1200字范文 > 旅游资源规划 Tourism Resource Plan英语短句 例句大全

旅游资源规划 Tourism Resource Plan英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-15 18:25:42


旅游资源规划 Tourism Resource Plan英语短句 例句大全

旅游资源规划,Tourism Resource Plan

1)Tourism Resource Plan旅游资源规划

1.The Discussion of theTourism Resource Plan at the Rural Leisure Tourism Town——Take the Anning City Wenquan Town"sTourism Resource Plan as the example乡村休闲旅游小镇旅游资源规划的探讨——以安宁市温泉镇旅游资源规划为例


1.The Discussion of the Tourism Resource Plan at the Rural Leisure Tourism Town--Take the Anning City Wenquan Town"s Tourism Resource Plan as the example乡村休闲旅游小镇旅游资源规划的探讨——以安宁市温泉镇旅游资源规划为例

2.Several Principles in the Programming and Exploitation of Tourist Resources in Yunnan National Cultures;云南民族文化旅游资源规划开发中的几个原则

3.Philosophy and Planning Methodology of Tourism --Tourism·Tourism Resources·Tourism Planning;旅游哲学观与规划方法论——旅游·旅游资源·旅游规划

4.Study on the Classification and Evaluation of Tourism Resources Basing on the Practice of Tourism Planning;基于旅游规划实践的旅游资源分类与评价研究

5.Tourism Culture Resources and Tourism Planning--Take Ngari in Tibet as an Example;旅游文化资源与旅游规划——以西藏阿里地区为例

6.Influence of Tourism Resources on Tourism Development Planning of Kunming City;昆明市旅游资源对城市旅游发展规划的影响

7.The applied research based on GISin tourism resource s exploitation and programme;旅游资源开发与规划中的GIS应用研究


9.Gradations of Tourism Resources Investigation and Evaluation under Tourism Planning;旅游规划中资源调查与评价的层次性

10.Evaluation of the Tourist Resources of Longyang Gorgeand the Relevant Development Planning;龙羊峡旅游资源评价与发展规划初探

11.The Investigation, Evaluation and Exploitation of Tourism Resources in TianshengCity in the Three-Gorges Reservoir Area;万州天生城旅游资源评价与开发规划

12.On planning thought of changing the scenery resource into traveling resource试谈把风景资源建成旅游资源的规划设计理念

13.Tourism industry depends on both tourist resource & guest source,and planning & design.旅游业靠两源(资源、客源)、两划(策划、规划,先策划后然后开发);

14.Discussion on tour resources estimate method for strategical planning of tourism dovelopment --Taking strategical planning of tourism of Naidong County in Tibet Autonomous Region for example;旅游发展战略规划中旅游资源评价方法初探——以西藏乃东县旅游发展战略规划为例

15.It is critical to excavate the tour resource thoroughly and to collocate it in reason,making out the explotiation unification programs.欲合理配置资源,苏锡旅游景观开发须统一规划。

16.Design and Plan for Jiaji Grass-hall Beauty Spot夹漈草堂旅游风景区资源开发与规划设计

17.Analysis and planning of ecotourism resources of Hebao Island in Zhuhai City of Guangdong Province广东珠海荷包岛生态旅游资源分析及规划

18.The Protection and Development of Resources in the Coastal Tourism Resort Design;论滨海旅游度假区规划中的资源保护与开发


natural tourism resource planning contract自然旅游资源规划合约

1.This paper aims at issues onnatural tourism resource planning contract arrangement overlooked by tourism research circles by introducing the principal-agent theory of the Contract Economics.采用合约经济学的委托—代理理论,研究为目前学界所忽视的自然旅游资源规划合约的管理问题,认为自然旅游资源的政府代理制与传统的委托代理理论相悖,并由此引致委托风险的出现,而这种委托风险的存在才是当前自然旅游资源规划合约低效率的根源所在。

3)tourism resources exploitment and programme旅游资源开发与规划

1.GIS, which is able to manage and analyze spatial and attribute data, is scarcely used intourism resources exploitment and programme.本文尝试应用一种新的旅游资源开发与规划的方法,即将GIS作为一种工具应用于旅游开发与规划中,并在数据采集和数据库的建立、旅游资源的评价、旅游开发规划图件的编制、旅游信息的查询等方面进行了研究,试图为旅游开发与规划提供基于GIS的开发思路和框架,从而使整个旅游资源的开发和规划更加准确和科学,使旅游区的旅游业得以可持续发展。

4)regional division of the tourist resources旅游资源区划

5)development and plan of tourism resources地质旅游资源开发与规划

6)tourism planning旅游规划

1.On Tourism Planning of Nature Reserve in Our Countryu;论我国自然保护区的旅游规划

2.The Application of Computer-aided Design in Tourism Planning;计算机辅助设计在旅游规划当中的应用

3.Typical problem analysis intourism planning;旅游规划典型问题剖析——以《昌平区旅游总体规划(~)征求意见稿》为例


