1200字范文 > 通航条件 navigation condition英语短句 例句大全

通航条件 navigation condition英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-06 15:40:13


通航条件 navigation condition英语短句 例句大全

通航条件,navigation condition

1)navigation condition通航条件

1.Study on operational mode of TGP lock andnavigation conditions during cofferdam retaining water;三峡永久船闸围堰期运行方式及其通航条件研究

2.Research onnavigation conditions downstream TGPduring its flood-discharge;三峡工程泄洪对下游通航条件影响的研究

3.Research onnavigation condition and the configuration of diversion channal of Caojie hydro-junction in Jialing river嘉陵江草街枢纽通航明渠体型及通航条件研究


1.Navigation condition and navigation safety at bridge district of mountainous rivers山区河流桥区通航条件和通航安全问题研究

2.Research on navigation condition and the configuration of diversion channal of Caojie hydro-junction in Jialing river嘉陵江草街枢纽通航明渠体型及通航条件研究

3.Test on navigation condition influenced by the angle between approach channel and main channel引航道与河流主航道的夹角对通航条件影响试验

4.Study on Locating and Navigating Conditions of Heavy Cargo Wharf at Xiangjiaba Hydropower Station in Jinsha River金沙江向家坝重大件码头选址与通航条件研究

5.Study on the Shoal and Trough Evolution and the Navigation Conditions of Wandering Reaches of the Hanjiang River汉江中游游荡性河段滩槽演变与通航条件分析

6.Navigation condition when entrance area and connecting segment of lock are in bend船闸口门区与连接段为弯道时的通航条件

7.Analysis of navigation conditions on the Shawan bridge of Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong railway广深港铁路沙湾大桥对通航条件的影响

8.Impact of daily regulation for hydropower station on navigation conditions of downstream side of Gezhouba project in dry season电站日调节波对葛洲坝下游枯期通航条件影响

9.Study on navigation condition and evolution law of bridge site reaches of Songhua River highway bridge富绥公路桥桥址河段演变规律及通航条件研究

10.Experimental Study on Navigation Flow Conditions at Navigation Building Approach Channel of Winding Canyon River with Generalized Model in Wujiang River;乌江峡谷弯曲型河道通航建筑物引航道通航条件概化模型试验研究

11.An international airport shall also have the conditions for operating international air transport and be provided with customs and other port inspection organs.国际机场还应当具备国际通航条件,设立海关和其他口岸检查机关。

12.Research on Flow Condition for Navigation in the Entrance Area and the Transitional Reach of the Navigation Structures;通航建筑物口门区及连接段通航水流条件研究

13.The Experimental Study on the Effect of the Continuous Bends Flow to Navigation连续弯曲航道水流条件对通航影响的试验研究

14.Theoretical Research about Inland Waterway Capacities of Different Safe Conditions;不同安全条件下的航道通过能力研究

15.The Navigation Condition Study of CROWN118 Vessel Series Crossing HeChang Zhou North BranchCROWN118船型通过和畅洲北汊航行条件研究

16.Study of navigation flow condition for Xiafu Hydraulic Complex下福水利枢纽工程通航水流条件研究

17.General specification for airborne doppler navigation systemsGB/T13186-1991机载多普勒导航系统通用技术条件

18.General specifications of marine rate-of-turn indicatorsGB/T11875-1989船用航向变化率指示器通用技术条件


navigation conditions通航条件

1.Study on construction periodnavigation conditions to ChangshouRailroad Bridge of the Yangtzi River;渝怀铁路长寿长江大桥施工期通航条件研究

2.Based on the physical model and model-ship test, this paper studies thenavigation conditions of Naji Waterway when arranged at left and right banks, and engineering measures for improving thenavigation conditions.通过物理模型并结合船模试验研究,对那吉航运船闸布置在左、右岸两个方案进行了通航条件的试验研究,同时采取工程措施改善其通航条件。

3.Through model test, this paper analyzed the influence of non-steady current produced by the Three Gorges Power Station at the time of flood discharge and daily regulation on thenavigation conditions of the reach between the Two Dams.通过模型试验研究,分析三峡电站在泄洪和日调节时产生的非恒定流对两坝间通航条件的影响。

3)Navigable condition通航条件

1.Study on navigable condition in the intermediate channel between the two ship lifts of Longtan Power Station;龙滩升船机中间渠道通航条件试验

2.From the results of model tests, width of the entrance,structural pattern of the breakwater and the relation between water depth and navigable conditions at the entrance are described and the main factors influencing navigable conditions at the entrance is analyzed.根据模型试验结果 ,描述了口门宽度、防波堤堤身结构型式以及水深与口门通航条件的关系 ,分析了影响港口口门通航条件的主要因素 ,并根据自航船模的试验情况初步提出了船舶进出口门的流速限值。

