1200字范文 > 雅思口语part3考官如何作答


时间:2022-02-19 01:19:42




1. What is the government doing to help solve traffic jams?

Well, I don’t know about other cities, but where I live, here in Hangzhou, they’ve put a system in place which restricts the amount of cars allowed to travel at certain times of the day according to the last number on their number plate. That kind of sounds a bit complicated, so just to give you an example, on Monday, if the last number on your license plate is 1 or 9, then you’re restricted from traveling in the city centre during the morning and evening rush hour. And then on Tuesday, the numbers switch, and so on. It’s hard to tell whether it’s actually working or not, but at least they’re trying!


这里的考试形式虽然和part1类似,但是回答上还是有很大差别的,part1比较侧重简单陈述,说清楚即可,可以使用比较地道但是很简单的口语。但是part3则不然,要求考生尽可能的多说,能够深度剖析阐述,虽然要求口语的程度,但是在表达上往往非常完善,在词汇句式上,难度比前两部分要增加,有点偏向于书面语言的严谨,但是又富有口语表达的特点。一般回答都会比较长,句式多样,如上述用到宾语从句,定语从句,条件状语从句和地点状语从句等。而内容上则是从面到点,大的措施政策到具体实行的点和做法。逻辑层次清晰,用词贴切恰当。如Restrict = 限制;number plate = license plate 车牌。所以这样的一个范文其实是比较优秀的,考生可以多多参考,而且抛开其语音和考场发挥的部分,仅从词汇,语法,句式,连贯度上来讲完全可以拿到7+的分数。


Overseas, some governments have increased the sales tax on cars as a way to discourage people from buying cars. Do you think that’s a good idea?

Well, looking at it from the government’s perspective, it’s a great idea! You know, they’re gonna get more tax revenue. But for everyone else, I’d say it’s not that great an idea! I mean, if someone has their heart set on buying a car, then I don’t think sales tax in itself will stop them from buying one. All it will do is force the person to buy a cheaper car than they would have done. So I guess, obviously it might put off a small minority of people, but for the vast majority, they’ll still go on buying cars. At least that’s the way I see it!



You have your heart set on doing something = you really want to do it!

Go on doing something = keep (on) doing something (你一心想……)

At least that’s the way I see it = 反正我是这样看的。
