1200字范文 > 舞龙 dragon dance英语短句 例句大全

舞龙 dragon dance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-30 21:09:06


舞龙 dragon dance英语短句 例句大全

舞龙,dragon dance

1)dragon dance舞龙

1.By describing the folk festivals,such as lion dance anddragon dance in Guangdong and Hong Kong s Kung fu Movies & TV plays,this paper probes into the cultural factors in the Pearl River Delta folklore,esp.从粤港影视传媒中黄飞鸿、霍元甲、李小龙等,影视中舞狮、舞龙及采青斗胜的民间节庆文化中,发掘岭南珠三角地带民俗因子里的文化想像。

2.Wu Long symbolizes the "dragon dance",as Chinese son,he comes from a country.五龙作为华夏之子"舞龙"的象征,在城市异境中经受了织云与绮云所代表的"色"与"财"的诱惑,逐渐发生蜕变。

3.Through using the method of literature and from the cultural characteristic of dragon dancing, this paper discusses the relation between folk culture anddragon dance.文章采用文献资料法,从舞龙运动的文化特征入手,探讨舞龙运动与民俗文化的关系。


1.And I like the dragon and lion dances, too.我也喜欢看舞龙舞狮子。

2.Playing in dry seasons will bring them rain;干旱时舞龙,可以求雨;

3.Playing dragon dances in the spring will hopefully bring people favorable weather;春节舞龙,寓意风调雨顺;

4.Dances of dragons, unicorns, and lions ensure good luck for the coming year.舞龙、麒麟和舞狮确保了来年的好运。

5.Why Do People Perform Lion and Dragon Dances on Days of Jubilation?为什么在喜庆的日子里要舞狮、舞龙?

6.The Lion and Dragon Dance in Chinese College in the 21st Century21世纪我国高校舞龙舞狮运动前瞻

7.The Present Situation and Countermeasure Research of Chinese Dragon and Lion Dance;中国舞龙舞狮运动现状及发展对策研究

8.On the Non-text Poetic Significance of Lion Dance and Dragon Dance in Guangdong and Hong Kong s Kung fu Movies and TV Plays;粤港功夫影视中舞狮、舞龙的非文本诗学意义

9.Analysis on the value of establishing the course of performing dragons and lions to regular institution;对普通高校开设舞龙舞狮课程价值的探析

10.Practice and Study of Physical Education Optional Course on Dragon and Lion Performance in Colleges and Universities;普通高校舞龙舞狮体育选项课的实践与研究

11.Source and Development with the Culture of Lion Dancing and Dragon Dancing;舞龙舞狮运动的文化探源及其发展分析

12.The Traditional Physical Educational Items Dragon Dancing and Lion Dancing and the Traditional Physical Educational Items Dragon Dancing and Lion Dancing;客家梅州传统体育项目舞龙舞狮与原始宗教

13.The Value and Meaning of The Opening of Dragon Dancing and Lion Dancing in Colleges and University;舞龙舞狮运动的价值及其在高校开展的意义

14.A Study on Market Development Strategies of the Dragon and Lion Dance in Universities and Colleges高校舞龙舞狮运动的市场开发策略研究

15.Feasibility Research on the Development of Dragon and Lion Dance in Colleges and Universities in GuangXi广西高校开展舞龙舞狮运动的可行性研究

16.Influences on College Students" Mental Health Through the Dragon and Lion Dance浅谈舞龙舞狮运动对大学生心理健康的影响

17.Prospect the Development of the Dragon-lion Sports from the 8th China Dragon-lion International Invitation Game;从第八届中国国际龙狮邀请赛展望舞龙舞狮运动的发展

18.Anthropological Analysis of Dragon Dance Ritual--Case Study of Field Research into Dragon Dance of Sanfang in Rongshui County舞龙仪式的人类学探析——以融水三防舞龙文化的田野考察为例


Dragon Dancing舞龙

1.Results show that the dragon dancing is strong in training intensity and energy supply;dragon dancing should adopt special training resembling competitions and suit the needs of the event.采用生化实验、录像解析、文献资料、数理统计等方法,对湖南师大等8所高校的80名舞龙运动员自选套路训练中运动强度、供能及其项目特点进行评定。

2.The article elaborates the fable and the origin of dragon and the formation of dragon dancing,explains the traditional dragon dancing and the athletics dragon dancing,of which dragon dancing competition type may divide into the single item match and the versatile match,according to the sex the type may divides into the male group and the female group competition.阐述了龙的传说和由来、舞龙运动的形成以及舞龙运动中的民间传统,介绍了舞龙运动与竞技舞龙运动,其中舞龙比赛按竞赛类型可分为单项赛和全能赛,按性别可分为男子组和女子组比赛。

3)dragon dance龙舞

4)Dragon and Lion Dance舞龙舞狮

1.Research on the Factors of InfluencingDragon and Lion Dance Athletes Ability of Expression and the Cultivation Countermeasures;影响舞龙舞狮运动员表现力的因素及其培养对策研究

5)Dragon Dance舞龙运动

1.The Research on the Advantages of the Development ofDragon Dance in the Universities of Hunan Province;湖南省高校发展舞龙运动的优势研究

