1200字范文 > 信息建设 information construction英语短句 例句大全

信息建设 information construction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-24 20:02:34


信息建设 information construction英语短句 例句大全

信息建设,information construction

1)information construction信息建设

1.Based on the concepts of laboratory informing, this paper concludes that theinformation construction is the key of laboratory informing.在此背景下,首先论述了农林系统图书馆信息化的概念,认为信息建设是我国农林系统图书馆信息化的关键,并讨论了信息建设的起源、含义和实现措施。

2.Integration management of the contentsinformation construction of virtual space includes adopting fully marketable operational mechanism,setting up modern enterprise management mode and pushing forward cooperative mechanism.虚拟空间内容信息建设的集成化管理,是将虚拟空间内容信息建设纳入集成化管理的一种全新的管理模式。

3.It seems possible to free the textbooks from the predicament - lagging behind the situation - if emphaois is put upon theinformation construction in higher vocational school.要解决高职教科书滞后于形势发展的问题 ,关键的一个环节是加强高职教科书的信息建设。


1.To Enhance the Construction of Campus Culture in the Library Service Focu sing on the Information;以信息建设为中心加强校园文化建设

2.4. Development of Information and Telecommunications Systems(四)信息通信建设

3.The Construction for the Speciality of Information Management and Information System;信息管理与信息系统专业建设的建议

4.The Publicity & Security of Information in the Informatization Construction of Government Affairs;政务信息化建设中的信息公开与信息保密

5.The Enterprise Informationization & the Construction of the Subject of "Information Management & Information System;企业信息化与“信息管理与信息系统”专业建设

6.Study on Information into Family in the Agricultural Informatization Construction;农业信息化建设中信息入户问题研究

7.Construction of Informationized Files For Enterprises Under Information Age;企业信息化环境下的档案信息化建设

8.The establishment of governmental information resources and the law on publicizing governmental information;政府信息资源建设与政府信息公开法

9.Strengthen information network construction,promote the information service quality;强化信息网络建设 提升信息服务水平

10.Establishing the Concept of Informational PropertyRight and the Legal System of Information;创设信息产权概念 构建信息法体系

11.Discussion on Information Standardization in Enterprise Informatization企业信息化中的信息资源标准化建设

12.Promoting Henan Credit Construction by Credit Information Sharing;以信用信息共享推动信用河南省建设

13.Design and Construction of Information Management System of Discipline Construction;学科建设信息管理系统的设计与构建

14.Study on the Information Security Management System for CCB;建设银行信息安全管理体系建设研究

15.The Current Situation Analysis & Construction Principles of Informatization Construction in Universities & Colleges;高校信息化建设现状分析和建设原则

16.Thinking about Founding Architecture Design Firm Based on Information System;关于建筑设计企业信息化建设的思考

17.Developing the Construction Business Informationization and Propelling Digital City s Construction;加快建设事业信息化与数字城市建设

18.On the Information Architecture and the Website Construction of Information Literacy Tutorials;信息构建与信息素质指南网站建设初探


information construction信息化建设

1.Research oninformation construction of clothing sales;服装分销信息化建设探究

2.Analysis on collabrative design ininformation construction of Investigation & Design Enterprise;勘察设计企业信息化建设中协同设计探析

3.Elementary introduction aboutinformation construction on ready-mixed concrete corporation;商品混凝土企业信息化建设浅谈

3)informatization construction信息化建设

1.Research on Informatization Construction of Research Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences in Universities;人文社科研究基地信息化建设研究

2.Application of KKS toinformatization construction of Tongbai Pumped-Storage Power PlantKKS标识系统在桐柏抽水蓄能电厂信息化建设中的应用

3.The paper expounds the experiences and practices of Chenming Group in carrying outinformatization construction and technology innovation, increasing economic benefit, lowering resource expenditure, controlling pollution and making good use of human resources.阐述了晨鸣集团在信息化建设和技术创新、提高经济效益、降低资源消耗、治理污染、发挥人力资源方面的经验和做法。

4)informationization construction信息化建设

1.On theinformationization construction of college archives management;高校档案管理信息化建设刍议

2.On appraisal index system of armored force weaponryinformationization construction quality;装甲兵武器装备信息化建设质量评估体系研究

3.Application of GIS in Informationization Construction of Land Use at the County-level;MAPGIS在县级土地利用信息化建设中的应用


1.Problems and countermeasures in theinformatization of irrigation districts in China;我国灌区信息化建设面临的若干问题与对策

2.Analysis on multi-element financing game oninformatization construction in towns;城镇信息化建设多元融资博弈分析

3.Analysing on Accelateing Enterprises Informatization Under the Trend of Economic Globalization;经济全球化趋势下我国企业信息化建设初探

6)construction of informatization信息化建设

1.And how to carry out theconstruction of informatization and increase the competitive power in the information times has become the problem faced by the minor enterprise.中小企业在信息时代如何开展信息化建设,提高企业竞争力已成为中小企业面临的问题。

2.This paper discusses about advancing action of theconstruction of informatization on enterprises technical innovation, including strengthening theconstruction of informatization, optimizing the quality of information service, strengthening the self construction of information department, improving the quality of informat.从加强企业信息化建设、优化信息服务质量、加强信息服务部门自身建设、提高信息服务人员的素质等方面论述了信息化建设对企业技术创新的促进作用。

3.In order to do well theconstruction of informatization, the first is to grasp the main points and make a breakthrough, the second is to satisfy the diversified demand and seek integral promotion.要搞好信息化建设,首先要抓住重点,寻求突破;其次要满足多样化需求,寻求整体推进。


