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有序性 order英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-21 13:10:11


有序性 order英语短句 例句大全



1.Characteristics on Time Order of the 1303 Hongtong ,Shanxi, Strong Earthquake of M 8;1303年山西洪洞8级大地震的时间有序性特征

2.A Study about the Orderly Political Participation for Contemporary College Students;当代大学生政治参与的有序性研究

3.According to the commensurability and timeorder, the M≥8 earthquakes in Chinese Mainland and M≥7 earthquakes in California.应用可公度信息性和信息有序性2种方法研究中国大陆8级以上地震和美国加利福尼亚州7级以上地震,得到相同预测值。


1.The Order and Disorder of Complex Systematic Evolution Process;复杂系统演化过程的有序性和无序性

2.Designing of Nonlinear Finite Element Program ?非线性有限元程序设计

3.Chaotic order: The unity of The Waste Land;无序中的有序——论《荒原》结构的统一性

4.The rock group is characterized by a general order but internal disorder because of intense ductile shearing deformation.其特点是整体有序,组内无序,韧性剪切变形强烈。

5.Polyphase Periodic Sequence and Search of Better Sequence Series;多相序列及其具有良好的相关特性的序列搜索

6.Does the campaign have any arder effect?整个广告活动的效果有没有顺序性?

7.periodic protein周期性蛋白[含有周期性重复序列]

8.The Property M and Finite Separatedness of Continuous L-PosetsL-连续偏序集的M性质与有限分离性

9.The 4d metals rhodium, palladium, and zirconium do not occur as ordered magnetic materials.4d金属铑、钯、锆不能作为有序磁性材料。

10.I believe I could design a program that makes the guide interactive.我能设计一个程序,使指南具有交互性。

11.Repeated sequences are often present in the genome.基因组内常常有重复性序列。

12.Study on the Structure and Property of High Temperature Ni_3Si Based Ordered Alloys;Ni_3Si基高温有序合金的结构与性能研究

13.Appraisal on Reliability of the Exiting Civil Buildings and Program-Designing;既有民用建筑可靠性鉴定及程序设计

14.Periodic Solutions for Semilinear Evolution Equation in Ordered Banach Space;有序Banach空间半线性发展方程的周期解

15.Statically Checking the Validity of Pointer Status in C/C++ Program;C/C++程序中指针有效性的静态检测

16.Polymorphism of D-loop Sequence from mtDNA of Onychostoma Rara;稀有白甲鱼mtDNA D-loop序列多态性研究

17.The Design of A Highly Efficient, Ordered, and Customer-Oriented Dining Hall for Students;高效、有序、人性化的学生餐厅设计

anizations to Determine the Validity ofArbitration Agreement and Their Procedures;确认仲裁协议有效性的机构及其程序



1.Study on the Extension Orderliness Research of the Urban Land of Fuzhou Municipality;福州市域城镇用地扩展有序性研究

2.Coefficient of variation and its application inorderliness judgment of illite-montmorillonite mixed-layer mineral变差系数法在伊/蒙混层矿物混层有序性判断中的应用

3.It includes the following contents:estate administrative levels of world evolution,things and cognition,reciprocal function among them,orderliness and its function to quality.等级层次观主要包括以下内容 :宇宙演化的等级层次性、物体的等级层次性、认识的等级层次性、等级层次间的相互作用、等级层次的有序性、等级层次对质的作


1.This paper introduces a new concept-fuzzy little on fuzzy number, and also discussesordering, continuity of the cut-set function, lattice structure and convergence of the sequence of fuzzy number on the basis of fuzzy little.本文定义了关于模糊数的模糊小于的概念,并在此基础上讨论了模糊数的有序性,模糊数的截集函数的连续性,模糊数的格结构以及模糊数序列的收敛性等重要性质。

2.The citation system reflects the concentrating and scattering laws andordering among the documents through the direct citation,citation coupling,co-citation,a.从耗散结构论的角度出发,分析了引文系统有序性的内在机理。


1.Thus, theregularity of oil and gas pools" distribution i s brought out from foreland .从准噶尔、塔里木和四川盆地及其主要含油气区石油地质基本条件的分析说明含油气盆地的形成和发展与区域构造背景及演化密切相关,盆内构造单元、烃源岩、储集层与盖层沉积条件以及油气藏类型等五个方面均有规律分布,决定了从前陆到克拉通盆地油气藏分布的有序性,并构成以复合油气藏为特征的有机统一整体。

2.The present paper focuses on theregularity of the horizontal and longitudinal accumulation of oil and gas in the foreland basins in western China.笔者通过分析发现中国中西部的前陆盆地有丰富的烃源岩,配套的生储盖组合,油气在纵横向上的发育都有其有序性:前陆盆地的沉积演化控制着盆地油气纵向上的有序性,构造单元控制着油气横向上的有序性。

3.Respectively, these new traits are:sci-entificalness, standardization,regularity and validity.本文以普通话水平等级测试实践为事实依据,结合国家的相关法律、法规和政策,从新世纪国家语言文字发展战略的高度,对新时期普通话工作的新特征进行了有益的探讨,那就是:科学化和标准化、有序性和有效性。


1.The indentification of Jueluotage Vtype structure in Xinjiang and itsorderness;新疆觉罗塔格V型构造的厘定及其有序性


1.In chapter one theorderly online civic participation which will advance the process of our political civilization is discussed.论文分四个部分对公民网络政治参与的有序性加以阐述。

2.However,when research the ways to develop theorderly citizen participation of politics with the Chinese characteristics,we must put the point on "Chinese characteristics" and "orderly".政治参与作为国家政治生活的一个重要方面,各国不同的政治背景赋予了其特定的内容,而探索中国特色的公民有序政治参与的发展,重在把握"中国特色"和"有序性"。


