1200字范文 > 局域 local英语短句 例句大全

局域 local英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-24 02:27:56


局域 local英语短句 例句大全



1.The cone curve embedding on nonlocally coherent structure;非局域相干结构上镶嵌的圆锥曲线

2.In the paper, the difference between the gray level of targets and background is transferred into the difference of theirslocal probability, and the target detection is realized inlocal probability image.文章将红外图像目标与背景的灰度差转换为局部范围内的灰度概率差,在局域概率分布图像上实现小目标的检测,然后通过多帧累加判决的方式将真实目标从噪声点和伪目标中检测出来,仿真实验表明,该方法能有效检测像素占 1~3个的小目标,同时具有良好的实时性能。


1.LAN (local area network)局域网,[台]局域网络,[港]地区网络

2.You know all about LANs, WANs and MANs.你已了解了局域网、广域网和城域网。

puter networks include local area networks, metropolitan area networks, and wide area networks.计算网络包括局域网、城域网和广域网。

4.Taking A New Look At Virtual LAN对虚拟局域网的新看法

5.New Standard for Wireless LANs新的无线局域网标准

6.The LAN Operating System--Net Ware局域网络操作系统——Net ware

7.LMDS: Local Multipoint Distributed System局域多点分布式系统

8.Local Area Network for Computer Aided Learning计算机辅助学习局域网

9.The Solution of the Users in LAN Share the Information of Internet;局域网共享Internet方案探讨

10.Simulate Internet Working in Local Area Network;在局域网中模拟Internet功能

11.Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific亚洲及太平洋区域局(亚太区域局)

12.Regional Network of Cooperation among Mari-time Authorities海洋当局合作区域网

13.Provisional Regional Council Building临时区域市政局大楼

14.Provisional Regional Council Chamber临时区域市政局会议厅

15.Provisional Regional Council borrower"s card临时区域市政局借用证

16.local area network adapter局部区域网络适配器

17.local area network administrator局部区域网络管理员

18."Chairman, Provisional Regional Council"临时区域市政局主席


single local network单一局域局

3)localized and delocalized局域和非局域

4)WALAN Wide Area Local Area Network广域局域网

5)local structure局域结构

1.Research on fine-spectra andlocal structure of 3d~3 ions at trigonal crystal field;三角晶场中3d~3离子精细光谱结构和局域结构的关系

2.Investigation of optical spectra andlocal structure in CMSH:Ni~(2+);CMSH:Ni~(2+)的光谱及其局域结构的研究

3.Unified explanation of thelocal structure,absorption spectrum and paramagnetic g-factor of RbNiCl_3 crystal;RbNiCl_3晶体的局域结构、吸收光谱和顺磁g因子的统一解释


1.Monitoring Production Data with the Help ofLAN;通过局域网监控生产数据

2.Design of the lndustrialLAN based on numerical control machine;基于数控机床的工业局域网设计

3.The Application of Automatic Monitor and Control System Based onLAN in the Offshore Drilling Platform;基于局域网的自动监控系统在钻井平台的应用


