1200字范文 > 雅思口语part1喜好类话题之老师


时间:2018-11-11 17:12:35




1. Do you have a favorite teacher?你有最喜欢的老师吗?

Um… Yeah, I suppose I do,肯定回答——陈述具体的内容,解释说明(切记只有前面简短的肯定回答,这样是无法取得高分的) but it’s actually kind of hard to pick out a favorite because I’ve been really lucky with all my teachers. You know, they’ve been really great, at least most of them anyway, (前面的内容看似没有太大的用处,却是后面问题的铺垫,引出后文,也显示了说话者的语言功底)but I guess my favorite teacher would have to be my Chinese language teacher, 最爱的老师是语文老师,因为……because she was incredible. I mean, the amount of effort she put into her teaching, and her attention to detail, were just amazing. And not only that, but she also showed a genuine care for all of us, which left a really deep impression on me. So yeah, out of all my teachers, I’d say she was probably my favorite.可以看到这里用了很多赞美老师的词对老师进行细节说明,很有说服力。可见,回答喜好类问题,一定要表面自己的观点,然后根据自己的观点进行适当的说明,part1不要求越多越好,但是尽可能的彰显自己的语言功底,做到言简意赅,言之有理。加分词汇考生也需要从中多多积累,这也是平时备考的必修课:pick out – choose;at least most of them anyway– 至少大部分是这样的;the amount of effort she put into her teaching – 她对教学付出的努力;attention to detail - 细心;And not only that, but - 不仅如此,而且;Genuine care - 真实的关心;Out of all my teachers– 在我所有的老师当中……

2. What kinds of teachers do you like?你喜欢哪种老师?

I guess…. um…first of all,列举第一点teachers who are passionate about their subject, because you know, if they show enthusiasm for what they’re teaching, I’m much more likely to get interested in that subject and do well in it. And as well as this, 第二点I also like teachers that are supportive and…what’s the word…. approachable. So in other words, teachers that show patience and understanding, and are there for you if you need help.这里的问题看似很多简单,回答的策略也很简单,但是本答案还是非常优秀的,遣词造句地道,多样。而这类问题也是喜好类问题的其中之一,可直接列举喜好点,逻辑清晰、一一陈述即可。可积累素材如下:Supportive - 给予帮助的;热心援助的;What’s the word – 叫什么来着!Approachable -和蔼可亲,容易交谈, 平易近人的;友善的……
