1200字范文 > 实测 measurement英语短句 例句大全

实测 measurement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-21 21:05:49


实测 measurement英语短句 例句大全



1.The comparison of the results of FEA and stressmeasurement for 1500 dryer verifies the mold.通过 15 0 0烘缸有限元计算结果与应力实测的比较 ,验证了模型的正确

2.Then themeasurement and the analysis process of the data are presented.为此 ,详细介绍了黑龙江 336m高钢结构电视塔实测试验所用的仪器设备、人工激振方法、信号采集及结构模态分析等方法 ,为结构分析提供了较好的试验依

3.The results indicate that this vibration control method is economical and effective, the analysis method ofmeasurement on site is feasible.在 336m高黑龙江广播电视塔悬挂水箱减振器振动控制研究的基础上,对其进行了实测和分析。


1.measured feedback测定反馈,实测反馈(信号)

2.maximum observed hourly volume最大实测每小时交通量

3.measured value [laser game]实测数值〔激光游戏〕

4.confirmatory sequencing确证性测序,证实性测序

5.Validity of the proposed methods is verified by laboratory test.方法的实用性已通过实验室测试证实。

6.project surveillance technique开发方案实施监测技术

7.field evaluation [technology option]实地测试〔技术方案〕

8.real-time ultrasonic particle monitor实时超声波杂质监测仪

9.Experiment of Exchangeability Measurement Technology互换性与技术测量实验

10.Modern Experimental and Measuring Technique for Fluid Flow ?现代流体实验测试技术

11.Measurements & Experiments of Thermal Science热物理测量及实验技术

12.International Satellite Geodesy Experiment国际卫星大地测量实验

13.lower actual measuring range value实际测量范围下限值

14.higher actual measuring range value实际测量范围上的限值

15.ESTL (Electronic Systems Test Laboratory)电子系统测试实验室

16.Score – Calculate your honesty levels分数—测量你的诚实指数

17.automatic dependent surveillance自动附属检测(实验)

18.octane laboratory method辛烷值实验室测定法


Field Measurement实测

1.Analysis of field measurement data on responses of metro tunnel due to substructure construction;地下工程施工影响地铁隧道的实测分析

2.Analyses the ventilation effect in the double-skin facade of a refurbished building in summer and winter through the field measurement data including air temperature and velocity in the passage and temperature of inside surface of the wall.对某改造建筑的双层皮外围护结构间层通道内的冬、夏季空气温度和速度及内侧墙体壁面温度进行了实测,分析了该双层皮外围护结构在冬、夏季的通风效果,结合室内工作者在外围护结构改造前后对室内空气环境的舒适性感受,分析了该双层皮外围护结构设计上的一些问题,指出了该结构体系设计中的注意事项。

3.The purpose of this study is to identify the ventilation effectiveness of a displacement ventialtion system in a concert hall with 500 seats by full - scale field measurement.本研究针对剧场建筑空间的置换空调方式中两类典型的送风系统(侧送风和座椅送风),以实际工程项目为例,应用实测,实验室实验,CFD等手段进行了考证研究。

3)actual measurement实测

1.The author chooses the typical structures of bituminous and concrete pavements as observation objects, and puts forwardactual measurement method and process of road structure temperature field, which include the disposal of the apparatus of temperature and radiation and local observation process etc.以运营中的沥青混凝土路面和水泥混凝土路面典型结构作为实体 ,提出道路结构温度场的实测方案和方法及过程 ,包括温度、辐射测定仪器布置、埋设 ,以及现场观测程序等。


1.With an unconditioned residential unit in Beijing as thetest object,simulates the indoor temperature,and compares the simulated and measured temperatures.以北京市未安装空调的某户住宅为研究对象,模拟计算了测试房间的室温,并将模拟结果与实测数据进行了比较。

2.The paper has a study on properties of pile raft foundation for high buildings based ontest.基于作者所能搜集到的有关桩筏基础实测和试验资料 ,对桩筏基础的一些工作性状进行了分析和讨论。

3.In order to reduce the voltage atest is carried out on the contact wire of the third railway line(called the third line for short)in Guang Zhou_ShenZhen line.为了找到限制复线接触网感应电压的措施 ,对广州—深圳电气化铁道第三接触线 (以下简称第三线 )上的感应电压进行了实测 ,发现第三线悬浮状态时的感应电压可达 3 0 0 0V以上 ;第三线测试区段的一端或两端接地且相邻高速接触线 (以下简称高速线 )上无电力机车时第三线的感应电压基本可以忽略 ,当高速线上有电力机车时第三线感应电压瞬时超过数百伏。

5)survey[英][s?"vei][美][s?"ve, "s?,ve]实测

1.Analysis to contrasting with the calculated result andsurveying data of controlling concrete crack;混凝土裂缝控制计算结果与实测值的对比分析

2.Adoptingsurvey technology of double-head water-stopped machine flowing high of upward-inclined drillhole rock destruction rules weresurveyed,development height of water conducted zone was gained.采用井下仰斜钻孔双端堵水器导高观测技术对白庄煤矿综放开采条件下,覆岩破坏规律进行了实测,得出了导水断裂带的发育高度。

3.Course and method ofsurveying specific property of rolling mill"s frame"s behavior with CRAS are introduced in this paper.介绍了利用CRAS系统对轧机机架动态特性进行实测的过程、方法,并给出实测结果及分析。


1.Ameasured study of post-tensioning bonded prestressed concrete continuous beam;后张有粘结预应力混凝土连续梁张拉控制参数实测研究

2.In this paper,three tall buildings structures in Lanzhou are studied as examples far presenting themeasured results of the resilience and the reaction distribution ofthe pebble subgrade.本文以兰州市三座高层建筑为例,主要介绍卵石地基回弹、反力分布、箱形基础沉降观测、上部结构自振特性等问题的实测结果。


