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消臭 deodorizing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-09 03:56:41


消臭 deodorizing英语短句 例句大全



1.Grafting metal phthalocyanine onto the cellulose fiber and itsdeodorizing effect;金属酞菁接枝纤维素纤维及其消臭性能

parasion of Deodorizing Properties for Fibres Loading Different Metallophthlocyanine;两种负载不同金属酞菁纤维的消臭性能比较

3.A new method of preparation fordeodorizing and antibacterial cellulose fiber was proposed.采用一种制备消臭、抗菌纤维素纤维的新方法,即先将纤维素纤维用多元羧酸进行化学修饰,然后在铜氨溶液中处理,生成铜螯合纤维素纤维。


1.Deodorizes Effective Component of Agaricus Bisporus Extraction、Separation and Deodorization Research;双孢蘑菇消臭有效成分的提取、分离及消臭研究

2.ozone-depleting refrigerant消耗臭氧层的制冷剂

3.potentially ozone (layer)-depleting substance可能消耗臭氧层物质

4.phase(-)out (of ozone-depleting substances)逐渐不用消耗臭氧物质

5.potent ozone-depletion substance强力的臭氧消耗物质

6.consumption area (of ozone depleting substances)消耗臭氧物质的消费领域

7.Objective To evaluate the effect of ozone used to sterilize sickbed unit.目的评价病床单位臭氧消毒的效果。

8.Studies on disinfections and deodorization of the excavated books from the Ming tomb;明墓出土古书的消毒杀菌与除臭研究

9.Experimental study on decontamination of stimulant of chemical warfare agent DPCP by ozone臭氧洗消化学战剂模拟剂DPCP试验研究

10.A Survey on Ozone Depleting Substances(ODS) in Jinzhong City晋中市消耗臭氧层物质(ODS)的调查

11.Effect of air sterilization with ozone and peracetic acid臭氧和过氧乙酸消毒法对空气消毒效果的影响

12.an area of the ozone layer (near the poles) that is seasonally depleted of ozone.季节性地消耗臭氧的臭氧层(两极附近)的一个区域。

13.The disinfecting method of disinfect with ozone disinfector for bed unit has also been assigned as the only disinfecting method.并把”采用床单位臭氧消毒器进行消毒”列入唯一指定的消毒方法。

14.Adaptable to the thorough disinfection of bed units, no ozone leakage, can degrade the remaining ozone, and do not pollute the environment.适用于床单位彻底消毒;无任何臭氧泄漏,可将消毒后残存的臭氧降解掉,不污染环境。

15.pine-scented,ie(esp of a deodorant,disinfectant,soap,etc)smelling of pines有松树香味的(尤指除臭剂、消毒剂、香皂等).

16.In the past bad breath was believed to be due to indigestion .在过去,口臭被认为是因为消化不良引起的。

17.Objective To observe the disinfection effect of gastro scope by ozone water.目的观察臭氧水在胃镜体的消毒效果监测。

18.Country Programme to Phase Out Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, China中国逐步淘汰消耗臭氧层物质国家方案



1.Thedeodorization of cateehins to trimethylamine,H2S and indol with gas chromatography has been studied in this paper.用气相色谱法研究地茶素消除三甲胺、硫化氢、吲哚气味的机理,实验显示,消臭效果L一EGCG>L一EGC>L-ECG>L-EC(单位重量),并随时间的延长消臭率逐渐升高,消臭后儿茶素吸光值降低和纸上层析新斑点出现。

2.It introduces different existing methods for eliminating odor and controlling odor,and classifies the functional materials fordeodorization.分析了恶臭物质成分及其对人体、环境的影响情况,结合已由的研究成果总结了消臭机理及基于各种消臭机理下研发制备的消臭材料和制剂情况,指出高效消臭材料,以及能够在消除异臭味的同时净化空气、消除挥发性有机污染物(VOCs)的除臭材料的开发是今后消臭材料研究的方向。

3)deodorization technique消臭技术

1.The component of odour and understanding about it was detailed in this paper, with the emphasisondeodorization technique and its development trend and the related test methods.本文详细介绍了臭气的成分和有关臭气的认识,着重介绍了消臭技术及其发展动向和有关测试方法,最后介绍了具有消臭功能的腈纶纤维。

4)Ozone disinfection臭氧消毒

1.In this paper,the characteristic and principle of ozone disinfection are introduced.介绍了臭氧消毒的特点、原理,臭氧的产生方法,臭氧消毒的应用等。

2.Method and effect of ozone disinfection and effect of swing thermometer were reliable.结果该仪器能自动完成体温计的消毒、甩表 ,臭氧消毒方法与效果以及甩表效果可靠 ,临床试用认为仪器配置成套测量用具方便、实用 ,自动化程度高 ,有推广应用价值。

3.The method of water purification combined ozone disinfection and UF with UV sterilization is applied to the equipment.该设备采用臭氧消毒、超滤、紫外线杀菌相结合的净水方式,可把生活用水净化成用于洗涤的臭氧水和饮用的纯净水,作者分析了该设备关键部件的设计计算要点。


1.Studies on theantibacterial mechanism of multi-functional group-containing polyacrylonitrile fiber;含多官能团功能聚丙烯腈纤维抗菌消臭机理的研究

2.Multiple of theantibacterial synthetic fibers were prepared by grafted with acrylonitrile and characterized.合成了多种接枝型杭菌合成纤维,并测定了它们的抗菌消臭性能。

3.A novel of the polyacrylonitrileantibacterial fiber containing multi functional groups was prepared and characterized.合成了一种多官能团聚丙烯腈纤维 ,并测定了它的抗菌消臭性能。


1.Preparation of aDeodorant;一种消臭剂的制备及其效果试验


