1200字范文 > 阶曲线 the Curve theory of Ranks英语短句 例句大全

阶曲线 the Curve theory of Ranks英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-16 06:56:38


阶曲线 the Curve theory of Ranks英语短句 例句大全

阶曲线,the Curve theory of Ranks

1)the Curve theory of Ranks阶曲线

1.It is a new development in historic linguistics to judge the genetic relation of languages bythe Curve theory of Ranks put up by Prof.用核心词的阶曲线来判定语源关系,是陈保亚对历史语言学研究的最新发展。


1.It makes the degree reduction of the degree reducible B-spline curves easily realized by using the degree reduction formula directly instead of solving linear equation sets.该文给出了B样条曲线的降阶公式 ,使得可直接用降阶公式对可降阶曲线进行降阶 .

2.The Simplification Problem About Equtionof Curve of Order 2 on Projective Plane;射影平面上二阶曲线方程的化简问题

3.Several Methods to Solve Asymptotic Line of Curve of SecondOrder on the Projective Plane;射影平面上二阶曲线渐近线的几种求法

4.Study and Application of C-Bézier Curves and Surfaces of Degree n;高阶C-Bézier曲线曲面性质研究及其应用

5.Degree Reduction of the Said-Ball Curves and Surfaces;Said-Ball曲线曲面的降阶逼近

6.Research on Approximate Degree Reduction for Interval Rational Bezier Curves and Surfaces;区间有理Bezier曲线、曲面的降阶逼近研究

7.The Study of Degree Reduction Approximation Algorithm for Wang-ball Curves and SurfacesWang-ball曲线、曲面的降阶逼近算法的研究

8.Thehardening curve can be divided into three stages, i. e. first, rapid-hardening andsaturated stage.循环硬化曲线可以分成三个阶段:初始阶段、速硬化阶段和饱和阶段。

9.Evaluation, Degree Reduction and Offset Approximation of Curves and Surfaces;曲线曲面的求值及降阶、等距变换的研究

10.A normal curve diagram labeled with stages of the adoption process.标有应用流程阶段的正规曲线图。

11.Three Kinds of Nodereduce Operator on 3rd Order Bzier Curve三阶Béier曲线的三类节点缩减算子

12.Multidegree Reduction of Bézier Curves with Conditions of Endpoint Interpolations带端点插值条件的Bézier曲线降多阶逼近

13.Degree Reduction Approximation of Bézier Curves by Central Split-plot Algorithms;基于中心分割的Bézier曲线降阶

14.Least Squares Degree Reduction Approximation of Bézier Curves with Shape Parameter;带形状参数Bézier曲线最小平方降阶逼近

15.Analysis of Phillips Curve and Phases of Business Cycle in China;论中国菲利普斯曲线与经济周期阶段

16.Exact Observability for Second Order Quasilinear Hyperbolic Equations二阶拟线性双曲型方程的精确能观性

17.Functional Representation of LCD Tone Reproduction CurvesLCD显示器阶调复现曲线的函数表达

18.Elevation Algorithm for a Class of Trigonometric Polynomial Spline Curves一类三角多项式样条曲线的升阶算法


elevation of the curve曲线升阶

3)curve of second order二阶曲线

1.Based on the infinitely straight line,this thesis discusses the concepts ofcurve of second order s center,diameter,advance gradually in the line.以无穷远直线为基础讨论二阶曲线的中心、直径、渐近线等几个仿射概念,并联系解析几何中的有关性质,深入讨论它们之间的一致性。

2.On the other hand,thecurve of second order composed with those points accord with above-mentioned factor is sure to an ellipse.运用高等几何中二次曲线的度量理论证明了椭圆的一个基本性质:椭圆上的任一点到两焦点的距离之和为定长;反之满足这一条件的点所构成的二阶曲线一定是椭圆。

3.This Paper introduces three methods that have never appeared in the ordinary textbooks to solve the asymptotic equation of normalcycurve of second order: using two conjugate drams, involutory correspondence and trangent passing the center.本文介绍一般教课书里不曾介绍的常态二阶曲线渐近线方程的三种求法 :利用两直径共轭求法、利用对合对应求法及利用过中心的切线求

4)step curve阶梯曲线

5)level curve阶层曲线

6)staircase curve阶形曲线


升阶1.步步上进。 2.自堂下拾级而上。
