1200字范文 > 会计责任 accounting responsibility英语短句 例句大全

会计责任 accounting responsibility英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-24 18:07:31


会计责任 accounting responsibility英语短句 例句大全

会计责任,accounting responsibility

1)accounting responsibility会计责任

1.Legal Regulations of Accounting Responsibility under Socialization Vision;社会化视野下的会计责任法律规制

2.The person in charge is specified as the number-one responsible for the accounting and hisaccounting responsibility and accounting legal responsibility are laid stress on in the new "Accounting Law".新《会计法》将单位负责人明确列为本单位会计工作的第一责任人,突出了单位负责人的会计责任和会计法律责任。


1.Audit responsibility Analysis Between Registered Accountants and Accountants;注册会计师审计责任与会计责任辨析

2.Responsibility and Social Responsibility of Enterprises and Responsibility of Accounting: Their Relation and Integration企业责任、企业社会责任、会计责任:关系和整合

3.Talk on the Accounting Responsibility and Accounting Legal Responsibility of the Person in Charge;浅谈单位负责人的会计责任和会计法律责任

4.How Distinguish Auditing Responsibility and Audited UntsAccounting Responsibility;审计责任与被审计单位会计责任的界定

5.Probe for the Reasons and Countermeasures of Confusing Accounting Liability with Audit Liability;会计责任与审计责任混同的原因与对策探讨

6.Discussion on the AccountingResponsibility and the performance of the Person in Charge of the Entity;试论单位负责人的会计责任及其履行

7.Brief Discussion on the Responsibilities of the People in Charge as the Main Body of Accounting Responsibility;浅谈单位负责人作为会计责任主体的职责

8.CPA s Negligence Liability: Joint and Several Liability or Proportional Liability;注册会计师的过失责任:连带责任抑或比例责任

9.Accounting Ethics and Responsibilities会计职业道德与责任

10.The Social Responsibility Accounting Formed the Impact to the Traditional Accounting Assumption;社会责任会计对传统会计假设的冲击

11.The Comparison between Social Liability Accounting andTraditional Enterprise Accounting;社会责任会计与传统企业会计的比较

12.Corporate Social Responsibility Accounting:Content,Objective and Measurement;企业社会责任会计:内涵、目标与计量

13.The Application of Balanced Scorecard in Social Responsibility Accounting;平衡计分卡在社会责任会计中的应用

14.The Social Status and Responsibilities of Certified Public Accountant in China我国注册会计师社会地位与社会责任

15.The Study to CPA Audit Law Duty of Our Country;我国注册会计师审计的法律责任研究

16.The CPS s Audit Responsibility to Error and Fraud;注册会计师对错误与舞弊的审计责任

17.The Study on the Accounting Information Discloser of Corporate Social Responsibility;我国企业社会责任会计信息披露研究

18.On Information Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility Accounting;企业社会责任会计信息披露问题研究



1.It is a general requirement to strengthen the government saccountability and build a high-efficiency,honest and clean government.人们普遍要求加强政府会计责任,建立高效廉洁的服务型政府。

2.Since the reform and open-up of China,along with the transition from the planned economy to the market economy,the concept ofaccountability has greatly transformed based on the historcal inheritance.会计责任问题是会计行为和会计职业发展中的一个核心问题。

3)account responsibility会计责任

1.We often mix up two concepts of audit responsibility andaccount responsibility.审计责任与会计责任是两个容易混淆的概念。

2.We often mix up two concepts of audit responsibility andaccount responsibility of registered accountants.注册会计师审计责任与会计责任是两个容易混淆的概念。

4)accounting duty会计责任

1.Study on the interrelationship between the need of calculability for economy development and modernaccounting duty;经济发展的“可计算性”要求与现代会计责任

5)accounting liability会计责任

1.The paper analyses the reasons and countermeasures of confusingaccounting liability and audit liability and brings forward feasibility countermeasures of definingaccounting liability and audit liability scientifically.会计责任与审计责任是一对紧密相联的概念 ,但由于目前两种责任界定还不清楚 ,常常使人们误以为二者可以混同 ,结果引起审计诉讼案件不断增多。

6)responsibility accounting责任会计

1.Research on the Development and Application of Responsibility Accounting in Market Economy;基于市场竞争环境下的责任会计的发展与应用研究

2.The Research on Activity--Based Responsibility Accounting under Advanced Manufacturing Environment;先进制造环境下基于作业的责任会计研究

3.Analysis of the internal control onresponsibility accounting perspective责任会计与内部控制的联系和结合


