1200字范文 > 著作权意识 conciousness of copyright英语短句 例句大全

著作权意识 conciousness of copyright英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-24 19:20:51


著作权意识 conciousness of copyright英语短句 例句大全

著作权意识,conciousness of copyright

1)conciousness of copyright著作权意识

1.it enumerates and analyses the main appearances and reasons which editors of journal in university are short of theconciousness of copyright ,and presents its improving measures.列举并分析了高校学报编辑著作权意识淡薄的主要表现及其原因 ,提出了增强学报编辑著作权意识的强化措施。


1.The author renews consciousness of copyright is very important in library services.重申了著作权意识对图书馆的重要性。

2.On Reinforcement of Editorial Consciousness of Copyright;试论高校学报编辑著作权意识的强化

3.Study Copyright Law and Strengthen PowerKnowledy Protect Consciousness;学习著作权法 强化知识产权保护意识

4.Seeing the law awareness of author and publisher from a copyright dispute case从一起著作权纠纷案看作者出版者的法律意识

5.Author s and Editor s Sense of Copyright Protection;期刊作者与编辑应增强著作权保护意识

6.The Institutions of Restriction to the Copyrights in Chinese Copyright Act试论我国知识产权权利的限制——以著作权为视角

7.Some Opinions on Network Copyright Infringement and Network Copyright Protection;对网络作品著作权的侵权与保护的几点认识

8."Work" means the copyrightable work of authorship offered under the terms of this License."本著作"意指在本合约之条款下所提供可受著作权保护之著作。

9.Digital Library and Copyright Protection;数字图书馆与著作权人的知识产权保护

10.Protection on Database Intellectual Property in Law of Copyright;试论《著作权法》对数据库的知识产权保护

11.Analysis on the Economical Significance of < the Regulations of Collective Management for the Copyright> on the Use of the Copyright by the Library;《著作权集体管理条例》对图书馆使用著作权的经济意义分析

12.Three Understanding Errors of News Report Copyright;浅谈新闻作品著作权问题的三个认识误区

13.The ownership of collections of works copyright and editors duty to examine works;汇编作品著作权归属与编辑的合理注意义务

14.On the Problem of Periodical Editor and Copyright;期刊编辑在工作中应注意的著作权问题

15.Application of Literature and Art in the Teaching of Copyright Law;文学、艺术知识在著作权法教学中的运用

16.The Copyright Protection in the Digitalization of Intellectual Information;网络图书馆知识信息数字化中的著作权保护

17.Probe into the Copyright Problem in the Course of the Digital Knowledge Information;知识信息数字化过程中的著作权问题探讨

18.Recongnition of the Copyright of Basic National Topographic Maps;国家基本比例尺地形图著作权问题的再认识


awareness of intellectual property rights著作权法意识

3)The sense of Persistence执著意识


1.A Ponder on Issues Relevant to Copyright Collective Management System;著作权集体管理制度若干问题的研究

2.Look at the question of co-authorscopyright from the writers who put on their articles on the college paper;从学报载文作者看合作作者的著作权问题

3.The Problems of Copyright That the Library Will Face Under the Environment of Network;网络环境下图书馆面临的著作权问题


1.Note: The Institutions of Restriction to the Copyrights in Chinese Copyright Act;试论我国著作权法中的权利限制制度

2.A Study on the Verification of Computer Software Copyrights Infringement, and Related Damages and Compensation Issues;论计算机软件著作权侵权的认定及其损害赔偿问题

3.Meanwhile,it is detrimental to the traditional copyright industry,which poses new challenges to the legal protection ofcopyrights.互联网信息共享为公众分享知识产品提供了极大的便利,但也对传统的版权产业造成了极大的冲击,同时对著作权法律保护提出了新的挑战。

6)copyright law著作权法

1.The quote of works protected by"copyright law"should be listed in reference;引用受《著作权法》保护的作品应列入参考文献

2.A Copyright Law Analysis of Manuscript Multi-submission;一稿多投的著作权法分析

3.The Discussion on Copyright Law and Digital Library Construction;浅论著作权法与数字图书馆建设


