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滤过 filtration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-02 03:59:52


滤过 filtration英语短句 例句大全



1.The characteristic and indications of children′s hemodialysis andfiltration;小儿血液透析和滤过的特点及指征

2.The standardfiltration of modular Lie superalgebra of K-type;K-型模李超代数的标准滤过

3.Representations and Filtrations for Quantum Algebras;量子代数的表示及其滤过


1.To drain or seep through a porous material or filter.过滤流过或过滤过多孔物或滤纸

2.A liquid that has been percolated.滤液被过滤过的液体

3.Filtration Behavior Research of Uniform Media in Direct Filtration Process;均质滤料直接过滤过程中的过滤特性研究

4.The treatment of unusual filtration bleb after glaucoma filtering operation青光眼滤过术后异常滤过泡的治疗

5., there were 42 eyes with type I diffuse bleb and 6 eyes with type II diffuse bleb.其中42眼I型滤过泡,6眼II型滤过泡。

6.To put or go through a filter.过滤经过或通过滤器

7.LF Linear Filtering线性过滤,即双线性过滤

8.A filtering substance, such as filter paper.过滤材料有过滤作用的材料,如滤纸

9.leaf for intermittent vacuum filters间歇真空过滤器滤叶

10.Polymer filter/elements/fibermets聚合物过滤器/部件/滤芯

11.pre-coat filter预涂助滤剂的过滤器

12.To cause(liquid, for example) to pass through a porous substance or small holes; filter.过滤使(如液体)穿过多孔物或小孔;用过滤纸过滤

13.We can filter textures by using the minification, magnification, and mipmap filter sampler states.我们可以过滤纹理通过使用缩小过滤,扩大过滤和多线性过滤方式。

14.bacteria bed(s)细菌滤池; 接触滤池; [pl. ]菌膜过滤层

15.Filtration Technology Study of Biological Filter of the New Type of AC Media;新型AC滤料生物滤池过滤技术研究

16.Filtratingand removing bacteria system is comprised of absolute and filtration column.过滤除菌系统由绝对过滤器和过滤柱构成。

17.Structure Characteristic and Filtration Mechanism of CFF泡沫陶瓷过滤板过滤机制和过滤板选择

18.To pass(a liquid or gas)through a filter.过滤使(液体或气体)通过过滤器



1.Study on the characteristic of granular bedfilter at normal temperature;常温下固定床颗粒层的过滤特性研究

2.Colophony Wastewater Treatment by Anaerobic-aerobic-filter Process;厌氧-好氧-过滤法处理树脂废水

3.Process research of second stage reaction at preparing cryolite from fluosilicic acid——quality,appearance andfiltering performance of cryolite;氟硅酸制冰晶石第二阶段过程研究——冰晶石质量、形貌及过滤性能


1.The fact had been proved that this filter vessel can achieve thefiltrate precision.过滤器是电解铜箔生产中的关键的设备,直接影响产品的质量。

2.Attributes in the database arefiltrated according to the frequent data item sets of large one item sets(L_1) and large two item sets(L_2) in order to reduce the number of data attributes,at the same time,compress the data volume of the database.根据一维(L1)和二维(L2)中的频繁数据项集对数据库中的属性进行过滤,以达到减少数据属性的目的,从而压缩数据库中的数据,为提高关联规则挖掘算法的性能打下基础。

3.The Capture and Filtrate of the Packets based on Intermediate NDIS;在NDIS中间层截获所有经过网卡接收和发送的封包的基础上,详细阐述了针对用两个不同接收函数接收网络封包的分析处理方法,并给出了实例及代码,实现对一些常见协议类型的包分析及包过滤,并显示包发送方的MAC地址和IP地址及包的协议类型,能够通过设置拒绝从某一IP地址或MAC地址来的全部包,可以拒绝广播包,能够防止Ping攻击。


1.Development and application of Ys-60 vacuumfiltering disc;Ys-60盘式真空过滤机的研制与实践

2.Effect of pressing pressure on pore structure andfiltering performance in porous TiAl alloy;压制压力对多孔TiAl合金孔结构及过滤性能的影响

3.The Control of Dissolved Oxygen in Beer during Green Filtering Process;过滤过程啤酒溶解氧的控制


1.Based on his longterm experience, the author describes the production of WPA, the effects of the quality change of phosphate rocks on the operation; and explores the factors affecting the extraction, gypsumfilteration, WPA concentration and other steps.根据长期从事磷酸生产操作技术的经验 ,阐述二水物湿法磷酸生产中 ,磷矿质量变化对生产的影响 ;探讨影响萃取反应、石膏过滤、磷酸浓缩等生产操作的各种因素 ;提出降低硫酸消耗、获得最大 P2 O5收率的优化工艺 ,生产中必须解决的一些问题。


1.Study of pretreatment with acid to improve filtration effect of 1,3-propanediol fermentation broth;酸处理改善1,3-丙二醇发酵液过滤效果的研究

2.Effect of flocculation of Mg(OH)_2 slurry on its filtration property and washing property;絮凝对氢氧化镁浆料过滤性能和洗涤效果的影响

3.Improvement of quartz sand filtration of polluted NHD solution;受污NHD溶剂石英砂过滤工艺的改进


