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生成子 generator英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-19 17:19:54


生成子 generator英语短句 例句大全



1.Algorithm for clustering frequent itemsets based ongenerators;基于生成子的频繁项集聚类算法

2.Ongenerator of variable-parametric discrete dynamical system关于变参数离散动力系统的生成子问题


1.We call such a spanning subgraph T an economical spanning subgraph.我们称这样的生成子图T为廉价的生成子图。

2.The formation or production of gametes.配子发生配子的形成或产生

3.The formation, development, and maturation of an ovum.卵生成卵子的形成,发育和成熟

4.fibroblast growth factor成纤维细胞生长因子

5.pair production attenuation coefficient电子对生成衰减系数

6.colicinogenic factor大肠杆菌素生成因子

7.I became Mr. Playboy," he said.我成了花花公子先生。”

8.The Research on Multilinear Commutators of Littlewood-Paley OperatorLittlewood-Paley算子生成的多线性交换子研究

9.Spermatogenesis and spermatophore formation of swimming crab(Portunus trituberculatus Miers,1876)in East China Sea东海三疣梭子蟹精子发生及精荚形成

10.Influence of Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor on the Expression of Angiogenin and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor;碱性成纤维生长因子对血管生成素、血管内皮生长因子表达的影响

11.The Childhood Life and Generation of Confucius’ Personality in His Early Stage孔子的童年生活与其早期人格的生成

12.parasitic sporozoans that form spores containing one or more infective sporozoites.寄生孢子虫,能生成包含一个或更多传染性子孢子的孢子。

13.Studies on the Molecular Mechanism of Porcine Myostatin for Muscle Growth;猪肌生成抑制素调控肌肉生成分子机制的研究

14.Molecular imaging of tumor angiogenesis with integrin α_Vβ_3肿瘤血管生成的分子成像进展——整合素α_Vβ_3的分子成像

15.Effect of Environmental Factors on Physiology, Growth and Biochemical Compositions of Gracilaria Tenuistipitata;营养盐因子对江蓠生理、生长及生化组成的影响

16.An asexually produced fungal spore, formed on a conidiophore.分生孢子由分生孢子形成的无性繁殖出的真菌孢子

17.Association Between Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor (bFG) Expression and Tumor Angiogenesis in Ameloblastoma人成釉细胞瘤中碱性成纤维细胞生长因子与血管生成的意义

18.Research progress of molecular-targeted ultrasonic imaging in angiogenesis and heterogeneity of tumors肿瘤血管生成异质性及肿瘤血管生成超声分子靶向成像研究进展



1.It was discussed that the properties for FS -modules and FS -rings,and obtain some characteristics by using projective modules andgenerators.研究了FS—模和FS—环的性质,并利用投射性、生成子给出FS—模和FS—环的特

3)sperm production精子生成

1.Effect of arsenic (As_2O_3) onsperm production and motility in rats;三氧化二砷对大鼠精子生成及精子运动能力的影响

2.ve: To evaluate the effects of chronic cadmium-exposure onsperm production and sperm motili-ty.目的:了解慢性镉中毒对精子生成量和精子运动能力的影响。

3.Objective: To explore the effects of arsenic (As 2O 3) of pharmacological concentration on histological structure changes of testis andsperm production in rats.方法应用不同剂量的As2 O3(2、 4和 8mg·kg- 1 ·d- 1 )给大鼠腹腔内注射 ,2周后对大鼠进行睾丸组织病理学检查 ,同时检测大鼠血清砷的含量 ,睾丸精子头计数 ,并计算每日精子生成量。

4)spermatogenesis[英][,sp?:m?t?u"d?enisis][美][sp?,m?t?"d??n?s?s, ,sp?m?t?-]精子生成

1.Relationship between concentration of seminal estrogen andspermatogenesis;精浆中雌激素浓度与精子生成的关系

2.Cycle of the Seminiferous Epithelium and Stages in Spermatogenesis in dd Mice;dd-小鼠的生精上皮周期和精子生成阶段

bined Toxic Effects of DBP and DEHP on Spermatogenesis in Male Rats邻苯二甲酸二丁酯和邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己基)酯联合染毒对雄性大鼠精子生成的影响


1.Using the properties of the right minimal injective resolution of Noetherian ring,we give a injectivecogenerator of left module category.通过Noether环的右极小内射分解给出了左Noether环模类的一个上生成子。

2.By studying the property of a right minimal injective resolution of a faithfully balanced self-orthogonal bimodule, under some assumption we construct an injectivecogenerator for the category of left modules.通过忠实平衡自正交双模的右极小内射分解给出了左Noether环模类的一个上生成子。

3.In the central S-act category,some equivalent conditions for acogenerator are given.本文借助于模论中的方法,在中心S-系范畴中,给出了上生成子的若干刻画。

6)spanning subgraph生成子图

1.The definition ofspanning subgraphs is given.给出了生成子图的定义。


