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经典 Classics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-03 20:45:45


经典 Classics英语短句 例句大全



1.Positive Psychological Thought in the ConfucianClassics "The Great Learning";儒家经典《大学》中的积极心理学思想

2.Creative Annotation ofClassics and Localization of Chinese Legal Science;经典的创造性诠释与当代中国法学的本土化——以《论语》中“礼仪象征”的诠释为例展开分析


1.Research on the Canonization and Decanonization of Red Canon Chao Yang Gou;红色经典《朝阳沟》的经典化与去经典化

2.Canon: Its Formation and Dispute;经典、经典性与关于“经典”的论争

3.An allusion to classical mythology in a poem.诗中的经典神话典故

4.sacred writings,eg the Koran,the Bible宗教经典(如古兰经、圣经).

5.Three Practical Situational Conver sations.个实战经典对话)。

6.Forty nine Practical Oral Words.个实战经典词汇)。

7.Debate on Literary Classics and Re-construction of Foreign Literary Classics文学经典论争与外国文学经典的重构

8.The Classical Position of the Book of Songs Constructed by History and Deconstructed by the School of Discussion in Ancient Chinese History;《诗》经典化与古史辨《诗经》阐释的去经典化

9.Red Classics:A Confirmation on the Value of the Classic Literature Heritage--"Red Classics" Ⅲ;“红色”的“经典”:对于经典化文学遗产的价值确认——“红色经典”论之三

10.Pursuiting the lost classics追寻失落的经典——从哈罗德·布鲁姆的经典观中探析经典的本质特征

11.Spain classic guitar!! All kinds of model!!!西班牙古典吉他的经典!型号齐全!

12.This dictionary should be your bible when studying English.这本词典可作为你研究英文的经典。

13.an allusion to classical mythology in a poem.See Usage Note at ballude诗中的经典神话典故参见

14.Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics经典力学中的数学方法

15.flash, dash, classic splash闪光、炫耀、经典的飞溅

16.She enjoys reading the classics, ie the great works of literature.她喜欢读经典着作.

17.Selections of Marx and Lenin"s Classic Works ?马列经典著作选读(二)

18.A semiclassical description is possible.半经典描述是可能的。



1.Literary Criticism towards Post-Classic Pattern;走向后经典形态的文学批评

2."Junk" or theClassic: OnClassic Problem in Contemporary Chinese Literature“垃圾”还是经典:也谈中国当代文学经典问题


1.A Study of Tolkien s the Lord of the Rings and Canonization;对托尔金的《指环王》与经典化问题的研究

2.As an important contemporary literary critic,Harold Bloom took Shakespeare as the center ofcanon in the construction of western literary history.哈罗德·布鲁姆是当代西方重要的文学批评家,在他对西方文学的历史建构中,莎士比亚居于经典的核心。

3.According to the definition and standard of a literarycanon,the author analyzes the novel My Antonia by Willa Cather from the following aspects: the connotation of thoughts,the poetic characteristic and the value in the history.本文依据文学经典的定义和标准对美国女作家薇拉。


putingclassical trajectories of H_2 system by symplectic scheme;用辛格式计算氢分子经典轨迹和振动能量

2.Objective To know condition about theclassical principles and methods of preparing from Lei Gong s Treatise on Preparation and Boiling of Materia Medica.目的探讨《雷公炮炙论》的经典炮制方法和原理。

3.By using aclassical screened Coulomb potential with two phase factors and adoptingclassical analytical methods, the predictive descriptions on the energy level and spectrum of anti-hydrogen atom are given.利用一种带相位因子的经典屏蔽Coulomb势,采用经典分析方法对反氢原子的能级和光谱给出了预言性的描述,结果发现其能级与光谱同氢原子有较大区别。


6)classic economics经典经济学


