1200字范文 > 环境经济风险 environmental economic risk英语短句 例句大全

环境经济风险 environmental economic risk英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-17 07:47:14


环境经济风险 environmental economic risk英语短句 例句大全

环境经济风险,environmental economic risk

1)environmental economic risk环境经济风险


1.Study on the Environmental and Economic Risk Assessment of Coal-based DME煤基二甲醚(DME)的环境经济风险分析

2.Study on the Economic Method to Determine the Acceptable Level of Environmental Risk环境风险可接受水平的经济确定法方法探讨

3.Ruin Probability for Risk Model in Stochastic Economic Environment;随机经济环境下的风险模型的破产概率

4.Analysis of China s Venture lnvestment Environment and Measures on the Background of Network economic;网络经济背景下中国风险投资环境及对策分析

5.Risk Model of the Distribution in Ruin Time Under a Stochasticeconomic Environment随机经济环境下风险模型破产时的分布

6.On multi-grade fuzzy evaluation of economic loss risk in road engineering environment公路工程环境经济损失风险多级变权模糊评价

work purchasing risk evaluation for a company under economic globalization environment经济全球化环境下的企业网络采购风险评价

8.Risk Model Under a Stochastic Economic Environment一类随机经济环境下风险模型的破产概率

9.The smaller the difference of the quantity between low and high enterprise-wide risk firms, the more advantage the universal banks will take in this kind of economic environment.随著低事业风险与高事业风险厂商数量差距缩小,经济环境愈有利于综合银行的经营。

10.Risk and Defense of a Internal Audit under a New Economical Environment;新经济环境下内部审计风险形成的主客观因素及防范

11.The Relation between Bank Risk and Credit Market Conditions: An Analysis Based on Business Cycles and Its Practical Significance;银行风险和信贷环境的关系:基于经济周期的分析及其现实意义


13.Risk and Economic Evaluation of Wood Biomass Power Generation with Consideration on Environmental Costs考虑环境成本的林木质发电项目风险与经济性评价

14.Environmental Risk Analysis for Three Pharmaceuticals in the Effluent from Sewage Treatment in Dalian Economic Development Zone大连经济开发区污水处理中3种医药品的环境风险分析

15.In View of Experience American to PerfectEnvironment of Venture Capital in China;借鉴美国经验优化中国风险投资环境

16.The Wall Street Financial Crisis and China s External Economic Environment;华尔街金融风暴与我国外部经济环境

17.To Construct Environmental Liability Insurance for Circular Economy in China循环经济背景下我国环境责任保险体系的构建

18.Risk Evaluation of Business Predicament Based on Macroeconomic Indicators;基于宏观经济因素的公司经营困境风险评价


economic risk经济风险

1.Fuzzy analysis method foreconomic risk of water resources and hydropower projects;水利水电项目经济风险的模糊分析方法

2.On theeconomic risk of technology innovation project of enterprise;企业技术创新项目的经济风险研究

3.Through the researched of the diseaseeconomic risk,the special crowd diseaseeconomic risk,and the relatively disease risk of the overrun poverty line family,the article shows that the diseaseeconomic risk of the lower earning peasants is 3.通过对疾病家庭的疾病经济风险、特定人群疾病经济风险、超过致贫线住院家庭相对疾病经济风险的分析显示低收入农民疾病经济风险是高收入家庭的3。

3)economical risk经济风险

1.Arguing with the constitution ofeconomical risk of hospitalization,This paper emphasized on the indexes which should be effective in comparingeconomical risk of hospitalization.就医经济风险确定时至少要考虑3方面的因素:①发生疾病;②因疾病发生就医费用;③因就医费用蒙受经济损失。

2.The problem of how to assess slope stability with the reliability index can be overcome througheconomical risk analysis of slope based on reliability analysis.以边坡的可靠性分析为基础 ,从经济风险分析的角度出发解决了运用可靠性指标对边坡进行评价的问题 ,并在边坡静态经济风险分析的基础上提出动态经济风险分析的方法和步骤 。

3.Based on the understanding of economical crisis, this paper gives a brief analysis after referring to the predominance among protectingeconomical risk and economical crisis.本文首先从对经济危机的认识说起,进而指出了社会主义国家在预防经济风险和危机方面具备优势并做了简要的分析,但我国仍然需要提高警惕,发挥优势,确保健康稳定可持续发展,通过对在我们社会主义经济运行中引起经济危机的宏观经济表现就是通货紧缩和通货膨胀现象的深入分析,做到未雨绸缪,谨防通货紧缩和通货膨胀,避免发生经济危机。

4)economy risk经济风险

5)economic risks经济风险

1.An Analysis of the Economic Risks of EXPO Shanghai——Lessons from EXPO 2000 Hannover Germany;上海世博会经济风险分析——兼论德国2000年汉诺威世博会

2.A Hospital President Should Be Good at Solving Economic Risks院长要善于化解经济风险

3.This paper discusseseconomic risks of urban rail transit under PPP-financing mode,and then analyzes urban rail transit project s main risk causes.首先探讨PPP融资模式下城市轨道交通存在的经济风险,之后对城市轨道交通项目的主要经济风险成因进行了分析,在此基础上提出了规避经济风险的主要措施。

6)environmental risk环境风险

1.Simulation ofenvironmental risk accident of high sulfur-content gas pipeline in complex terrain.;复杂地形高含硫输气管道环境风险事故模拟

2.Heavy metals accumulation in river sediments of Chongming Island, Shanghai City, and itsenvironmental risk;上海市崇明岛城镇河流沉积物重金属累积与环境风险

3.Optimization of regionalenvironmental risk control level in industrial parks;工业园区环境风险管理研究


