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色泽 color英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-19 17:51:36


色泽 color英语短句 例句大全



1.Predictive study on thecolor of naturallycolored cotton/cotton blended yarn;天然彩色棉/白棉混纺纱线色泽的预测

2.Effect of electroplating process oncolor of Ni-W decorative deposits alternative to chromium;电镀工艺对Ni-W装饰性代铬镀层色泽的影响

3.Discussion about how to improve thecolor of chlorinated paraffin-70 by aqueous-phase method;关于改善水相法氯化石蜡-70产品色泽的探讨


1."se ze", referring to color and luster.韩佳:“色泽”就是指颜色和光泽。

2.lustrous, soft and antiskid色泽光洁,柔软防滑

3.And all that"s best of dark and bright明与暗的最美妙的色泽

4.Woven flax handicrafts of a natural color and genuine luster make your rooms much Brighter.麻编工艺品,自然色泽,色泽自然,为您居室添光彩。

5.Genetic Analysis of Pericarp Color of Rice and Preliminary Research on Influence Mechanism of Pericarp Color on Yield Characters有色稻果皮色泽遗传分析及色泽对产量性状影响机理初探

6.The charming lipstick with genuine luster adds color to you.迷你口红,色泽自然,为您增色。

7.A shade of a color, especially a pale or delicate variation.色调一种色泽,尤指苍白或细微的变化

8.Study on the Decoloration of Heavy Colorily BBP高色泽邻苯二甲酸丁苄酯的脱色研究

9.colour difference色差(指肉眼可识别的色泽差异),色光不符

10.Potatoes darken in color as they are fried and we judge the endpoint of frying by color.油炸时土豆色泽变暗,所以我们就根据色泽来判断油炸终点。

11.The best quality is silk, of course, and it comes mainly in pastel colours, with various shades of white, ivory and cream, and has a lovely pearly sheen.当然,丝绸的质量是最上层的,色泽柔和,或白色、象牙色或者奶油色,具有珍珠般光泽。

12.Now her hair has taken on a healthy shine.现在她的头发呈现健康的色泽。

13.The color of an object can be precisely defined in terms of numerical values of these three components.物体的色泽可通过三者来精确表示。

14.The intimacy of the room was enhanced by its warm colours.房间温暖的色泽更增加它的舒适感。

15.The colours mellowed as the sun went down.随着太阳的落去,色泽变得柔和了。

16.The douBle-layer cup for cooling drink is Bright and translucent in appearance.双层夹水冷饮杯,外观色泽透明。

17.Good wine limpid in color is very attractive.色泽清澈的美酒,十分诱人。

18.Pie crust should be crisp and golden brown.馅饼的皮应该松脆,色泽金黄。



1.Influences of processing technologies on flavonoid content and colour of pine-needles beverage;不同工艺条件对松针饮料黄酮类化合物含量和色泽的影响

parison of the colour of neutralized-bleached tallow with that of direct bleached tallow;进口牛羊油的碱炼-脱色与直接脱色色泽的比较

3.Application of automatic Lovbind tintometer in the determination of oil colour;罗维朋自动比色计在油脂色泽测定中的应用

3)color and luster色泽

1.The control of itscolor and luster,its taste and so on are mainly studied.对软包装调味笋加工的色泽和口感进行研究。

2.The applications show that the phosphating film has evencolor and luster, good corrosion resistance and adhesion.应用表明,膜层色泽均匀,耐磨性和附着力好。

3.The result present that de enzyming by steam,Suitable heavy lose water for fresh tea and the appropriafe low temperatare with long time in roller de enzyming are good forcolor and luster of the green tea.对杀青工艺进行单因素试验分析 ,从叶绿素含量及比值结合其在制品和成品茶的感观审评等方面出发 ,分析了杀青工艺对绿茶色泽的影响。

4)color and lustre色泽

1.Image processing algorithm of OSTU and area labeling were applied to 48 rambutan images in order to remove the images of background and stem,and the texture features ofcolor and lustre were extracted.应用计算机视觉研究了红毛丹外观色泽品质的分级检测技术。

2.Effects of exogenous GA3 (100 mg/ L) treatment on changes of endogenous hormone, chlorophyll, carotenoid content in peel of citrus fruit were investigated and their possible connections with changes incolor and lustre of citrus fruit were also examined.研究外源GA3处理对柑橘“红柿柑”果皮内源激素、叶绿素、类胡萝卜素含量变化的影响,并探讨其与色泽变化的关系。

5)colour and lustre色泽

1.In this paper,the effect of the reactant P2O5 on thecolour and lustre, ratio of the mono-ester to bi-ester and the content of phosphoric acid was studied.本文从反应原料五氧化二磷入手,详细介绍了其对产品的色泽、磷酸及单/双酯的含量的影响。


1.Process for producing high-purity triethanolamine having excellenthue;高纯度三乙醇胺的色泽控制


