1200字范文 > VOA慢速英语:研究表明美国需要更有力的枪支法


时间:2023-09-20 16:39:37



Study Finds Americans Want Stronger Gun Laws

A shooting in the American state of Florida has left two young men dead. The shooting took place early Monday outside a nightclub in the city of Fort Myers. The club was holding a party for teenagers.

Police did not give a reason for the attack. But they said it was not an act of terrorism.

Club Blu released a statement on Facebook after the shooting. It said, “We are deeply sorry for all involved. We tried to give the teens WHAT WE THOUGHT WAS A SAFE PLACE TO HAVE A GOOD TIME.”

The statement said the shooting began when parents were returning to the club to take their children home. And, it added, the young people at the party were not responsible for the attack.

Even before the attack, Americans increasingly support stronger gun laws

Florida is also the state where, last month, 49 people were shot and killed at a gaynightclub.

That shooting — along with many others in recent years — is once again pushing gun control to the front of public debate in the U.S.

A survey released this weekend by the Associated Press/GfK found that an increasing number of Americans support stronger gun laws.

Nearly two-thirds of respondents say they want stricter laws. Even more support nationwide bans on sales of semi-automatic assault weapons – guns that can kill many people quickly.

Most people who took the survey say they would like a national policy on gun restrictions, instead of having different rules in every state. However, they say they do not believe lawmakers will do anything soon to bring about changes.

Up to this point, the U.S. Congress has failed to act on many of the proposals that surveys show most Americans support.

Americans are not feeling safe
