1200字范文 > 味精废水 monosodium glutamate wastewater英语短句 例句大全

味精废水 monosodium glutamate wastewater英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-17 06:15:32


味精废水 monosodium glutamate wastewater英语短句 例句大全

味精废水,monosodium glutamate wastewater

1)monosodium glutamate wastewater味精废水

1.Treatment ofmonosodium glutamate wastewater by Rhodotorula glutinis;粘红酵母处理味精废水的研究

2.Mix-cultivation of Rhodotorula glutinis and Spirulina platensis inmonosodium glutamate wastewater for lipid production;味精废水中粘红酵母和螺旋藻混合培养生产油脂

3.Application of double-membrane tomonosodium glutamate wastewater treatment;双膜法技术在味精废水处理中的应用


1.Research on Pollution-Ecological Processes and Treatment Methods of Monosodium Glutamate Wastewater;味精废水污染生态过程与治理方法的研究

2.Study on Monosodium Glutamate Wastewater Treatment with SHARON-ANAMMOX Process;短程硝化—厌氧氨氧化工艺处理味精废水的研究

3.Research on Purification of Monosodium Glutamate Wastewater by Chlorella Vulgaris and Resources Reuse;普通小球藻对味精废水的净化及其资源化研究

4.Full-Scale Study of Anaerobic/Facultative Process for Treatment of Monosodium Glutamate Wastewater;厌氧/兼氧工艺处理味精废水的生产性试验研究

5.The Study on Recycle of High Concentrated Monosodium Glutamate Wastewater and Residual Sludge;高浓度味精废水和剩余污泥的资源化研究

6.Treatment conditions of high density monosodium glutamate wastewater by admixture yeast混合酵母菌处理高浓度味精废水的研究

7.Kinetic Characteristics of Biological Nitrogen and Carbon Removal from Monosodium Glutamate Wastewater味精废水生物除碳脱氮动力学特性的研究

8.Preparation of Compound Bio-flocculants by Using Waste Zymotic Fluid of Glutamic Acid Fermentation as Substrate味精废水资源化制备复合型生物絮凝剂

9.Study on MSG Wastewater Treatment through Chitosan Modified Bentonite壳聚糖改性膨润土处理味精废水的研究

10.Studying on the Feasibility for Culture Spirulina Platensis Using the Zymolytic Wastewater of Monosodium Glutamate;味精发酵废水培养螺旋藻可行性的研究

11.Test and pilot example of dewatering for surplus sludge of the wastewater treatment engineering in Nanning Monosodium Glutamate Plant南宁味精厂废水处理工程剩余污泥脱水实验及工程试运行

12.Season soup with Accent!在汤水中加味精调味吧!

13.Every day water with wasted surged in, this river smells terrible.每天,大量废水倾入河里,气味难闻。

14.Three-effect Evaporation Design of MSG Factory Ammonium Sulfate Waste味精厂硫酸铵废液三效蒸发设备的设计

15.Pretreatment of fermentation mother liquid of monosodium glutamate by microelectrolysis-flocculation微电解-絮凝预处理味精发酵废母液实验研究

16.Hydrolysis Acidification and Multilevel Contact Oxidation Process for Treatment of Seasoning Wastewater水解酸化/多级接触氧化工艺处理调味品废水

17.The Application Study on Degradation of Picric Acid Wastewater by Specially Effective Degrading Bacteria;特效降解菌处理苦味酸废水的应用研究

18.A range of delicious dishes prepared with seasonal squash, melon and fruits, to delight a summer cuisine.选用时令瓜果、水果精心炮制一系列美味的菜式,带来一夏精彩美味。


MSG wastewater味精废水

1.Results indicated that the application of biotreatment ofMSG wastewater was limited by several factors such as the high concentration of NH~+_4-N and SO_4~(2-).从味精废水的来源、水质分析出发,探讨了味精废水的控制对策。

2.The result showed that two kinds of high concentrationMSG wastewater both could be treated, CODcr removal rate reached more than 45%, so did BOD5, moreover, SS removal rate reached more than 95%.探讨了改性膨润土对高浓度味精废水的实际处理效果,明确了改性膨润土在20min内可以使反应达到稳定,并且在10~30℃范围内处理效果均较好。

3.MSG wastewater has an acute toxicity to fish (Ctenopharyn-godon idellus) the 24h-.72和96h的半致死味精废水浓度LC_(?)分别为6。

3)monosodium glutamate味精废水

1.Production of microbial protein feed frommonosodium glutamate wastewater by fermentation;利用味精废水生产饲料蛋白的研究

2.Research onmonosodium glutamate waste water treated by A/O membrane bioreactor;缺氧/好氧膜生物反应器处理味精废水的研究

3.The treatment of MSG (monosodium glutamate) wastewater was studied by using an ED BAR(Electrodialysis Baffled Anaerobic Reactor) method.用电渗析 - BAR厌氧生物反应器对味精废水进行处理 。

4)glutamate wastewater味精废水

1.Research on treatment ofglutamate wastewater with flocculation;絮凝处理味精废水的研究

2.Investigations on anaerobic batch methane fermentation ofglutamate wastewater味精废水厌氧发酵产沼气的研究

3.The anaerobic microorganism can sustain higher concentration ofglutamate wastewater including toxic substrate by graduate acclimation of seeded sludge and control of fitting alkalinity.采用预排气UASB反应器在35℃下处理味精废水,通过预先排除床层产生的大部分气体控制污泥的上浮,使有机污染物的厌氧消化集中在床部完成,同时采取逐步驯化接种污泥和控制适宜的进水碱度等措施,可使厌氧微生物适应较高浓度的味精废水和毒性抑制物,反应器在高负荷下运行。

5)glutamic acid wastewater味精废水

1.The conditions of cultivating Aspergillus sojae inglutamic acid wastewater have been studied.考察了味精废水培养生物絮凝剂产生菌——酱油曲霉(Aspergillussojae)的条件,比较了在三种不同培养基中该菌种发酵产生絮凝剂的情况。

2.Flocculation characteristics of bioflocculant produced by Azotobacter J 25 inglutamic acid wastewater were studied.考察了微生物絮凝剂产生菌AzotobacterJ 2 5在味精废水中发酵产生絮凝剂的絮凝特性 。

6)monosodium glutamate wastewater味精废水母液

1.Studies were conducted on the effect of dilution ratio,pH value,rotation speed,and(NH-4)-2SO-4 and glucose concentration ofmonosodium glutamate wastewater on the growth and organic matter degradation ability of acidophilus yeast.研究了味精废水母液的稀释倍数、pH值、摇床转速、(NH4)2SO4浓度及葡萄糖浓度处理对酵母菌生长和降解有机质能力的影响。


