1200字范文 > 暗示心理学 the psychology of suggestion英语短句 例句大全

暗示心理学 the psychology of suggestion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-02 11:39:22


暗示心理学 the psychology of suggestion英语短句 例句大全

暗示心理学,the psychology of suggestion

1)the psychology of suggestion暗示心理学

1.This thesis borrowed the principles and methods onthe psychology of suggestion to help the theory transplant and internalize in the teaching of performance.因此本论文借用暗示心理学相关原理和方法,促进该理论在表演教学中的移植和内化,对于教师解决学生创作角色的问题,对于表演教学法的创新,以及突破学生演艺道路上的创作瓶颈,探寻一条新的通路。

2)psychological suggestion心理暗示

1.The application ofpsychological suggestion in the tooth extraction of old people;心理暗示干预在老年人牙拔除术中的应用

2.Application ofpsychological suggestion in pole vault;心理暗示在撑杆跳高训练过程中的应用

3.The controlled study of Psychological suggestion and Alprazolam on Venereophobia;单用心理暗示与合并阿普唑仑治疗性病恐怖症的对照研究


1.Mental Hint to the "Center"--A Research on Visual Aesthetics;“中心”的心理暗示——视觉审美研究

2.Application of Mentality Suggestion in Pole Volt training process;撑杆跳高训练过程中心理暗示的应用

3.Analysis on the Application of Successful Psychological Hint in the Javelin Learning Experience成功心理暗示在标枪技术课上的应用

4.Use of Psychological Hints in the Physical Education and Training心理暗示在体育教学与训练中的应用


6.Psychological hint of understanding and Wushu training in the application of;心理暗示的理解及在武术套路训练中的应用

7.The application and analysis of the use of positive psychological implication in ICU care积极心理暗示在ICU护理中的应用与分析

8.Psychological Suggestion in Universities Tennis Teaching Application of Preliminary Research;心理暗示在高校网球教学中应用的初步研究

9.The Causes and Solutions to College Students Negative Psychological Suggestion in Job-hunting;大学生就业负性心理暗示的归因及应对

10.On the application of mentality implication in the ideological and political education of college students;论心理暗示在大学生思想政治教育中的应用

11.Application of psychological suggestion in pole vault;心理暗示在撑杆跳高训练过程中的应用

12.Influence of Psychological Suggestion on College Students" English Learning Self-Efficacy心理暗示对大学生英语学习自我效能感的影响

13.An Experimental Study on Psychological Hint in College Sports Dance Teaching心理暗示在高校体育舞蹈教学中的实验研究

14.Analysis on the Application of Successful Psychological Hint in the Fosbury Flop Learning Experience成功心理暗示在背越式跳高技术课上的应用

bined treatment of doxepin with psychological suggestive therapy for gastrointestinal neurosis多塞平及心理暗示疗法治疗胃肠神经官能症

16.Stereotype Threat and the Test Performance of the Chinese Students;传统固有观念的心理暗示与中国学生的测试表现

17.On the Heels of the Wind,It Slips Secretly into the Night and Silently and softly,It Moistens Everything The Application of Psychological Suggestion in Vocal Teaching;随风潜入夜 润物细无声——谈心理暗示在声乐教学中的实践意义

18.Research on the Application of Psychological Hint in Physical Education;对体育课堂教学中运用心理学暗示的研究


psychological suggestion心理暗示

1.The application ofpsychological suggestion in the tooth extraction of old people;心理暗示干预在老年人牙拔除术中的应用

2.Application ofpsychological suggestion in pole vault;心理暗示在撑杆跳高训练过程中的应用

3.The controlled study of Psychological suggestion and Alprazolam on Venereophobia;单用心理暗示与合并阿普唑仑治疗性病恐怖症的对照研究

3)psychological indication心理暗示

1.This paper deals withpsychological indication in the teaching of volleyball tactics to college students and explores the practical mode.在高校排球战术设计中运用心理暗示技术,并探索其运用的模式。

4)Psychological hint心理暗示

1.Psychological hint of understanding and Wushu training in the application of;心理暗示的理解及在武术套路训练中的应用

2.This paper put up scientific analysis about so-called "Gods experiences" from several points of view such as psychological idol, psychological hint, self-awareness and pertinent soberlike state of consciousness, inspiration, intuition etc.本文从心理幻象、心理暗示、自我意识和相关的似清醒意识状态、灵感、直觉等方面对所谓的“神灵体验”进行了科学的分析 ,由浅入深、逐次解剖 ,揭开了它神秘的外衣 ,这对弘扬科学精神、传播科学思想是十分重要

3.Psychological Hint and "Test of performance strategies" (TOPS) in sports psychology are used in college sports dance teaching in this research, so that it will lighten students\" psychological burden in class and impress teaching information rapidly and efficiently by transforming students\" intrinsic demand and inspiring students\" psychological potential.本研究将心理暗示和运动心理学中的《训练策略量表》(TOPS)运用到高校体育舞蹈教学中,通过转变学生的内在要求和激发学生的心理潜力,减轻学生在课堂上的心理负担,以达到高速、高质地传递教学信息的目的。

5)psychological implication心理暗示

1.Analyzing from the angle of psychology,it is obvious that inaccurate identification,biased corroboration andpsychological implication are the main causes of current misjudged criminal cases,which provides us with theoretical and practical gist in reducing occurrence of such cases.从心理学的角度进行分析,不难发现错误辨认、确证偏见和心理暗示是目前刑事错案的主要成因,这为我们减少错案的发生提供了理论和实践依据。

2.Pretending science andpsychological implication are its mean frauds.:“法轮功”作为一种低级而又粗俗的伪科学邪教 ,神秘主义是其方法论基础 ,心理暗示、伪装科学则是其实施骗术的基本方法。

6)Mental Suggestion心理暗示

1.It is thought in Advertisement Psychology that functions of mental suggestions in advertisements generally can be divided into five aspects as follows: natural circumstances, social culture, time, tasks etc.广告心理学认为,广告心理暗示的作用一般分为五个方面:自然情景、社会文化情景、时间情景、任务情景以及以前状态情景。


