1200字范文 > 传统价值体系 traditional value system英语短句 例句大全

传统价值体系 traditional value system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-07 03:04:11


传统价值体系 traditional value system英语短句 例句大全

传统价值体系,traditional value system

1)traditional value system传统价值体系

1.In thetraditional value system of China the value rientation which takes group as the standard and family as the core and eglects the benefit of individual contrasts sharply with the arousal of elf-consciousness in modern society.中国传统价值体系中以群体为本位、以家庭为核心忽视个人利益的价值取向与现代社会个人自我意识的觉醒形成了鲜明的对比。


1.Disaggregation of Morden Chinese Traditional Value System and its Influence;论近代中国传统价值体系的解体及其影响

2.From the Principle of Group to Holism;从群体原则到整体主义——中国传统价值体系中的群己观探析

3.Holism in the Traditional Chinese value system and its Modern Transformation;试论中国传统价值体系中的整体主义及其在近代的变革

4.On Modern Transformation of the Chinese Traditional Value System in the Context of World History论世界历史语境下中国传统价值体系的现代转型

5.Transcendence Over Traditions--An Analysis on Chen Ran s Ways to Confirm Values;超越传统价值支点——论陈染小说独特的价值确认体系

6.Research on Transformation of Totem Culture and Value Feature of National Traditional Sport;图腾文化转型与民族传统体育价值特性的关系

7.The Study on the Cultural Factors in the Fission of Chinese Wushu System;中国传统武术体系裂变的文化价值因素探析

8.The Traditional Cultural Foundation of Socialist Core Value System社会主义核心价值体系的传统文化基础

9.The Values Systems of Chinese Literature in the 20th Century and the Values of Traditional Chinese Literature;20世纪中国文学价值系统与传统文学价值观

10.Researches on Value Decesion on Listed Companies in Sight of the Financial Appraisal System;从财务评价体系看上市公司价值决定——“双高”企业与传统企业的比较

11.Evaluation and Development on Tradition Sports Tourism Resource of the She Nationality畲族传统体育旅游价值评价及开发

12.The Value of Nationality Traditional Sports on College Sports谈民族传统体育在高校体育中的价值

13.To Hold High the Banner and Promote Ideological Publicity in Colleges by Establishing the Socialist Core Values;高举旗帜 以建设社会主义核心价值体系统领高校宣传思想工作

14.A Study of the Principle and Method of the Sports Games Brand Communication Value Evaluation System;体育赛事品牌传播价值评估系统原理与方法研究

15.Search the Harmonious between Justice--The Value Embodiment of the Justice and Profit in the Traditional Law under the Harmonious Linguistic Context;追求义利之间的和谐——“和谐”语境下义利关系在传统法中的价值体现

16.The Value Conflicts and Internal Tension of Utterance Ancestry in Traditional Sport民族传统体育文化的价值冲突与话语谱系的内在紧张

17.Value of the Traditional Sports in New Age新时期发展民族传统体育的价值定位

18.Internet and the Subject and Value Revolution of Traditional Movies;网络与传统电影艺术本体、价值革命


Traditional value传统价值

1.This paper offers an outline of the development of heavy-color painting in China in an effort to make it better known and appreciated,to attract more attention to it,to explore its traditional value,and to bring to great height of development this art that originated from China.对中国重彩画的历史以及现代重彩画的发展演变进行了追溯,目的是让更多的人了解重彩画、关注重彩画,理解和认识重彩画这棵生长在中国古老土地上的奇葩,并努力挖掘其传统价值,使之进一步发扬光大。

3)traditional values传统价值

1.Then, the paper goes a step further to identify human noble goals with human values, and to show thattraditional values were constructed so to attain human noble goals.作者通过分析社会进步和崇高目标及人类理念之间的紧密关系 ,进一步确认了人类崇高目标与人类价值 ,并且指出建构传统价值观是为了达到人类崇高的目标。

2.From this point of view, the present essay considers that Molly, one of the nuclear figures in this novel, remains a sacrifice of misunderstanding withtraditional values.作为现代史诗 ,《尤利西斯》带给人们的冲击与震撼 ,无论从内容到形式都是核动力级的 ,对它的解读不仅需要百科全书式的技术性 ,更需要从新的角度去理解生活 ,以此为出发点本文认为书中的焦点人物之一莫莉一直是传统价值观下误读的牺牲品 ,并以文本的细节为基础对莫莉从新的角度加以诠释。

3.The balance between modern academic rules and recognition oftraditional values is the guidelines of "pursue experience".在现代学术规则和传统价值认同之间追求平衡是该理论指导原则。

4)systemic value系统价值

1.Intrinsic value andsystemic value are necessary preconditions of man" s obligations to his environment.内在价值与系统价值是人类环境义务的必要前提,但依据这两个概念并不能直接得出人类的环境义务。

5)value system价值系统

1.One Rationalism s Critique of another Rationalism——The Philosophical Foundation for Saussure s Idea About The Value System of Language;一种理性主义对另一种理性主义的批判——索绪尔关于语言的“价值系统”观的哲学基础

2.The connotation of lean thinking and thevalue system of enterprise are elaborated.概述了精益思想的内涵和企业价值系统,分析了企业价值系统精益化的各个方面,强调了精益思想在企业整个价值系统中的效应。

3.This paper probes into the problem of how to combine the virtual enterprise and thevalue system for the purpose of obtaining the integral competitive superiorities of the va.探讨了如何将虚拟企业与价值系统结合起来,从而获得虚拟企业价值系统整体上的竞争优势。

6)system of value价值系统


价值工程(见价值分析)价值工程(见价值分析)value engineering; VE: see value analysis; VAjiazhi以洲笋h6ng价值工程(valuee峪~ng;视)析。见价值分