3.So it must further demonstrate navigable condition of the key lock by ship model testing,and verify the reliability of navigable condition in the key lock.鉴于富金坝电航工程发电厂和通航船闸及上下游引航道利用露水垭垭口布置,通航条件较为复杂,因此在初步设计阶段,通过船模试验进一步论证枢纽船闸的通航条件,检验船舶进出船闸的可靠性。

4)Channel Navigationn Condition航道通航条件

5)navigation flow condition通航水流条件

1.Improvement measures ofnavigation flow condition in construction period of Yuliang Hydro-junction Project;右江鱼梁枢纽施工期通航水流条件改善措施

2.Application of 1D and 2D coupled mathematical model innavigation flow condition of hydro-junction一、二维耦合数学模型在水利枢纽通航水流条件研究中的应用

6)navigation condition通航水流条件

1.In the early period in operation of TGP,thenavigation conditions in upstream approach channel of TGP lock will become more complicated becease of the resorvoir impoundment.三峡工程运行初期,上游引航道通航水流条件受水库调度等因素的影响变得更加复杂。

2.Thenavigation condition of Dajiang downstream channel in Gezhouba Project has been studied by analyzing the field data and model test.本文通过天然实测资料分析和模型试验 ,研究了葛洲坝大江下游航道的通航水流条件 ,指出了大江航道目前所存在的主要问题和枢纽调度运用对下游航道所产生的影响 ,同时预报了未来三峡工程蓄水运用后本河段可能产生的影响 ,为决策部门提供了科学依据。

3.The flow characteristics andnavigation conditions are introduccd in the paper.通过物理模型试验介绍了船闸下游引航道非恒定水流特性和通航水流条件,并提出了改善通航水流条件的有效措


船舶定线通航在船舶航线汇合区域和通航密度大或船舶行动受限制的区域,规定或推荐航行路线供过境船舶使用的海上安全措施。在上述区域建立的以分道通航制为主的各种定线系统,统称为定线通航制,简称定线制。沿革 1898年,经营北大西洋客船的欧、美航运公司为了减少船舶在雾中碰撞的危险,达成建立北大西洋协定航线的协议。这一航线是在不同季节往返北大西洋的单向分道,实施以后,卓有成效,后来被收入1948年国际海上人命安全公约作为航行安全的内容。1960年的公约仍予保留。1961年英国、法国、联邦德国航海学会对多佛尔海峡(加来海峡)分道通航问题作了调查研究。他们提出的具体方案和基本原则于1965年被政府间海事协商组织(简称海协,现改称国际海事组织)采纳。1967年在多佛尔海峡正式实行国际上第一个分道通航制(见图)。《1972年国际海上避碰规则公约》规定采纳分道通航制。1977年公约生效后,分道通航制成为强制性的国际规定。目前国际一级定线制由国际海事组织建立,领海内的定线制由各国自定。 定线通航制 由海协建立了定线通航制的海区,在1980年全世界有80多处。定线制包括以下各种定线系统。①分道通航制:用分隔带、分隔线、自然障碍物或特定的地理物标把航道分隔成左右两个分道,实行单向通航的定线系统,简称分道制。使用分道制区域的船舶应顺着通航分道的规定船舶流向行驶;尽可能让开分隔带或分隔线;通常应在通航分道端部进出,如从分道的侧面驶进或驶出时,应与分道的规定流向取尽可能小的角度;必须穿越通航分道时应尽可能与规定流向成直角。不使用分道制区域的船舶应尽可能远离该区域。到1980年由海协建立分道制的海区有70多处。②环行道:在分道制汇合处建立的环行区,区内规定船舶绕分隔点或分隔圆按反时针方向单向航行。③沿岸通航带:在分道制区域与海岸之间建立的区域,供沿岸航行船舶使用,过境船舶通常不使用。区内可实施地方特殊规则。④双向航道:使船舶安全通过难以通航或有危险的水域而建立的双向通航的航道,有明确的界线。⑤推荐航线:经专门测量以尽量保证无障碍物的航道,向船舶推荐使用。⑥深水航道:经准确测量无碍航物、有明确界线、供深吃水船使用的航道。⑦警戒区:为船舶必须谨慎航行的区域。绕航线汇合点可能有推荐的船舶流向。⑧避航区:为避免发生危险或伤亡事故,规定所有船舶或某类船舶应避开航行的区域。实行定线通航,显著减少了船舶碰撞事故的发生,如西北欧沿海地区从1956~1981年的船舶全失碰撞次数明显下降,详见下表:西北欧沿海地区实行分道通航前,80%的碰撞为船舶对遇或接近对遇时发生的碰撞;现在主要为追越和横交碰撞。参考书目IMO, Ship"s Routeing,5th ed.,IMO,London,1984.