2.A Research Review into the Market-oriented Development forDragon Dance in China;我国舞龙运动市场化发展的研究综述

3.The Study of the Functional Value of ChineseDragon Dance;中国舞龙运动价值功能的探讨

6)fish and dragon performance鱼龙舞

1.This paper has analyzed the the culture connotation of"fish and dragon performance"and modem defor- mation in ancient Huizhou with the methods of documentary,visiting and logistics.采用文献资料法、实地调查和访谈等方法,对古徽州"鱼龙舞"的文化内涵和现代流变进行分析研究。




舞龙(dragon dance)灯节虽始于汉初,盛于唐宋,但“舞龙”的习俗,相信是承继殷周“祭天”的遗风。龙在历史文籍的记载中出现的时间极早,而且“舞龙”包含“风调雨顺国泰民安”,原有“祈年”的意思。古人民智不开,大概由于龙在神话中是海洋的主宰,威力无穷,而海洋主水,龙也就很自然地做了农作物的司雨神。民以食为天,谷物是维持生命的根本,间接也就操纵了人类的生命。按这意义敷衍,龙的重要性竟是超逾了祖宗——帝舜、契和后稷。如此,龙被古人奉为“吉物”出现在庆典祭祀中,自然也不足为奇了。《礼王制》称:“宗庙之祭,春曰钥,夏曰衤帝,秋曰尝,冬曰烤”。人们所以要舞龙,与古代劳动人民在农业生产中对自然现象缺乏科学知识有关。他们幻想龙是管雨的,想以舞龙来祈求神龙,以保风调雨顺、五谷丰登。中华民族是一个富有创造力的民族。综观各地、各族人民的舞龙表演,种类繁多,各具特色。常见的有火龙、草龙、人龙、布龙、纸龙、花龙、筐龙、段龙、烛龙、醉龙、竹叶龙、荷花龙、板凳龙、扁担龙、滚地龙、七巧龙、大头龙、夜光龙、焰火龙等近百种之多。龙灯的节数一般为7节,9节和13节。从久远的年代起,舞龙活动经久不衰,二代又一代流传下来。舞龙不再是某一民族独有的“自喻”项目,而是属于各个民族的了。今天,在我们祖国这个多民族的大家庭里,“龙”已成为整个中华民族的象征。舞龙的创造和流传是全中华民族光辉历史的一部分,为我们的民族和人民所喜爱。舞龙头舞龙头是福建舍族祭祖活动中的一种仪式,由日、月、星等组成仪仗队。龙头用木雕成,涂上色彩,显得古朴、庄严。祭祖时,执龙头者随着鼓点作出各种动作,或进或退,或舞或止,或跳或蹲,有一定章法。舞龙头表现了“九龙” 出世及成长的过程,包含了“九龙出世”、“东海嫁水”、“行云布雨”。“深潭求亲”、“九龙归位”等套路的表演。舞麻龙舞麻龙流传在四川济州龙溪一带羌族人民之中,是祭祖中的一项体育活动。近年来羌族人民对舞麻龙这项活动加以改进,剔去糟粕,取其精华,保留了耍花棒、龙凤相会、神棍戏麻龙、跳神棍、麻龙追彩霞等套路动作。表演者腰间系一串铜铃,女的手执一根扎有彩球和彩带的彩花棒,棒上镶铁环扣和铜铃;男的手中的彩棍,一端用麻扎成精美龙头,另一端用拖有7米余长的麻髯为龙身。锣鼓声起,龙首时低时昂,麻龙飞舞,花棍旋转,龙击花棍,球戏麻龙。龙身甩动中发出的啪啪响声,与腰间的铃声,棍上的铁环声,歌声、鼓声、呼喊声交织混合,风格独特。舞草龙舞草龙是他佬族游艺习俗。草龙用禾秆草编成。编织者先编一条长长的草帘,编到最后分三个叉略往上翘起,象征“龙尾”;把草帘的另一头反折一层做两个弯角翘起,形似“龙头”;中间每隔约zm扎一小捆椭圆形禾草,串上一根竹子做“龙身”。在龙头前面单独做一个圆形草团作为“龙宝”(龙珠),再进行一些装饰,在龙头、龙身、龙尾挂上一些彩纸,便在村头村尾舞起来。过罢春节,人们将草龙拿到河边烧掉,送龙回龙宫;平时如果村子里遇到什么灾害,或者久旱不雨,也扎草龙去河边焚烧,祈求“龙王”消灾、降福或降雨。泼水龙 泼水龙是湖南湘西土家族祭神求雨的仪式,一旦出现旱灾,当地头面人物就会出来组织泼水龙,演出极其隆重。表演时有龙头1个,龙身9或11节,都不糊纸,不披布,只通插柳条,取“愿得柳枝甘露水”之意,并有鱼、虾、蚌、蛤等执事陪衬。表演时赤膊者沿街舞龙,围观者以水泼之,舞龙人被淋得全身湿透,以此祈求天降大雨,水越多则预示雨越大,故周围村寨人人参加。舞龙和执事者无特殊要求,但龙前执龙珠者须有武功,按“四门架子”、“八虎拳”、“苏公背箭”、“猛虎跳涧”等套路表演,相沿成习。
