1200字范文 > 小清河 Xiaoqing River英语短句 例句大全

小清河 Xiaoqing River英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-18 14:16:27


小清河 Xiaoqing River英语短句 例句大全

小清河,Xiaoqing River

1)Xiaoqing River小清河

1.Impact on Water Quality by Discharging of Pollutants ofXiaoqing River Sludge;小清河底泥污染物释放对西水东调水质的影响研究

2.Monitoring of the Organic Pollutants inXiaoqing River and Ground Water and has been Analysed its Toxic Effect.;小清河水体和沿岸地下水中有机污染物的监测及其毒性分析

3.A Preliminary Study of Two Dredgings of theXiaoqing River during Kangxi Period;康熙年间小清河两次整治行为初探


1.The Study on the Eutrophication and Organic Pollution in the Xiaoqinghe Estuarine;小清河口富营养化、有机污染现状研究

2.The Study of Runoff Calculation in Xiaoqing River Basin of Jinan City;济南小清河流域产汇流计算方法研究

3.Situation and Countermeasure of Water Pollution in Jinan Section of Xiaoqing River;小清河济南段水污染现状与防治对策

4.Study on the renewal planning of the Xiaoqing river waterfront in Ji"nan济南市小清河滨水区的更新规划研究

5.Flood protection evaluation and research to a project in Xiaoqinghe flood diversion area小清河分洪区某工程的防洪评价研究

6.Flood and Rainstorm Characteristic Analysis and Water Level Design of Mainstream in Xiaoqing River of Jinan City;济南市小清河流域暴雨洪水特性及主河槽水位设计分析研究

7.Disaster and Emergency:the Xiaoqing River’s Construction in First Period of Qing Dynasty and Enlightenment;河患与官方应对:康雍乾时期的山东小清河治理及启示

8.Construction Planning for the Town-level Sewerage Treatment Projects in Xiaoqing River Basin;小清河流域城镇污水处理工程建设规划

9.Study of the Inorganic Nitrogen Flux into LaiZhou Bay from the Non-Point Pollution Sources in the XiaoQingHe Basin;小清河流域陆源无机氮非点源入海通量的研究

10.Study on the Synthetic Harness Project of the Mainstream of Xiaoqing River in Jinan City;济南市区小清河干流综合治理对策研究

11.Research on Flood Control Runtime Library of Xiaoqinghe River in Ji nan City;小清河济南城区段洪水调度运行库研究

12.Quantifying Analysis on Non-point Source Nitrogen Pollution in Xiaoqing River Basin of Shandong Province小清河流域农田非点源氮污染定量评价研究

13.Project Research on Inter-basin Water Transfer for Ecologic Water Compensation of Xiaoqing River in Jinan济南市小清河跨流域调水生态补源方案研究

14.Water Quality Assessment and Environmental Water Requirements Research on Xiaoqing River in Jinan济南市小清河水质评价及环境需水量研究

15.Numerical Study of Sediment Transport in the Offshore Near Xiaoqinghe Estuary小清河口海域悬沙输运格局的数值研究

16.It was quiet here, and they had a view of the river.这里很清静,她们又是面对着那小河;

17.There were many creeks in this mountainous region, and it was necessary to cross Muddy Creek, Green Creek and others, upon culverts.在这一带山区,河川很多,铁路必须从污水河、清水河以及其他河流的小桥上穿过。

18.The water was clear to the bottom. A school of tiny fish flicked hither and thither.河水清澈见底,一群小鱼悠然地游来游去。


Xiaoqinghe river小清河

1.Analysis of the Organic Pollutants in Xiaoqinghe River and Their Diffusion and Movement in the Environment;小清河水体中有机污染物的测定及其扩散迁移初探

2.Xiaoqinghe river in Gaoqing county is polluted strongly, and pollution source is from Jinan section in upper course and Zibo section in middle course.高青县境小清河水体污染严重,其污染源主要来自上游济南段和中游淄博段,已对沿岸浅层地下水造成了不同程度的污染,其污染程度受沿岸地下水的水位、包气带岩性结构和物质组成及距小清河的距离远近影响;污染的途径为引河污灌溉以及河水的对流弥散作用。

3)the Xiaoqing River小清河

1.Purification efficiency research of wastewater ofthe Xiaoqing River by Integrated Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland system;复合垂直流人工湿地系统对小清河污水的净化效果研究

2.Status Quo and Improvement Measure ofthe Xiaoqing River Sewage in Shandong Province;山东小清河污水治理现状及对策

4)Xiao-qing River小清河

1.Research on Ecosystem Health Evaluation, Restoration and Service Value ofXiao-qing River in Jinan City;济南市小清河生态系统健康评价、修复与服务价值研究

5)Xiaoqing River estuary小清河口

1.Concentrated upon the data of samples of suspended matter and surface sediment in theXiaoqing River estuary collected in January ,concentration and grain size of the suspended matters vary strongly in the horizontal and vertical directions,but they both have the orderliness in the spatial distribution and are basically controlled by the ocean dynamic process.利用1月对小清河口附近海区悬浮体和沉积物调查的数据,分析了小清河口海域冬季悬浮体的空间分布和粒度特征,探讨了悬浮体与海底表层沉积物的关系,并对其来源进行了初步分析。

6)Xiaoqing River Basin小清河流域

1.Quantified Study on Inorganic Nitrogen from Non-point Source Pollution in theXiaoqing River Basin;小清河流域无机氮非点源污染的量化研究

2.Construction Planning for the Town-level Sewerage Treatment Projects inXiaoqing River Basin;小清河流域城镇污水处理工程建设规划

3.The Study of Runoff Calculation inXiaoqing River Basin of Jinan City;济南小清河流域产汇流计算方法研究


