1200字范文 > 翻斗 Tipping Bucket英语短句 例句大全

翻斗 Tipping Bucket英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-17 20:45:18


翻斗 Tipping Bucket英语短句 例句大全

翻斗,Tipping Bucket

1)Tipping Bucket翻斗

1.Research on Error Experiment ofTipping Bucket Rain Gauge and Error Amendment Measure;翻斗雨量计误差试验研究及改正措施

2.In the study,dumpers were used to measure rainfall process,the precise siphon measurement was used for intelligently amending dumpers errors,so that the relative uncertainty of tipping bucket rainfall recorder with a resolution of 0.翻斗式雨量计因雨强影响会产生很大的误差,虹吸雨量计不能数字化降雨过程,并需要人工测量虹吸水量进行虹吸订正。


1.Small dumpers--TerminologyGB/T7920.7-1987翻斗车术语

2.tiping lorry (excl. those for off-highway use)翻斗卡车(不包括越野用的)

3.Solid"s flow can be measured by weigh dump.固体的流量可以由翻斗秤测量。

4.Research on Error Experiment of Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge and Error Amendment Measure;翻斗雨量计误差试验研究及改正措施

5.Every week or so a lorry would come to take the full one away and leave an empty one in its place.每个星期,总会有辆卡车过来,把装满的翻斗车拉走,留下一辆空翻斗车。

6.Or rather, I sat at my desk staring out of the window at the skip.或者说,我是坐在书桌前,看着窗外的翻斗车发愣。

7.A backward somersault or handspring.后翻斤斗向后翻的筋斗或后手翻

8.To perform acrobatic feats such as somersaults, rolls, or twists.翻腾表演杂技如翻筋斗,翻滚或旋转

9.Turning somersaults on knives/playing with one"s life刀尖上翻筋斗,玩命的事

10.He practised standing on his head and turning somersaults.他练习倒立和翻筋斗。

11.He somersaulted through the window.他一个筋斗翻出了窗户。

12.My younger sister turned a somersault.我妹妹翻了一个筋斗。

13.The child is practicing a tumble.那孩子在练习翻筋斗。

14.execute a roll, in tumbling.在翻筋斗运动中做的一个翻转动作。

15.One that tumbles, especially an acrobat or a gymnast翻筋斗者翻滚者,尤指杂技演员或体操运动员

16.They took a number of tumbles after a few minutes"rest.休息几分钟后他们又翻了几个筋斗。

17.acrobat who turns somersaults,esp on the ground翻筋斗的杂技演员(尤指在地面上的).

18.pigeon that executes backward somersaults in flight or on the ground.在空中或地面上向后翻筋斗的鸽子。


wagon tippler(翻斗车)翻斗

3)tipping bucket method翻斗法

4)damp car翻斗车

5)ingot tilter翻锭斗

6)rollover dump翻斗撤砂


