1200字范文 > 苏锡常都市圈 Suzhou英语短句 例句大全

苏锡常都市圈 Suzhou英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-07 16:34:54


苏锡常都市圈 Suzhou英语短句 例句大全



1.Study on the Spatial Relation ofSuzhou, Wuxi & Changzhou Metropolitan Area;苏锡常都市圈空间关系研究


1.Research on Urbanization in Suzhou Wuxi and Changzhou--The Dversion of the Urbanization Route in Southern Jiangsu;苏锡常都市圈——苏南城市化道路的路径转向

2.On unification of the metropolitan culture of Suzhou, Wuxi and Changzhou and tourism resources of the three cities苏锡常都市圈区域文化与旅游资源的整合研究

3.Problems and countermeasures in the construction of a Metropolitan circle composed of the cities of Su-ch ou,Wu-xi and Ch ang Ch ou.;苏锡常都市圈构建面临的问题和对策研究

4.A Comparative Study of the Utilizations of Direct Foreign Investment in the Urban Circle of Suzhou,Wuxi and Changzhou;苏锡常都市圈利用外商直接投资的对比研究

5.Ecology and Environment Priority:The Basic Viewpoint of Planningfor Suzhou, Wuxi & Changzhou Metropolitan Coordinating Region;生态环境优先:苏锡常都市圈的规划之本

6.The Feasibility of Developing Urban Mass Transit in Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou Metropolitan Region苏州无锡常州都市圈发展轨道交通的可行性

7.The Metropolitan Coordinating Region and its Planning: A Study of Jiangsu Province;都市圈与都市圈规划的初步探讨——以江苏都市圈规划实践为例

8.Discuss the Collectivity Planning Idea of Wuxi Urban Farm in Jangsu Province;江苏无锡都市农庄总体规划思路探讨

9.The Analysis of the character of the mass physical Activity in Nanjing,Suzhou,Wuxi,Changzhou etcCity;宁、苏、锡、常等城市群众体育活动特征分析

10.Taicang Port is adjacent to Shanghai and the most developed region of Jiangsu Province-Su Xi Chang area.太仓港毗邻上海市,背靠江苏省经济最发达的苏、锡、常地区。

11.Analysis on sustainable land use of urbanization in Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou Area;“苏锡常”城市化过程中土地资源持续利用问题研究

12.A Research on Physical Education and Health Curriculum Reform of Urban High Schools in Su Zhou WuXi ChangZhou苏州 无锡 常州城市普通高中体育与健康课改革研究

13.Research on the Comprehensive Competitiveness of Regional Listed Companies--Taking Suzhou,Wuxi,and Changzhou as Examples区域上市公司综合竞争力实证研究——以苏州、无锡、常州为例

14.Analysis of Driving Forces of Urban Land Expansion in Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou Region苏锡常地区1995年至城市用地扩展的驱动力分析

15.The Investigation and Research on Urban Public Space Quality of Suzhou, Wuxi and Changzhou;苏锡常城区公共空间品质调查与研究

16.On Cooperation between the Hi-tech Zones in the Region of Suzhou, Wuxi and Changzhou;论苏、锡、常经济技术开发区的协调发展

17.Main geological disasters and prevention measure in Su-Xi-Chang region苏锡常地区主要地质灾害及防治措施

18.The mechanism of land subsidence and its prevention measures in Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou area苏锡常地区地面沉降机理及防治措施


Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou Metropolitan Coordinating RegionPlanning苏锡常都市圈规划

3)Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou urban agglomeration苏锡常城市群

1.As an important urban agglomeration in the Yangtze River Delta,Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou urban agglomeration has the requirement and possibility to construct a network-city.苏锡常城市群是长江三角洲地区重要的城市群,存在建设网络城市的诉求和可能性。


5)Chengdu Metropolitan Area成都都市圈

6)metropolitan circle都市圈

1.Owing to the overexploitation of quarries in the rocky desertification region of themetropolitan circle,the ecological environment has been severely destroyed,which has a strong impact on the urban ecological environment and economic development.都市圈石漠化区域采石场往往由于过度开发且未采取有效的恢复措施,致使生态环境破坏严重,严重影响了都市圈的生态环境和经济发展。

2.A plan of constructing themetropolitan circle of Jinan and related conception,as an innovative pattern,was presented.本文从分析济南城市空间发展特征及存在问题入手,提出了走向区域的城市空间发展格局的创新模式———构建济南都市圈的发展设想,进而对作为都市圈核心发展区域的济南都市区空间结构进行了初步构想。

3.After explaining the origins of overseasmetropolitan circle research,the domesticmetropolitan circle s development is briefly summarized.阐释了国外都市圈研究的源起,简要总结了国内都市圈的发展,并在系统分析都市圈功能特征的基础上,认 为中心城市的培育、城市间功能的协调及区域规划与管治的加强是新世纪中国城市化健康发展的重要保障。


广佛都市圈[英]guangzhou - foshan metropolis circle狭义的广佛都市圈范围较小,即广州与佛山相隔的地方,指南海区的黄岐、盐步、大沥、桂城、平洲、罗村这些地方,这些地方位置两个城区之间,得天独厚,经济发展水平高。广义的是:广州市、佛山市、整个南海区、顺德区,三水区.
