1200字范文 > 哲学理论基础 Philosophical theorizing英语短句 例句大全

哲学理论基础 Philosophical theorizing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-07 14:01:19


哲学理论基础 Philosophical theorizing英语短句 例句大全

哲学理论基础,Philosophical theorizing

1)Philosophical theorizing哲学理论基础


1.On the Modern Philosophical Basis of the Actual Combat Application of Police Strategy;论警察谋略实战应用的现代哲学理论基础

2.philosophical theory of"Three Represents";“三个代表”重要思想的哲学理论基础综论

3.Analysis on the Difficulties in the Teaching of Philosophical Basic Theory;对哲学基础理论教学困境的哲学分析

4.Chomsky s Transformational Generative Grammar Theory--A Philosophic Foundation;论乔姆斯基生成语法理论的哲学基础

5.Philosophical basis for TCM Psychology in Canon of Medicine;试论《内经》中医学心理思想的哲学基础

6.Ecology Philosophy--The Philosophical Foundation and Theory Guidance of Product Ecological Design;生态哲学——产品生态设计的哲学基础和理论指导

7.Its theory foundation is pragmatism and system philosophy.其理论基础是实用主义和系统哲学。

8.Philosophical Foundation and Academic Meanings of Leonardo da Vinci’s Theory of Mirror;达芬奇镜子说的哲学基础与理论内涵

9.Practical Materialism : Philosophic Basis of Deng Xiaoping Theory;实践唯物主义:邓小平理论的哲学基础

10.Theory of the 3rd-dimension World and Philosophical Foundation of Science of Science/Technology;世界3理论与科学技术学建立的哲学基础

11.The Philosophic Basis of Ontology in International Relations Theories in the West;西方国际关系理论中本体论的哲学基础

12.The philosophical foundation and achievement and unsatisfactory aspects of Childe s theory on two revolutions;柴尔德“两次革命论”的哲学基础与理论得失

13.Foundation of Philosopy on Marcuse s Theories of Social Critical;马尔库塞批判社会理论的哲学基础探论

14.On the philosophilal basis of the theory of China’sfeatured revolutionary route;试论中国特色革命道路理论的哲学基础

15.The Theory of “Building a Well-off Society in an All-Round Way":Its Philosophical Foundation;试论全面建设小康社会理论的哲学基础

16.A View of Philosophical Foundations of Information Flow Theory from the Perspective of Conditional Paradoxes从条件句悖论看信息流理论的哲学基础

17.Historical and Philosophical foundation of Contemporary Minority Literary Criticism Theory;当代少数民族文学批评理论的历史哲学基础

18.Philosophy basis of the diversification of teaching modes for political theory lessons;思想政治理论课教学模式多样化的哲学基础


philosophical foundation哲学基础

1.The Philosophical Foundation and Connotation of Establishing the Discipline of Imperial Examinations(Keju);科举学建构的哲学基础及其内涵

2.On the Philosophical Foundation of Mao Zedong Economic Thought;试论毛泽东经济思想的哲学基础

3.The Philosophical Foundation for the Reconstruction of Translatology;翻译学构建中的哲学基础

3)philosophical basis哲学基础

1.Onphilosophical basis of the system of socialist core values;论社会主义核心价值体系的哲学基础

2.Onphilosophical basis of DENG Xiao-ping s educational theory;试论邓小平教育理论的哲学基础

3.To exploration the time characteristic,philosophical basis and realization way of the environment friendly society, we can comprehensive realization science development view,we can realization harmonious and continues development about our economy,society and environment.通过对环境友好型社会的时代特征、哲学基础和实现路径的把握,将有助于我们全面落实科学发展观,实现经济、社会与环境的和谐、持续发展。

4)Philosophic basis哲学基础

1.The reason why the scientific development concept is considered as a scientific theory lies in its solid philosophic basis sticking to the fundamental principles of dialectical materialism and historical materialism,being under Marxist philosophy on development as its basis,under Marxist practice theory as its recognition way and Marxist humanism as its value orientation.科学发展观之所以是科学的理论与其坚实的哲学基础是分不开的。

2.It has profound philosophic basis.它具有深厚的哲学基础。

5)philosophy foundation哲学基础

1.The analysis of "human-oriented"philosophy foundation and the time value;“以人为本”的哲学基础与时代价值探析

2.The Zhuang medicine have deep traditionalphilosophy foundation,in endless development process,the Zhuang Medicine absorbed the Zhuang race philosophy thought extensively,accumulate the intelligence of the Zhuang race.壮医药有深厚的传统哲学基础,壮医药在漫长的发展历程中广泛吸收了壮族先民的哲学思想,凝聚着壮族先民的智慧。

3.But it doesn t surmount the thinking mode of machinery natural view,dualphilosophy foundation,utilitarianism,and positivism.但仍然没有超越机械自然观和主客二分的二元论哲学基础和功利主义、实证主义的思维方式。

6)Philosophical Base哲学基础

1.OnPhilosophical Base and Approach Choice of Harmonious Society;论和谐社会的哲学基础与路径抉择

2.As contemporary aesthetic judgment theory,Marxism theory concerning all-round human development and other theories provide philosophical base,aesthetic base and methodology for aesthetic judgment enlightenment theory.作为现代审美理论,马克思主义关于人的全面发展的学说等理论,为审美启蒙理论提供了其哲学基础,美学基础及方法论。

3.One of the most important current issues in psychological service is to shape the philosophical base of the psychological service in ChinaThis paper tries to set up the philosophical base of the psychological service by discussing the relationship among human beings,psychological service and philosoph当前 ,我国心理辅导发展重要课题之一是构建心理辅导的哲学基础。


汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀
