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骨痴 callus英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-09-03 11:28:25


骨痴 callus英语短句 例句大全




3)A fool has his foolish Blessings痴人痴福

4)Silly head and Brain痴头痴脑


1.Development and Reliability and Validity ofDementia Screening Inventory for Elderly;老年人痴呆筛查问卷的编制和信效度研究

2.Effect of LYS polysaccharides on dementia-related gene expressions in SAMP8 mouse brain;龙眼参多糖对SAMP8鼠脑组织痴呆相关基因表达的影响

3.Effect of donepezil hydrochloride on cognitive function and P300 potential of mice with vascular dementia;盐酸多奈哌齐对血管性痴呆小鼠认知功能及P300电位的影响


1.alcoholic dementia酒毒性痴呆;酒毒性痴呆;酒精中毒性痴呆;酒精中毒性痴呆

2.schizophrenic dementia精神分裂性痴呆 精神分裂性痴呆

3.Alzheimer Disease阿滋海默症〔早老性痴呆〕

4.Grandpa seems to be in his second childhood.祖父好像有些老年痴呆。

5.He was moody and abstracted.他心情阴郁,神气痴呆。

6.General paralysis of the insane.痴呆性全身麻痹症.

7.dementia with onset before the age of 65.岁以前就变得痴呆了。

parative analysis between senile dementia and senile non-dementia delirium patients老年痴呆伴谵妄与非痴呆老年谵妄的比较研究

9.The Effects of Xingchi Decoction with Acupuncture on MMSE, Hcy and EEG of the Patients of Alzheimer s Disease;醒痴方加针刺对老年性痴呆患者MMSE、Hcy、EEG的影响

10.Bielschowsky Jansky disease晚期婴儿型家族性黑蒙性痴呆

11.More than 140 people developed Alzheimer"s disease.其中140多人患上了早老性痴呆症。

puter Test Helps Diagnose Alzheimer"s电脑测试有助于诊断出老年痴呆症

13.Can We Prevent Parkinson"s and Alzheimer"s Disease?能够预防帕金森病和老年痴呆吗?

14.The typical vascular dementia patient is male, and over the age of fifty.血管性痴呆患者多为50岁以上的男性。

15.Dementia Supplement照顾老人痴呆症患者补助金

16.Result:Atrophy in hippocampus is great interrelated with clinical dementia.结果 :海马萎缩与临床痴呆密切相关。

17.Ming-feng stood dazed and silent.鸣凤不说一句话,她痴呆地站在那里。

18.Dementia Home Care Project痴呆症患者家居照顾计划



3)A fool has his foolish Blessings痴人痴福

4)Silly head and Brain痴头痴脑


1.Development and Reliability and Validity ofDementia Screening Inventory for Elderly;老年人痴呆筛查问卷的编制和信效度研究

2.Effect of LYS polysaccharides on dementia-related gene expressions in SAMP8 mouse brain;龙眼参多糖对SAMP8鼠脑组织痴呆相关基因表达的影响

3.Effect of donepezil hydrochloride on cognitive function and P300 potential of mice with vascular dementia;盐酸多奈哌齐对血管性痴呆小鼠认知功能及P300电位的影响

6)vascular dementia痴呆

1.Effect and mechanism of effective component in Zhimu on ability of learning and memory invascular dementia rats;知母有效成分对拟痴呆模型大鼠学习记忆的影响及机制

2.Objective To study the efficacy and safety of the combined treatment with compound Reinhartdt and Sea Cumber Capsule (RSC, a Chinese medicinal preparation consisted mainly of Reinhartdt and Sea Cumber) and Donepezil forvascular dementia (VD), and its effect on thyroid function axis.目的研究复方海蛇胶囊(Reinhartdt and Sea Cumber Capsule,RSC)及盐酸多奈哌齐联合治疗血管性痴呆(vascular dementia,VD)的临床疗效、安全性及其对VD患者甲状腺功能轴的影响。

3.Vascular dementia (VD) mice model was made by three times of transient ischemia and reperfusion of bilateral common carotid arteries.目的观察脑缺血-再灌注导致的血管性痴呆小鼠不同时间点海马组织卡配因I(CalpainI)-细胞周期依赖性蛋白激酶5(Cdk5)通路表达的变化。


