1200字范文 > 科技中介服务 sci-tech intermediate service英语短句 例句大全

科技中介服务 sci-tech intermediate service英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-11 17:25:23


科技中介服务 sci-tech intermediate service英语短句 例句大全

科技中介服务,sci-tech intermediate service

1)sci-tech intermediate service科技中介服务

1.At present thesci-tech intermediate service system hasn t been truly established in most of the minor cities of China,and the contribution of thesci-tech intermediate service for the economic development hasn t been externalized.目前我国大部分中小城市科技中介服务体系没有真正建立起来,科技中介服务对经济发展的贡献没有体现出来,因此我们要充分认识科技中介服务产业化的意义,加速科技中介服务产业化的发展,以促进经济稳步、健康、持续发展。


1.Systems Analysis of Shanghai Science and Technology Intermediaries Service System;上海市科技中介服务体系的系统分析

2.Study on the Development of Science-technology Mediaservice System in Xinjiang Bingtuan;新疆兵团科技中介服务体系发展研究

3.Founding Science & Technology Intermediary Service Management Systom of Jiangxi Provincial;江西省科技中介服务管理体系的建立

4.Factors Restricting the Development of Intermediary Service to Science and Technology in China;制约我国科技中介服务体系建设因素

5.Countermeasure for developing the sci-tech intermediating organizations in shandong province;山东省科技中介服务机构的发展对策

6.Research and envaluation on science and technology agencies in Heilongjiang province;黑龙江省科技中介服务机构评价研究

7.Thoughts and Countermeasures on the Construction of Agricultural Science and Technology Agency Service System in China;论我国农业科技中介服务体系的建设

8.A Study on Management and Operation of Service Platform of Scientific and Technological Intermediary in China我国科技中介服务平台管理运行探析

9.Develope Scientific and Technologicsal Intermediary to Improve the Technological Innovation of Small and Medium Size Enterprises;发展科技中介服务促进中小企业技术创新

10.Considerations about Promoting the Industrialization of Minor Cities Sci-tech Intermediate Service;推动中小城市科技中介服务产业化的思考

11.Analysis on the System-produced Obstacles in the Construction of Chinese Sci-tech Intermediate Service System;我国科技中介服务体系建设中的制度障碍分析

12.The Countermeasure of Developing Wuhan City Science & Technology Intermediate Instilution;武汉市科技中介服务机构发展对策研究

13.Research on Comparison and Implication of Intermediary Service Organization of Science and Technology at Home and Abroad;国内外科技中介服务机构的比较与启示

14.Study on Functions Orientation and Development Strategy for Science and Technology Intermediary of China;论我国科技中介服务业的功能定位与发展策略

15.Present situation & developing strategy of scientific and technological intermediary service system in Zhejiang province;浙江省科技中介服务体系的现状和发展思路

16.Actuality and Construtions of Developmental Environment for Intermediary Service in Huhan;湖南科技中介服务体系现状与发展环境建设

17.Synthetic Evaluation on the Construction Level of Liaoning Sci-tech Intermediate Service System;辽宁科技中介服务机构建设水平综合评述

18.On the Experience and Revelation of the Scientific & Technological Intermediary Service System in the U.S.A.;美国构建科技中介服务体系的经验及启示


science and technology intermediate service industry科技中介服务业

1.Based on the development status, the paper analyzed the main problems that Jiangsuscience and technology intermediate service industry faced.科技中介服务业的发展是提升区域科技创新能力的关键之一。

3)Scientific and technical service agency科技服务中介

1.Scientific and technical service agency at economy, highly integrated trend new-type economy that produce service the activity science and technology.科技服务中介是应经济、科技高度一体化的趋势而产生的新型经济服务活动。

4)sci-tech intermediating organization科技中介服务机构

1.Countermeasure for developing thesci-tech intermediating organizations in shandong province;山东省科技中介服务机构的发展对策

5)scientific and technological intermediary service system科技中介服务体系

1.As the important part of the innovative system, Scientific and technological intermediary service system provides important support service in innovative activity.科技中介服务体系作为创新体系的重要组成部分,为创新活动提供重要的支撑性服务,能有效降低创新创业风险、加速科技成果产业化,对于提高国家和区域创新能力,促进产业结构优化升级和经济的健康发展,具有十分重要的意义。

6)intermediary technological service中介技术服务

1.Briefly introducing that , as aintermediary technological service organ,elect ric product testing unit should struggle for the existence and development facin g the challentes and chances of WTO entry.文章简述了作为“中介技术服务机构”的电子产品检测单位 ,如何面对“入世”带来的机遇与挑战 ,在激烈的市场竞争中得到生存与发


