1200字范文 > 受刑人 criminals英语短句 例句大全

受刑人 criminals英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-05 03:21:10


受刑人 criminals英语短句 例句大全



1.There is a debate on attribution of labor results right forcriminals in theory fields,and there are two main Legislation modes in foreign countries about attribution of labor results forcriminals,one is Singularity Legislation pattern,That is,all nationalized,which represents for Japan.对受刑人的劳动成果权归属理论界一直存在着争论,目前有关受刑人劳动成果的归属的立法,在国外主要有两种立法模式,一种是以日本为代表的一元化的立法方式,即全部收归国有,另一种是意大利、美国等国家,采用多元化的立法方式,受刑人的劳动成果按照一定的比例,在与受刑人有利害关系的人之间进行分配。

2.The various needs of thecriminals inmates,the state must meet its legal norms need,and recognize and protect the legal rights ofcriminals as the basis.受刑人是国家公民的一个不可分离的组成部分,保护监禁制度下的受刑人权利,是现代法治社会的重要表征。


1.Transition of the Notion of Prisoners" Treatment in Japan and Future Prospects日本受刑人处遇理念的变迁及今后的展望

2.Torture always dehumanizes both the torturer and his victim.严刑拷打往往使施刑者和受刑者都丧失人性.

3.No one shall be condemned to the death penalty, or executed.不论何人均不受死刑判决或受死刑执行。

4.say what sb"s punishment is to be;sentence sb(esp to death)宣告某人要受的惩罚;判某人刑(尤指死刑)

5.On the Criminal s Principal Status Defects and Supplement;论我国服刑人“受刑主体”地位之缺失与弥补

6.In the lips of him who has knowledge wisdom is seen; but a rod is ready for the back of him who is without sense.明哲人嘴里有智慧。无知人背上受刑杖。

7.Nearly one hundred of them were subsequently tried, convicted and imprisoned.其中近100人后来受到审讯、判刑和监禁。

8.a man of great wrath will have to take his punishment: for if you get him out of trouble you will have to do it again.暴怒的人,必受刑罚。你若救他,必须再救。

9.He didn"t give in to the enemy even under torture.即使身受酷刑,他也没向敌人屈服。

10.Report on Maltreatment and Torture of Prisoners in South Africa南非犯人遭受虐待和酷刑的报告

11.He was caught by the British and tortured?他落入英国人之手,受到严刑拷打。

12.Detainees are routinely subjected to severe beatings, torture and other ill-treatment.被监禁的人时时受到严刑苦打与凌虐。

13.The Research on Abolition of the Death Penalty for the Crime of Bribery and Corruption from the Human Rights Field of View;人权视域下贪污受贿罪死刑废止研究

14.To undergo execution in an electric chair.电刑在电椅上受极刑

15.among them five were sentenced to death and two went scot-free他们中间,5人被判处死刑,2人免受处罚。

16.When a mocker is punished, the simple gain wisdom; when a wise man is instructed, he gets knowledge.亵慢的人受刑罚,愚蒙的人就得智慧。智慧人受训诲,便得知识。

17.NIV] When a mocker is punished, the simple gain wisdom; when a wise man is instructed, he gets knowledge.[和合]9亵慢的人受刑罚,愚蒙的人就得智慧;智慧人受训诲,便得知识。

18.Still, advocates of the death penalty argue that abolishing capital punishment would hurt crime victims and their families.然而,死刑的拥护者们表示废除死刑可能伤害到刑事犯罪的受害者和他们的家人们。



1.In criminal law,the contents ofprisoners rights consist of substantive rights and procedural rights.受刑人权利体系的刑事法构建在内容上由实体权利与程序权利两部分构成,二者的设计与运行都应建立在权利与权力制衡的基础之上。

2.The protection of theprisoner s personal rights is the important content in the protection ofprisoner s rights.受刑人人格权的保护是受刑人权利保护的重要内容,受刑人人格权不因受刑而丧失或分离,是维护其独立人格的必备权利。

3)punished men"s rights受刑人权利

4)education of prisoner受刑人教育

5)The criminal is undergoing torture.犯人在受刑。

6)Prisoners" treatment受刑人处遇


