1200字范文 > 自然景区 natural scenic spot英语短句 例句大全

自然景区 natural scenic spot英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-13 22:38:51


自然景区 natural scenic spot英语短句 例句大全

自然景区,natural scenic spot

1)natural scenic spot自然景区

1.This article has analyzed the domestic tourism tourist overload to thenatural scenic spot water resources,land resource,animal and so on plant resources as well as forest vegetation environment ecology effect,and proposed reduces the jamming certain strategies.本文分析了国内旅游业游客超载现象对自然景区的水资源、土地资源、动物与植物资源以及森林植被等方面的影响及其产生的环境生态效应,并提出减轻人为干扰的若干对策。


1.Environmental Ecologies Effect of Tourist Overload to the Natural Scenic Spot;游客超载对自然景区的环境生态效应

2.A Study of Government Behaviors and Natural Scenic Spot s Sustainable Operation Model;政府行为与自然景区可持续经营模式研究

3.Evaluation and reasonable exploitation of the natural view resources scenic spot;风景区自然景观资源评价及合理开发

4.The Formative Factors & Causes ofthe Natural Scenery in Peach Blossom Valley of Mount Tai;泰山桃花峪景区自然景观构成要素及成因

5.Kanasi Integrated Nature Landscape Protect Region喀纳斯综合自然景观保护区

6.This area is famed for its natural beauty.这地区以其大自然的美景而著名。

7.The district abounds in scenic and natural wonders.这个地区有许多秀丽美景和自然奇观。

8.Study on Characteristics of the Natural Landscape Ecosystems in the Yellow River Beach;黄河滩区自然景观生态系统特征研究

9.Study on Landscape Diversity of Shoucheng Nature Reserve in Guangxi;广西寿城自然保护区景观多样性研究

10.Probing to Visitor Experience Management in Nature Tourist Attractions;自然旅游景区游客旅游体验管理初探

11.We stepped up protection of resources and the environment in nature reserves, scenic areas, historical sites and tourist attractions.加强自然保护区、风景名胜区和旅游景区的资源与环境保护。

12.The Study on Vegetation Landscape Ecology in Core Area of Pangquangou Nature Reserve;庞泉沟自然保护区核心区植被景观生态研究

parative study on community characteristics of Quercus phillyraerides A. Gray between scenic spot and nature reserve风景名胜区和自然保护区乌冈栎群落特征

14.RESEARCH ON CONTROLLABLE PLANNING OF NATURE LANDSCAPE--A Case Study of Shanliquan Landscape;自然风景区控制性规划初探——以山里泉旅游景区为例

15.the main characters are Buddhist culture and natural mountain landscape.五当召风景区属于小型风景区,其景观特点主要是佛教文化和山地自然景观。

16.Protection and Utilization of the Culture Heritage and Natural Landscape of the Louguan Area;楼观地区文化遗产与自然景观的保护与利用

17.Landscape Distribution Pattern of Giant Pandas in Taibai Mountain Nature Reserve;太白山自然保护区大熊猫景观分布格局研究

18.The Study on Various Forest Plant Community Landscape in Huangsang Nature Reserve;黄桑自然保护区多层次森林植物群落景观研究


natural scenic spot自然风景区

1.The advantages and disadvantages of growing family inns innatural scenic spot are analyzed and suggestions through the example of family inns of Nankunshan, Guangdong are presented, in order to attract attention from society for this new tendency.以广东南昆山省级自然风景区家庭旅馆的发展为例,着重分析了在自然风景区内发展家庭旅馆的优势和劣势,并提出建议,以期引起社会对这一新生事物的关注。

2.Thenatural scenic spot gathers the essence of natural touristic resources, and is the ideal place of traveling and recration for tourists.自然风景区荟萃了自然旅游资源的精华,是旅游者游憩的理想场所。

3)urban eco-resort城市自然景区

1.Suitability analysis of building plot in the planning ofurban eco-resort;城市自然景区建筑用地适宜性分析方法

4)nature scenic reserve自然风景保护区

5)Natural heritage places of interest自然遗产景区

6)physical landscape courist area自然风景旅游区




