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情怀 feelings英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-03 06:53:20


情怀 feelings英语短句 例句大全



1.A vagabond and his transcendentalfeelings——Liu Yong and his Ci;漂泊的身世与超越的情怀——柳永其人其词

2.As a great writer in feudal China,Li Qingzhao displayed the typicalfeelings of scholar-bureaucrat and the literary pursue of life consciousness,which were embodied concentratively in her sense of.作为中国封建时代的杰出作家,李清照表现出了典型的士大夫情怀及生命意识的文人化追求。

3.However, the poetsfeelings are different from each other because of the cultural elements such as the religion and philosophy which naturally influence the poets and poetry in the theme and form.尽管在具体的时间上不同步,但就其兴旺发达的背景和浪漫主义与现实主义的转折点而言,中国的唐诗和美国19世纪的诗歌相似之处却很多;然而,在这相似的背景里,由于宗教、文化心理等文化因素的不同,诗人的情怀则是各异的,这理所当然地带来了主题及形式的不同。


1.Francesca was feeling good feelings, old feelings, poetry and music feelings.弗朗西丝卡正享受着美好的情怀,旧时情怀,诗和音乐的情怀。

2.He expressed the thoughts and feelings to his friends.他向朋友抒发情怀。

3.The Deep Feeling of Ultimate and the Complex of Self-projection in The Scholar;《儒林外史》的末世情怀与自况情结

4.An Opinion of the Innermost Feeling andHumanity in Liu Zongyuan s Poems of Objects;柳宗元咏物诗的情感寄寓和人文情怀

5.A feeling of doubt, distrust, or apprehension.怀疑一种怀疑、不信任或害怕的感情

6.We were deeply grieved to recall him.我们怀着沉痛的心情缅怀他。

7.Expressive Mode in Ruan Ji s Baring My Soul;阮籍《咏怀》的生命关怀和抒情模式

8.an incredulous look, stare, gaze, etc怀疑的神情、 注视、 逼视等.

9.Some people are in doubt about sympathizers.有些人对同情者有怀疑。

10.He went away with a heavy heart他怀着沉重的心情走了。

11.They sang with great passion.他们满怀激情地歌唱。

12.with a humble and contrite heart怀着谦恭并悔罪的心情

13.and fleet in my arms,爱情飞出我的怀抱,

14.inward thoughts, feelings, doubts, etc内心的思想、 感情、 怀疑等

15.Her works are pervaded by nostalgia for a past age她的作品充满怀旧之情

16.I have a soft spot for my old school.我对母校怀有眷恋之情。

17.Felt a cautious optimism that the offer would be accepted.怀着提议将被接受的谨慎的乐观情绪

18.He came out shyly with his regrets他怀着悔恨、羞愧心情认错。



1.An analysis of the holy femininesensibility in "Lily";感悟细微的美好呼唤温情的瞬间——析《百合花》中女性化的生命情怀

2.It demonstrates the author s (a female) yearning for virtue in human nature and aspiration for gentle feelings, demonstrating the holy femininesensibility,and thus filling the story with intense emotions and faint sentiment.茹志娟的《百合花》以女性的个体生命为本位,极力弱化战争的背景而专注于男女之间在瞬间的情感碰撞与交流,通过体察和感悟细微之处的美好,寄托和张显了作者对于美好人性的向往和对温情的渴望,展示了女性化的神圣情怀,并以转瞬即逝的遗憾使作品洋溢着浓浓的情意和淡淡的感伤。

3)feelings for cherishing the past怀旧情怀

1.With each turning of characters destinies, herfeelings for cherishing the past have fermented a flickering scenery gradually.随着人物命运的每一次拐弯,作者的怀旧情怀也渐渐酝酿和弥散为一道或显或隐的风景。

4)feelings of natural science博物情怀

5)humanistic feelings人文情怀

1.LI Bai is not only an eminent romantic poet in ancient China,but also a great poet with profoundhumanistic feelings.李白不仅是我国古代杰出的浪漫主义诗人,而且也是有着深厚的人文情怀的伟大诗人。

2.Taking Bi Shumin’shumanistic feelings of sympathy as its perspective, the present thesis generalizes the characteristics of their embodiment in her novel writing, and analyzes the reasons for the formation of this writing style, and then discloses the importan.本文以毕淑敏悲悯的人文情怀为切入点,归纳梳理了其在小说创作中的表现特点,并分析了这一风格形成的原因,进而揭示出毕淑敏的小说创作在当代文坛的重要意义和价值。

6)Feelings of mountains and rivers山水情怀

1.As a result of the metaphysical understanding to beauty of mountains and rivers,the Chinese scholar has the deepFeelings of mountains and rivers,this kind of Feelings displays in the scenery poem,the landscape painting,displays in the scenery garden.由于对山水之美的形而上的认识,中国文人具有深厚的山水情怀。


