财税、投融资体制改革。

14.Researching the Direction of Railway Financing and Investment System Reform Based on the Development of Joint-venture Railway;从合资铁路发展看铁路投融资体制改革方向

15.On Enlightenment of the Reform of China s Investment and Financing System Influenced by Successful Achievements of Fiscal Investment and Financing Overseas;国外财政投融资的成功实践对我国投融资体制改革的启示

16.First, I would like to report on our work in 2001.尽快制定投融资体制改革方案,争取早日实施。

17.Quasi-shareholding System: A New Financing Framework for China s State-run Colleges and Universities;准股份制——我国公办高校投融资体制改革构想

18.On Restrictions and Countermeasures of System Reform of Investment and Financing in the West Regions;西部投融资体制改革的制约因素与对策研究


reform of water resources investment and financing mechanism水利投融资体制改革

3)system reform/financing体制改革/融资

4)investment system reform投资体制改革

1.The expresswayinvestment system reform,which has started for ten years and is still continuing,accelerates expressway development greatly in China.近十年来,随着我国高速公路投资体制改革的不断深化,大大加快了我国高速公路建设发展的进程。

2.The paper, discussions on the important side of forestry capital run-investment,the basically traits of forestry investment, major problems remain in investment system, target mode for forestryinvestment system reformation and concert execution steps are analyzed in detail.本文探讨林业资本运营的重要方面———投资 ,就林业投资的基本特征、投资体制存在的主要问题 ,以及林业投资体制改革的目标模式和具体实施步骤作细致分析。

5)reform of investment system投资体制改革

1.As a result,the corresponding macroscopical policy should be the policy that properly adjusts the finiance and currency,that reinforces credit management and thereform of investment system,avoiding our economy from great wave.因此,相应的宏观政策应是财政政策和货币政策的适当调整,加强对银行信贷的有效管理,深化投资体制改革,促进消费市场的健康发展,从而保持国民经济的平稳较快发展,避免经济大的起伏。

6)Urban Capital Investment Financing System Reforms城建投融资体制变革


