1200字范文 > 排污许可 License of Discharging Pollutants英语短句 例句大全

排污许可 License of Discharging Pollutants英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-23 03:08:56


排污许可 License of Discharging Pollutants英语短句 例句大全

排污许可,License of Discharging Pollutants

1)License of Discharging Pollutants排污许可


1.Discharge Permit System by Region各地区排污许可证制度执行情况

2.Analysis of Price Manipulation in Emissions Trading by the Duopoly;寡头垄断企业操纵排污许可价格分析

3.Technical Route for Implementation of Air Pollutant Emission Permit system in Shenyang City沈阳市推行大气排污许可证制度的技术路线

4.240 cities had issued a total of 16,000 pollutant discharge licenses to 14,000 enterprises.发放排污许可证的城市有240个,企业1.4万家,发证1.6万份。

5.Study on Financial Effects of and Accounting Issues for Emission Rights Trading我国排污许可证交易财务影响及其相关会计问题研究

6.Abstract: The pollutant emission permit trading system as a market-based instrument should be based on a complete and efficient management system.作为市场化的管理工具,排污许可交易系统应建立在一个完善和有效的排污许可证管理体制基础上。

7.System of Tradable Emission Allowances In the U.S.A.--Both on Issues of Setting up this System in Our Country;美国可交易的排污许可制度——兼论在我国建立该制度面临的几个问题

8.The Accounting Recognition for the Tradable Emission Allowance;可交易污染物排放许可权的会计确认

9.Study on the Law Problems of Emission Administrative Permission System in China;我国排污行政许可制度的法律问题研究

10.A Comparative Study of the Water Pollutant Discharge Permit System between USA and China中美水污染物排放许可证制度比较分析

11.Legal Issue Research of our National Pollution Outlet Administration License System我国排污行政许可制度的法律问题探析

12.The Conformity of the Water Pollution-Discharge Permit System of the PRC---Based on the Administration Permit Law;我国水污染物排放许可证制度的整合——基于《行政许可法》的思考

13.Any discharges by point sources, except in compliance with the limitations imposed in a permit, were declared unlawful.特定污染源的任何排污,除了许可的之外,都被宣布为违法。


15.Drainage : rainwater and sewage are discharged swimmingly.排水:区内雨水、污水均可顺畅排放。

16.Personal, Nonexclusive Licenses个人和非排他性的许可

17.Each allowance is equivalent to one ton of emissions.一个许可排放量相当于1吨排放物。

18.Water Environmental Capacity and Maximal Permitted Discharge Amount for Sihe River泗河水环境容量及最大允许排污量计算


pollution discharge license排污许可证

1.The transaction ofpollution discharge licenses is an economic stimulating method based on market: The seller"s economical return from selling the rest valid term ofpollution discharge license is a kind of market compensation because it is helpful to reduce the environmental external diseconomics.要顺利实行排污权交易制度,必须建立起配套机制,如实施环境容量控制的排污许可证制度,排污指标商品化和价格化,排污权交易与其他防治污染的经济手段相结合。

2.On the basis of the study on the theory of pollution discharge transaction and the practical experience of America, this essay analyses the necessity and feasibility of its implement in our country and proposes the preliminary plan with the consideration of the existent problems in the total quantity control system and thepollution discharge license system.本文在研究了排污权交易基础理论和美国排污权交易实践经验的基础上,结合我国环境现状与环境管理中实施总量控制制度和排污许可证制度的存在问题,分析排污权交易在我国实施的必要性和可行性,尝试对该制度体系提出初步构想。

3)discharge permit排污许可证

1.Discharge permit system is one of current environmental management system, based on the overall analysis to the problem in implementation ofdischarge permit system, this paper descripted the concept ofdischarge permit system on permitted and illegal discharge, management conceive of "one permit" has been put forward to raise the level of monitoring ondischarge permit system.排污许可证制度是我国现行的环境管理制度之一,在时该项制度实施过程中存在问题进行全面分析的基础上,阐述了排污必须许可、无证排污即违法的排污许可证制度内涵。

4)Pollutant discharge permit排污许可证

1.The system of pollutant discharge permit in China aims at total quantity control of pollutant discharge, which neither lacks of legislation regulation nor exists conflict with other systems.我国目前实行的是主要以排污总量控制为目的的排污许可证制度,既缺乏立法的规范与支撑,又与其他制度之间存有冲突之处,未能满足加强污染物排放控制的需要,其实施效果不尽如人意,加强排污许可证立法,完善污染物排放控制具有十分重要的意义。

2.China establishes the system of pollutant discharge permit, taking the aim at total quantity control of pollutant discharge.我国目前的排污许可证制度不仅实行的是主要以排污总量控制为目的的排污许可证制度,而且,既缺乏立法的规范与支撑,尚未规范化、程序化、具体化,又与其他制度之间存有冲突之处,未能满足加强污染物排放控制的需要,其实施效果不尽如人意,加强排污许可证立法,完善污染物排放控制具有十分重要的意义。

5)Pollutant emission permit排污许可证

6)emission permits排污许可证

1.It concludes the transaction ofemission permits is the effective environment regulation,through the comparison of the effici.通过对现行政府征收排污税制度和实行排污许可证交易制度的效率比较,得出排污许可证交易是有效率的环境管控措施。


