1200字范文 > 补充和替代医学 complementary and alternative medicine英语短句 例句大全

补充和替代医学 complementary and alternative medicine英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-01 17:33:58


补充和替代医学 complementary and alternative medicine英语短句 例句大全

补充和替代医学,complementary and alternative medicine

1)complementary and alternative medicine补充和替代医学

1.The Institute of Medicine s(IOM) Academy of Science has recommended incorporating information on CAM(complementary and alternative medicine) into required medical school curricula so that graduates will be able to competently advise their patients in the use of CAM.美国国家科学院医学研究所(IOM)建议医学院校在医学必修课程中增加有关补充和替代医学(CAM)的内容,使本科生将来有能力为病人提供CAM治疗。

plementary and alternative medicine was named as other medicines except mainstream medicine.补充和替代医学为主流医学之外能补充主流医学不足的其他医学。


1.Present Situation of Complementary and Alternative Medicine and its Application in Sports Medicine;补充和替代医学现状及其在运动医学的应用

2.The Application of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Childhood Asthma补充和替代医学在儿童哮喘治疗中的应用

3.An Analysis of the Role of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in the Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Our Country国外补充和替代医学的发展对我国中医药事业发展的借鉴

4.Major institutions conducting researches on complementary and alternative medicine in the United Kingdom:University of Leeds,University of Westminster and University of York英国补充替代医学研究的主要机构(二)——利兹大学、威斯敏斯特大学和约克大学

5.Major institutions conducting researches on complementary and alternative medicine in the United Kingdom:University of Exeter and University of Southampton英国补充替代医学研究的主要机构(一)——埃克斯特大学和南安普敦大学

6.National Research Center in Complementary and Alternative Medicine:University of Troms(?),Norway挪威特洛姆瑟大学——挪威国家补充与替代医学研究中心

7.A Comment on Final Report by Policy Committee of Supplementary and Substitutional Medicine of White House美国白宫补充替代医学政策委员会最终报告评介

plementary and Alternative Therapy of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer医药在治疗非小细胞肺癌中的替代与补充作用

9.a prosthesis that replaces a missing leg.代替失去的腿的补充物。

10.Supplements should not be used as a substitute for a healthy, balanced diet.补充品并不能代替健康均衡的饮食。

11.The principle is that the government should help rather than replace the market.原则应是政府补充,而不是代替市场。

12.Differences and Complementarities of Contemporary Transplantation Medicine and Regenerative Medicine;现代移植医学与再生医学的差异和互补

plementary and Alternative Function of NGO for Social Succor非政府组织对社会救助的补充替代作用研究

14.Application of complementary and alternative therapies abroad in treatment of climacteric symptoms国外应用补充替代疗法治疗更年期症状的现状

15.The branch of dentistry that deals with the replacement of missing teeth and related mouth or jaw structures by bridges, dentures, or other artificial devices.补牙学牙科医学的分类,研究用齿床、假牙或其他人工器具替代缺牙和相关的嘴或下额的结构的学科

16.Traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacology represent a great treasure house of China and have effects that cannot be replaced by modern medicine in the pharmaceutical industry.中医学和中药学是中国的伟大宝库,在医药卫生事业中有着现代医药学不可替代的作用。

17.Additional special topics include illustrating the role of organic chemistry in biology, medicine, and industry.特别补充了关于有机化学在生物,医药和工业方面的作用等话题。

18.Presents should act as a supplement to the excellent business activities and rites rather than a substitute. But it is also a link not to be trifled with.礼物不应该代替良好的商务活动和礼仪,它们应该是补充,但是这也是一个不可忽视的环节。


complementary and alternative medicine补充替代医学

1.Analysis of international application ofcomplementary and alternative medicine;补充替代医学国际使用情况分析

3)Complementary and alternative medicine补充与替代医学

plementary and Alternative Medicine(CAM) is recognized and accepted in Europe and America that have developed a high degree of modern medicine,as an important complement to the Western mainstream medicine system.补充与替代医学逐步被欧美等现代医学高度发达的国家认可和接受,成为西方主流医学的重要补充体系。

4)final report by Policy Committee of Supplementary and Substitu-tional Medicine of White House白宫补充替代医学政策委员会最终报告

5)Complementary medicine补充医学

6)alternative medicine替代医学

1.The Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Maryland:the first complementary andalternative medicine center in a US medical school;马里兰大学医学院结合医学中心——美国医学院最早成立的替代医学中心

2.Major institutions for complementary andalternative medicine in the United States:National Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School;美国补充替代医学研究的主要机构(一)——美国癌症研究所和哈佛医学院

3.Current status of research on complementary andalternative medicine in the United States:in comparison with that on traditional Chinese medicine in China;美国补充替代医学的科研现状及其与中国中医药研究的比较


