1200字范文 > 侧柏 Platycladus orientalis英语短句 例句大全

侧柏 Platycladus orientalis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-26 08:59:26


侧柏 Platycladus orientalis英语短句 例句大全

侧柏,Platycladus orientalis

1)Platycladus orientalis侧柏

1.Flavones extraction fromPlatycladus orientalis leaves by ultrasonic method;超声波法提取侧柏叶片中黄酮类化合物的研究

2.Effect of the Dust-Pollution on Some Physiological Indexesfor the Needles ofPlatycladus orientalis;粉尘污染对侧柏叶部分生理指标的影响

3.Effect of Meteorological Factors on Leaf Water Potential ofPlatycladus orientalis and Robinia pseudoacacia under Different Water Rejimes;不同供水条件下气象因素对侧柏和刺槐叶水势的影响



2.Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Platycladus orientalis (Linn) Franco.GB/T8822.11-1988中国林木种子区侧柏种子区

3.Effect of Nitrogen on the Root Respiration of Pinus Tabulaeformis, Platycladus Orientalis and Pinus Bungeana;氮对侧柏、油松、白皮松根系呼吸的影响

4.Water Ecological Characteristics of Platycladus Orientalis in Semi-arid Region on Loess Plateau;黄土半干旱区侧柏苗木水分生态研究

5.The VOCs Emittion of Two Tree Species of Platycladus Orientalis and Pinus Tabulaeformis in Urban Environment侧柏和油松挥发物动态变化规律研究

6.Relation of Quality of Platycladus orientalis Seedling to Planting Density侧柏育苗密度与苗木质量的关系研究

7.Study on Difference in Seed Germination Ability Among Different Geographical Provenances of Platycladus orientalis侧柏不同地理种源种子发芽能力分析

8.Soil Moisture Physical Property of Platycladus Orientalis Plantation in Northern Mountain of Lanzhou City兰州北山侧柏人工林地土壤水分研究

9.Study on Processing Technology of Carbonized Cacumen Platycladi by Orthogonal Design正交实验法优化侧柏炭炮制工艺研究

10.Suitabe planting species in the erosion areas aremainly composed of Platycladus orientalis and accessory species are Fokieniahodginsii, Castanopsis fissa, Michelia macclurei, etc.流失区适宜造林树种以侧柏为主,辅以建柏、粤栲、力楠等树种。

11.Effect of Tending on Chinese Pine and Oriental Arborvitae Non-commercial Forest in Mountain Areas of Beijing;北京山区油松侧柏生态公益林抚育效果研究

12.Study on the Impedance Spectroscopy during Drought Resistant of Platycladus Orientalis;阻抗谱法在侧柏干旱胁迫研究中的运用

13.Soil Nutrient and Microorganism as well as Enzyme Activity in Hippophae Rhamnoides and Platycladus Orientalis Mixed Forest;沙棘—侧柏混交林土壤养分、微生物及酶活性研究

14.Effects of Thinning on Enzyme Activity and Nutrition in the Soils of Planted Stands of Oriental Arborvitae and Chinese Pine;抚育对侧柏、油松人工林土壤酶和养分的影响

15.Studies on Water Consumption of Two Major Landscape Tree Species in Beijing: Pinus Tabulaeformis and Platycladus Orientalis;北京市主要绿化树种油松侧柏耗水规律研究

16.Study on the Coated Fertilizer of Container Seedling of Pines Tabulaeformis, Platycladus Orientalis and Pinussylvesfris Var. Mongolica;油松、侧柏、樟子松容器苗专用包膜肥的研究

17.Application and Optimization of Individual-tree Model for Plantations of Platycladus Orientalis in Beijing Area Based on Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS);基于FVS的北京地区侧柏单木模型优化及应用

18.On the Determination of Quercetin in Arborvitae by the High Performance Capillary Electrophoresis;高效毛细管电泳法测定侧柏中槲皮素的研究


oriental arborvitae侧柏

1.Influence of Soil Moisture on Exchange between Water and Gas of Oriental Arborvitae at Semi-Arid Region of Loess Plateau;黄土半干旱区土壤水分对侧柏叶片水气交换影响

2.This paper expounds afforesting technique of direct seedingoriental arborvitae from place choice, seeding season, afforesting method, seedling management etc and discusses technical points from experience.从林地选择、播种季节、造林方法、幼苗管理等方面阐述了侧柏直播造林技术,并总结经验教训,探索其技术要点。

3.The natural distribution oforiental arborvitae in Shanxi Province is limited to the south of inside the Great Wall.侧柏在山西省的天然分布仅限于内长城以南 ,为实现雁门关外造林树种的多样性 ,从 1 996年起在怀仁县进行了侧柏造林试验。

3)Cacumen Platycladi侧柏叶

1.Determination of Chemical Consituents of the Essential Oil fromCacumen Platycladi in Xinjiang by GC-MS;新疆地产侧柏叶挥发油成分的气相色谱-质谱联用

2.Determination of Quercitroside and Quercetin in Different Preparations ofCacumen Platycladi by RP-HPLC侧柏叶不同炮制品中槲皮苷与槲皮素的含量测定

4)artificial platycladus orientalis forests侧柏纯林

5)leaf twigs in Biota orientalis侧柏叶

1.Volatile oils were extracted fromleaf twigs in Biota orientalis by cellulase extraction(CE) method,simultaneous distillation extraction(SDE) method and stream distillation-extraction method(DSE),the components were identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC/MS).采用气相色谱-质谱法(GC/MS)分析酶提取法(CE)、同时蒸馏萃取法(SDE)和水蒸气蒸馏-萃取法(DSE)三种方法提取侧柏叶挥发性成分。

6)Cacumen Biotae侧柏叶

1.In this paper,the ultrafitration process of extracted liquid containing effective components,from whichCacumen Biotae is extracted by extracting technology using enzyme and subsequently alcohol water mixed solvent,is investigated.采用酶法提取、乙醇水混合溶剂提取工艺提取侧柏叶有效成分,对提取液的超滤过程进行研究。


