1200字范文 > 人与自然界和谐相处 the harmonious relations between human beings and nature英语短句 例句大全

人与自然界和谐相处 the harmonious relations between human beings and nature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-09 06:51:52


人与自然界和谐相处 the harmonious relations between human beings and nature英语短句 例句大全

人与自然界和谐相处,the harmonious relations between human beings and nature

1)the harmonious relations between human beings and nature人与自然界和谐相处

2)idea of harmonious coexistence of mankind with Nature人与自然和谐相处理念

3)harmonious relationship between man and nature人与自然和谐相处

1.Theharmonious relationship between man and nature is a necessity of building a well-being and harmonious socialist society.文章结合浙江省的实际,着重论述人与自然和谐相处是建设“平安浙江”、构建和谐社会的必然要求,认为人与自然相处不和谐是构建社会主义和谐社会的最大障碍。


1."The Combination of Man and Nature" Advocating the Harmonious Existence of Man and Nature;“天人合一”:倡导人与自然和谐相处

2.To popularize ecological knowledge; To harmonize the relatioship between human and nature.普及生态学知识,人与自然和谐相处!

3.Develop circulating economy,advance harmonious between man and nature发展循环经济 促进人与自然和谐相处

4.On the Cultural Traits of the Harmonious Co-existence between the Hani People and Nature;哈尼族人与自然和谐相处的文化特征

5.Develop circulating economy,advance harmonious between man and nature;发展循环经济 促进人与自然和谐相处

6.Three Principles to Be Obeyed of Harmonious Coexistence `of Man and Nature;人与自然和谐相处应遵循的三个原则

7.The legal Theory Seeking the Harmony of Man and Nature;论追求人与自然和谐相处的法学理论

8.Ecology Ethic: the Foundation of Human Beings and Nature in Harmony;生态伦理:人与自然和谐相处的基石

9.The human and the natural harmony is together:Constructs harmonious social the foundation;人与自然和谐相处是构建和谐社会的基础

10.On the Evolution of Views of Nature and the Strategy of Harmonious Coexistence between Humans and Nature;论自然观的嬗变及人与自然和谐相处的方略

11.On the possibility and feasibility of harmonious coexistence of human beings and the nature;论人与自然和谐相处的可能性与现实性

12.The View of China s Modernization of Harmony between Human and Nature;中国现代化视角下的人与自然和谐相处

13.A Study of the Scientific Development Concept on Sports Embodied in the Harmonious Coexistence between Man and Nature;论人与自然和谐相处的科学体育发展观

14.Adopting the Scientific Concept of Development to Promote the Harmony Between Man and Nature;树立科学发展观 促进人与自然和谐相处

15.Philosophical Thinking of China and Western Countries towards Harmony between Man and Nature;中西方对人与自然和谐相处的哲学思考

16.The Leap from Possibility to Reality in Harmonious Coexistence Between Human Beings and Nature;论人与自然和谐相处从可能到现实的飞跃

17.New thinking on speeding up the realization of keeping human and the nature in harmony of Dalian;关于加快实现大连人与自然和谐相处的新思考



idea of harmonious coexistence of mankind with Nature人与自然和谐相处理念

3)harmonious relationship between man and nature人与自然和谐相处

1.Theharmonious relationship between man and nature is a necessity of building a well-being and harmonious socialist society.文章结合浙江省的实际,着重论述人与自然和谐相处是建设“平安浙江”、构建和谐社会的必然要求,认为人与自然相处不和谐是构建社会主义和谐社会的最大障碍。

4)"the harmonious coexistence between man and nature"人与自然和谐共处

5)harmony between man and nature人与自然的和谐

1.The author,looking at theharmony between man and nature from an .从生态视角透观人与自然的和谐,文章认为这只是人性完善的逻辑起点与基本方式,要完成人之为人,尚有许多路要走。

6)harmony between human and nature人与自然和谐

1.The essence ofharmony between human and nature is the full development of human,and the aim of environmental law ofharmony between human and nature is the balance of environmental benefits.人与自然和谐的哲学本质是人的全面发展,其法制目标是人的环境利益平衡。


善的理念(见理念)善的理念(见理念)idea of goods卜an deljnian善的理念(idea of good)见理念。
